Develop your own monitoring applications with Performance Monitoring Infrastructure servlet
The performance servlet uses the Performance Monitor Interface (PMI) infrastructure to retrieve the performance information from WebSphere Application Server. This is the same infrastructure used by the Tivoli Performance Viewer and is subject to the same restrictions on the availability of data as the performance viewer.
The performance servlet .ear file perfServletApp.ear is located in the $WAS_HOME directory. The performance servlet is deployed exactly as any other servlet. To use it, follow these steps...
- Deploy the servlet on a single appserver instance within the domain.
- After the servlet deploys, you can invoke it to retrieve performance data for the entire domain.Invoke the performance servlet by accessing the following default URL
The performance servlet provides performance data output as an XML document, as described by the provided document type definition (DTD). The output structure provided is called leaves. The paths that lead to the leaves provide the context of the data. See the topic "Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) servlet" for more information about the PMI servlet output.
See Also
PMI servlet