Single signon settings


To configure single signon...

administrative console | Security | Authentication Mechanisms | LTPA | Single Signon (SSO)


Configuration tab

Requires SSL Specifies that the single signon function is enabled only when requests are made over HTTPS SSL connections.

Data type... Boolean
Default... Disable
Range... Enable or Disable

Domain Name Specifies the domain name (, for example) for all single signon hosts.

If no value is specified, the Web browser of the user defaults to the value of the host name where the web application (.war) is running. This default restricts the HTTP cookie (generated for SSO purposes) only to the originating host.

Restricting the HTTP cookie can be undesirable if there is more than one host is participating in the SSO domain. Leaving the domain name attribute empty is only desirable if multiple virtual hosts with different domain names are running on the same physical host. With this field empty, your Web browser can default the domain name to each different virtual host. If a domain name is explicitly specified in this field, then that value is used for all of the virtual hosts and restricts them to a single domain, which can be undesirable in some situations.

If a domain name is explicitly specified, then all of the Web pages used to access protected Web resources contain the server DNS host name. For example, after global security is configured for LTPA and an explicit SSO domain name is specified, then the administrative console is accessible with the following Web address:


where hostname is replaced with your server DNS host name.

Data type... String

Enabled Specifies that the single signon function is enabled.

Webapplications that use J2EE FormLogin style login pages (such as the WAS console) require SSO enablement. Only disable SSO for certain advanced configurations where LTPA SSO-type cookies are not required.

Data type... Boolean
Default... Enabled
Range... Enabled or Disabled