Publishing WSDL files with the administrative console

When publishing WSDL files with the administrative console, you can specify default or custom HTTP URL prefixes. You can also specify a JMS URL prefix. To publish a WSDL file with the administrative console...

  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. Click Applications> Enterprise Applications > application. Under Additional Properties, click Publish WSDL which brings you to the Publish WSDL files for Web Services panel.

  3. Specify the default URL prefixes for the Web service.

    1. Select HTTP URL prefix.

    2. Select an entry from the drop down list.If you have multiple application modules, select the application module's checkbox on the module table.

    3. Click Apply.The URL prefix is copied to the selected module HTTP URL prefix field.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Click the exported WSDL_zip_file listed on the Export WSDL Zip file panel.

    6. Download the zip file.Follow your browser's instructions to download the zip file.

  4. Specify custom URL prefixes for the Web service.

    1. Select Custom HTTP URL prefix.

    2. Type the name of the URL prefix in the Custom HTTP URL prefix field. The entry must be of the form http|https://<host_name>:<port_number>. For example


      If you have multiple application modules, select the application module's checkbox on the module table.

    3. Click Apply.The URL prefix is copied to the selected module HTTP URL prefix field.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Click the exported WSDL_zip_file listed on the Export WSDL Zip file panel.

    6. Download the zip file.Follow your browser's instructions to download the zip file.

  5. Specify a JMS URL prefix.

    1. Select the application module.

    2. Type the JMS URL prefix into the JMS URL prefix field. The entry must be of the form: jms:/[queue|topic]?destination=<queue or topic_jndi_name>&connectionFactory=<connection_factory_jndi_name>. For example


    3. Click OK.

    4. Click the exported WSDL_zip_file listed on the Export WSDL Zip file panel.

    5. Download the zip file.Follow your browser's instructions to download the zip file.


See Also

Developing a WSDL file
Deploying Web services based on Web Services for J2EE
Publishing WSDL files
Publishing WSDL files using