CSIv2 and SAS client configuration
A secure Java client requires configuration properties to determine how to perform security with a server. These configuration properties are typically put into a properties file somewhere on the client machine and referenced by specifying the following system property on the command line of the Java client: -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL=file:/C:/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/sas.client.props.
Note: The syntax of this property takes a valid URL with a protocol of type file. The following link will provide the URL syntax diagram.
When this file is processed by the ORB, security can be enabled between the Java client and the target server. If there are any syntax problems with the ConfigURL property and the sas.client.props file is not found, the Java client will proceed to connect insecurely. Errors should be printed out indicating the failure to read the ConfigURL. Typically the problem is related to having two slashes after file, which is invalid.
The following properties are used to configure the SAS and CSIv2 authentication protocols:
- CSIv2 and SAS Authentication Protocol Common Properties
- CSIv2 Authentication Protocol client settings
- SAS Authentication Protocol client settings