Web resource collections security constraint properties

A Web resource collection defines a set of URL patterns or resources and HTTP methods belonging to the resource, which define the security constraints for a Web component.

Access this page by traversing the following path in the Application Assembly Tool:

Web Modules > component_instance  

HTTP methods handle HTTP-based requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. A URL pattern is a partial Uniform Resource Locator that acts as a template for matching the pattern with existing full URLs in an attempt to find a valid file.

Web resource name
Specifies the name of a Web resource collection.
Data type String
Web resource description
Contains a description of the Web resource collection.
HTTP methods
Specifies the HTTP methods to which the security constraints apply. If no HTTP methods are specified, then the security constraint applies to all HTTP methods. The valid values are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE.
Data type String
URL pattern
Specifies URL patterns for resources in a Webapp. All requests that contain a request path that matches the URL pattern are subject to the security constraint.
Data type String