Troubleshoot command-line tools for Web services based on Web Services for J2EE
This topic discusses troubleshooting command-line tools for Web services that are developed and implemented based on the Web Services for J2EE specification.
WSDL2Java command-line tool
Emitter failure error occurs when running the WSDL2Java command on a WSDL document containing a JMS-style endpoint URL
If you run the WSDL2Java command-line tool on a WSDL document that contains a JMS-style endpoint URL , for example jms:/..., the urlprotocols.jar file that contains the custom protocol handler for the JMS protocol must be in the CLASSPATH. The error WSWS3099E... Error: Emitter failure. Invalid endpoint address in port <x> in service <y>: <jms-url-string> can be avoided by making sure the urlprotocols.jar file is in the CLASSPATH.
To add the urlprotocols.jar file to the CLASSPATH...
On Windows platforms, edit the $WAS_HOME\bin\setupCmdLine.bat and locate the line which sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable. Add %$WAS_HOME%\lib\urlprotocols.jar to the end of the line that sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable.
On UNIX platforms, edit the $WAS_HOME/bin/ file and add $$WAS_HOME/lib/urlprotocols.jar to the end of the line that sets the WAS_CLASSPATH environment variable.
Make sure to use the proper deliminator character for your platform, for example, use a semi-colon (;) for Windows platforms and a colon (:) for UNIX platforms.
See Also
Troubleshooting Web services based on Web Services for J2EE