Running your new monitoring applications
- Obtain the pmi.jar and pmiclient.jar files. The pmi.jar and pmiclient.jar files are required for client applications using PMI client APIs. The pmi.jar and pmiclient.jar files are distributed with WAS and are also a part of WebSphere Java thin client package. You can get it from either a WebSphere Application Server installation or WebSphere Java Thin Application Client installation. You also need the other JAR files in WebSphere Java Thin Application Client installation in order to run a PMI application.
- Use PMI client API to write your own application.
- Compile the newly written PMI application and place it on the classpath.
- Run the application with the following script
call "%~dp0setupCmdLine.bat" set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\properties set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\pmi.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\pmiclient.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ras.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\admin.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\wasjmx.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\soap.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\soap-sec.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\nls.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\wsexception.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ws-config-common.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\namingclient.jar %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java "%CLIENTSOAP%" "%CLIENTSAS%" "-Dws.ext.dirs=%WAS_EXT_DIRS%" %DEBUGOPTS% -classpath "%WAS_CP%" host name [port] [connectorType]
See Also
Thin application clients
PMI client package