Verify archive files
Verify your archive files and correct any problems so that generation of deployment code is successful. During verification, the Application Assembly Tool (AAT) checks that an archive file is complete, and that deployment descriptor properties and references contain appropriate values.
This task assumes you have previously assembled and saved one or more modules.
Steps for this task
- Start the Application Assembly Tool (AAT).
- Click File > Open and select the module to verify.
- Right-click the name of the module at the top of the navigation pane and click Verify.
- Click Verify in the Verify window. The tool displays a scrolling window for viewing status messages as the verification proceeds.
- Save the application.
Archive files have been verified. The following list includes, but is not limited to, areas that the verification process has checked:
- Required deployment properties contain values.
- Values specified for environment entries match their associated Java types.
- In both Enterprise application (EAR) and Webapp (WAR) files:
- The target enterprise bean of the link exists for EJB references.
- The target role exists for security role references.
- Security roles are unique.
- Each module listed in the deployment descriptor exists in the archive for EAR files.
- Files for icons, servlets, error and welcome pages listed in the deployment descriptor have corresponding files in the archive for WAR files.
- For EJB modules:
- All class files referenced in the deployment descriptor exist in the JAR file.
- Method signatures for enterprise bean home, remote and implementation classes are compliant with the EJB 2.0 specification.
What to do next
If your application module contains EJB modules, generate code for deployment.Otherwise, you are ready to deploy this application module (or standalone Web module) onto the application server.