IBM WebSphere Application Server, V 5.1.1 Release Notes
This document contains the Release Notes for IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.1.1. For the very latest updates, view the English online version of the Release Notes.
Documentation for V5.1.1
For the latest information on installing and using the product, see the online information center
For convenience, the product CD-ROM contains an English "Getting started" PDF file containing an overview and installation instructions.
For additional installation instructions, including fix pack details, visit the Support Web site:
WebSphere Application Server Support page
To review, download, and install any recommended or mandatory interim fixes, visit the WebSphere Application Server Support page.
From the main page, click All code fixes and support tools in the Software downloads section. This takes you to the page to search for a specific download package.
What Is New in V5.1.1
WebSphere Application Server, V5.1.1 provides prerequisite upgrades for the following features:
- Support of AIX 5.2 dynamic logical partitions
- Support of the Mozilla 1.x browser for use with administrative and Samples applications
- Support of the client application for a Linux PowerPC platform on WebSphere Application Server for iSeries
- Support of Java Development Kit 1.4.2 for IBM Software Development Kit-based offerings
- Support of caching Web services requests
- Support of Enterprise Workload Management (eWLM) and Application Response Measurement (ARM)
- Support of connection pool purging through the purgePoolContents operation on the DataSource MBean
- Support of the AIX 5.3 operating system. Install the mandatory APAR IY58143 fix pack for AIX 5.3, and download the run-time code as a fix from the AIX Fix Central site.
- Support of the SLES 9 operating system
- Support of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.3 operating system
Table of contents
- Installation and uninstallation release notes
Platform-specific resolutions to aberrations encountered by users when installing and uninstalling various WebSphere Application Server components and fix packs to upgrade their environments
- Interoperability release notes
Documents problems and workarounds for using this version and edition of WebSphere Application Server with other versions and editions of the product and its related specifications.
- Samples release notes
Contains tips on using the Sample applications provided with WebSphere Application Server.
- National Language Vissues and limitations Recommendations for working through problems encountered with supported national language versions of WebSphere Application Server.
- Object request brokers release notes
Documents problems and workarounds for configuring the object request broker (ORB) used by WebSphere Application Server.
- HTTP server release notes
General and platform-specific recommendations to ensure correct functioning of IBM HTTP Server in your WebSphere Application Server environment.
- Application services release notes
Tips for successfully using specific application services in your environment.
- EJB modules release notes
Information relevant to the development and deployment of both enterprise beans and stand-alone EJB applications.
- Web modules release notes
Documents problems and workarounds for working with servlets, JSP files, and other components contained in Web applications.
- Web services release notes
Recommendations for handling problems that other users have encountered with Web services gateway and the UDDI registry, as well as tips for successful implementation of Web services.
- Assembly tools release notes
Documents problems and workarounds for using the assembly tools to package your applications and configure deployment descriptors.
- Deployment release notes
Documents problems and workarounds for deploying your applications onto appservers.
- Messaging and Extended messaging release notes
General and platform-specific tips for ensuring that Java messaging functions properly for your applications; these notes include information on WebSphere MQ and the JMS API.
- Data access release notes
Recommendations for administrative and run-time problems encountered by users of specific database products in the WebSphere Application Server environment.
- Security release notes
Latest information on implementing security for applications deployed on WebSphere Application Server and for securing Web services.
- Administrative console release notes
General and browser-specific recommendations for console problems encountered by other users.
- Scripting release notes
Tips for running administrative scripts with the wsadmin tool.
- Administrative data and Server configuration files release notes
Tips on managing configuration data and files.
- Performance data and tools release notes
Tips for optimal use of the tools, and for responding to specific messages you might encounter when using them.
Installation and uninstallation release notes
Before installing WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
Download the current installation instructions PDF to replace the one on the product CD-ROM. The PDF on the CD-ROM is back level. The PDF that you can download is current, with important information about installing the product on each product platform.
Examine the list of recommended interim fixes on the Support site for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.1.1. Install all of the interim fixes if possible.
Interoperability release notes
For the latest information on interoperability, see the current Getting Started PDF for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.1.1 from the Web site.
Samples release notes
- Changing the 9080 default port between the Plants by WebSphere and the Supplier Samples
- Changing the 9080 default port of the Web services Samples
- Adding the -installdir $(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)/$(CELL) parameter when installing Samples that require database access
- Passwords are not compared when creating a new account in Pet Store Sample
- Add to cart resets the quantity of an item to one in Pet Store Sample
- Pet Store pages do not show animal pictures or details when HTTP transport is reconfigured to use a port other than 9080
- Forceful repopulating of Pet Store database fails
Changing the 9080 default port between the Plants by WebSphere and the Supplier Samples
Problem The Web service function between the Plants by WebSphere and Supplier Samples requires these Samples to run on port 9080. Recommended response If you want to change the port, or the host name, or both, perform one of the following steps: Perform the following steps to modify the Plants by WebSphere and Supplier Samples properties files and restart the applications:
- To change the port, or the host name, or both of the Web services of the Plants by WebSphere Sample, perform the following steps:
- Edit the file under the samples/properties directory.
- Find the line that begins with #portaddress=http://localhost:9080,
where localhost is the host name and 9080 is the Web services port of the Plants by WebSphere Sample.
- Change the port to 9085: portaddress=http://localhost:9085.
- Restart the application.
- To change the port, or the host name, or both of the Web services of the Supplier Sample, perform the following steps:
- Edit the file under the samples/properties directory.
- Find the line that begins with #portaddress=http://localhost:9080,
where localhost is the host name and 9080 is the Web services port of the Supplier Sample.
- Change the port to 9085: portaddress=http://localhost:9085
- Restart the application.
Perform the following steps to rebuild and reinstall the PlantsByWebSphere.ear and Supplier.ear files with different host names, or port configurations, or both:
- To change the port, or the host name, or both of the Web services of the Plants by WebSphere Sample, perform the following steps:
- Edit the build.xml file under the samples/src/PlantsByWebSphere/PBWProject directory.
- Find the line that begins with location="http://localhost:9080,
where localhost is the host name and 9080 is the Web service port of the Plants by WebSphere Sample.
- Change the port to 9085: location="http://localhost:9085.
- To change the port, or the host name, or both of the Web services ports of the Plants by WebSphere Sample, perform the following steps:
- Edit the build.xml file under the samples/src/PlantsByWebSphere/SupplierProject directory.
- Find the line that begins with location="http://localhost:9080,
where localhost is the host name and 9080 is the Web services port of the Supplier by WebSphere Sample.
- Change the port to 9085: location="http://localhost:9085.
- After the modifications to the build.xml file, follow the instructions in the Samples Gallery topic, "Plants by WebSphere Build It - Ant."
Tip: The host name and the port must match the virtual host where the HTTP router Web modules of the Plants by WebSphere and Supplier applications are deployed. The host name and the port are default_host.
Changing the 9080 default port of the Web services Samples
Problem The Web Service Samples are hard-coded and require the server to run on port 9080. Recommended response If you want to run the Web Service Samples with a different port, change the hard-coded port in each of the following files under the samples\src\WebServicesSamples directory:
addrBeanBottomUp/build.xml addrBeanTopDown/WEB-INF/wsdl/AddressBookW2JB.wsdl addrEJBBottomUp/build.xml addrEJBTopDown/META-INF/wsdl/AddressBookW2JE.wsdl Clients/applicationClients/AddressBookClient/com/ibm/websphere/samples /webservices/addr/ Clients/applicationClients/META-INF/wsdl/AddressBook.wsdl Clients/simpleClients/samples/address/ Clients/simpleClients/samples/stock/GetQuote.wsdl stockEJB/META-INF/wsdl/StockQuoteFetcher.wsdlThe new port value must match the HTTP transport of the server where the sample is installed.
(Optional) You might modify the documentation of the Web Service Samples, in the language of your choice. The hard-coded port appears in two files for each language. The following example is for English:
WebSvcsGallery/WebSvcsGalleryENWAR/AddressBook/configrunEJB.html WebSvcsGallery/WebSvcsGalleryENWAR/StockQuote/configrunEJB.html
Tip:You can find the HTTP transport port value in the bin\transforms\portVars.xsl directory. The name of the HTTP transport port value is httpTransport.
Adding the -installdir $(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)/$(CELL) parameter when installing Samples that require database access
Symptom Samples that require database access do not run after the node is federated to a network deployment cell. Problem If the Samples that require database access are reinstalled according to the instructions in the Build section of the Samples Gallery or the Samples README file, they might not run after the node is federated to a network deployment cell. The Samples might not find the database files. Recommended response When installing the samples with the wsadmin tool, add the following parameter between the curly brackets { }:
- For Windows platforms: -installdir $(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)/$(CELL)
- For Linux and UNIX platforms: -installdir \$(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)\$(CELL)
The following example illustrates the parameter on Windows platforms:
wsadmin -conntype none -c "$AdminApp install TechnologySamples.ear {-appname TechnologySamples -installdir $(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)/$(CELL) -usedefaultbindings -node <node> -deployejb -deployejb.dbtype CLOUDSCAPE_V5}"
Add to cart resets the quantity of an item to one in Pet Store Sample
When an item is added to the shopping cart, the item is added with an initial quantity of one. You can adjust the quantity to a higher number in the shopping cart. If that same item is added again to the shopping cart, the adjusted quantity is reset to one.
Passwords are not compared when creating a new account in Pet Store Sample
When creating a new account, provide a new password. The first Password field is not compared for a match with the second Password (Repeat) field.
Pet Store pages do not show animal pictures or details when HTTP transport is reconfigured to use a port other than 9080
Problem If the Pet Store pages do not show animal pictures or details when you reconfigure the IBM WebSphere Application Server to use an HTTP transport other than port 9080, update the URL of Pet Store Catalog DAOSQLURL to use the new port. Recommended response You can reconfigure the URL resource to use the new port with the IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console. Go to Resources > URL Providers (set scope to your Server) > Samples URL Provider - HTTPs > URLs > Pet Store Catalog DAO SQL URL. The port number is in the Specification field. Forceful repopulating of Pet Store database fails
Problem The option to forcefully repopulate the Pet Store database fails with an internal server error HTTP 500 - The page cannot be displayed. Recommended response Do not use this option.
National Language Vissues and limitations
All platforms
- Help search does not return hits for Latin-1 terms with diacritical markings
- The Java virtual machine cannot translate coded Character Set Identifier used by the embedded messaging queue manager
- Cannot display newly created Windows domain users during application management for the non-English locales only
Applicability of the following list:
- Evaluating the product on National Language Version operating systems
- The zh_CN.EUC locale is not supported on a Solaris Operating System 9
- A 404 Not Found exception occurs when cells contain nodes on different locales
Help search does not return hits for Latin-1 terms with diacritical markings
Problem The help search in the administrative console does not return search results for Latin-1 terms that contain diacritical markings (for example, German "fur", where the "u" includes an umlaut). Response To work around this problem, use the decimal representation of the character in the search term (for example, "für"). The Java virtual machine cannot translate coded Character Set Identifier used by the embedded messaging queue manager
Symptom When running the IBM WebSphere Application Server with global security enabled, the embedded messaging provider can fail to start with a MSGS0504E message and an UnsupportedEncodingException exception:
MSGS0504E: JMS Server Security Service Thread received Socket Exception: Cp5050Problem This message indicates that the Java virtual machine (JVM) cannot translate the Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSI) used by the embedded messaging queue manager. Recommended response To work around this problem, set a locale and language value that map to a code page supported by the JVM. Refer to the WebSphere MQ messaging platform-specific books Web site at for a "WebSphere MQ Platform Quick Beginnings V5.3" manual that is relevant to your platform. Look for a table in the manual with a list of locale and language to CCSI mappings supported by the queue manager. Then, select a locale and language that maps to a CCSID that is supported by the JVM. Set the selected locale and language, and restart the IBM WebSphere Application Server. Cannot display newly created Windows domain users during application management for the non-English locales only
Symptom The newly created domain users are not retrieved when you perform application management. The newly created groups display correctly, however, and the newly created local users also display correctly. Problem If you map users to roles by clicking A Role > Choose Users > Find Users, only users created on Primary Domain Controller before adding the client machine to the domain are displayed. If a new user is created while the client machine is already on the domain, the getUser function does not retrieve the new users created on Primary Domain Controller. Description The getUser application programming interface (API) works correctly for the English locales, but does not work correctly for the non-English locales. The zh_CN.EUC locale is not supported on a Solaris Operating System 9
The zh_CN.EUC locale is not supported on a Solaris Operating System 9.
A 404 Not Found exception occurs when cells contain nodes on different locales
Problem On UNIX platforms, a File download failed [404].Message: 404 Not Found exception occurs when federating nodes with non-matching double-byte character set (DBCS) locales. Recommended response Ensure that all nodes incorporated into the same cell are located on host machines with identical locale settings. Cells containing nodes on different locales do not function properly and are not supported.
Object request brokers release notes
HTTP server release notes
A fix is required to meet Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Certification requirements
Problem A fix is necessary in order for particular WebSphere Application Server V5.1 configurations to meet the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Certification requirements. The effected configurations involve:
- WebSphere Application Server V5.1, or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.1
- For Windows 2003
- Using IBM HTTP Server V1.3.26,, or
Specifically, the ApachePerformanceMonitor.dll installed by IBM HTTP Server does not contain the product and version information in its file properties.
Recommended response Perform the following steps to install interim fix PQ82932:
- Download the Fix Installer from
- Obtain the Fix from from
- Create a temporary "fix" directory to store the Java archive (JAR) file:
- On UNIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fix
- On Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fix
- Copy the JAR file to the directory.
- Shut down WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server.
- Follow the Fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to install the Fix.
- Restart WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server.
- (Optional) Remove the temp directory.
See the Readme file accompanying the fix for additional instructions, such as how to uninstall it. Instructions posted with the Fix supersede the instructions previously mentioned.
Application services release notes
Setting the flush attribute to true on every <jsp:include> tag in the cacheable JavaServer Pages file
Symptom When you obtain the JavaServer Pages (JSP) file from the dynamic cache, a part of the page is not displayed. Problem The flush attribute is set to false on the <jsp:include> tag in the JSP file. Description When the cacheable JSP file includes another JSP file and if the flush attribute is set to false on the <jsp:include> tag, any data written to the parent output stream before the <jsp:include> tag are not cached. Recommended response Set flush=true on every <jsp:include> tag in the cacheable JSP file.
EJB modules release notes
- The AccessIntent parameter is null at run time when using container-managed persistence over anything or container-managed persistence over stored procedures
- Issues regarding use of container-managed persistence over anything
Issues regarding use of container-managed persistence over anything
Problem and recommended response
- When using container-managed persistence over anything (CMP/A) to persist your beans to a non-relational datastore, you might have a choice of relational databases when deploying your Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Java archive (JAR) file, such as Cloudscape or DB2 or Oracle. Some classes are generated into a package named for that database choice (for example, DB2UDBNT_V8_1) in your EJB JAR file after running the EJBDeploy command utility. This scenario is an artifact of the relational heritage of the EJBDeploy command utility. You can ignore these classes. At run time the EJBDeploy command utility always uses your UserDefinedPushDownMethodsImpl class to handle each of your defined push-down methods, instead of the standard relational database specific connectivity code. Also, when installing a non-relational CMP/A application, when asked for the "data source", choose a Java 2 Connector Connection Factory, instead of a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) data source. See the product information center for additional details on binding CMP/A beans to non-relational datastores.
- If using the Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) programming model to communicate with Web services that take care of communicating with your datastore, you might experience problems if using the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) in conjunction with custom types. CMP over JAX-RPC is successfully tested with simple types (like Boolean or Integer) and with Java Development Kit-supplied complex types (like Vector), but you might experience problems with custom types defined by the Web service. If you encounter problems, use the static, strongly-typed JAX-RPC programming model instead of DII.
Web modules release notes
Receiving a NullPointerException exception while debugging JavaServer Pages in the Javascript code using Bean Scripting Framework
Symptom WebSphere Application Server might issue a NullPointerException exception while debugging a JavaServer Pages (JSP) file in the Javascript code using Bean Scripting Framework (BSF). The servlet engine fails with a double open on a reader or writer stream.
Description The Java servlet application programming interface (API) does not define behavior upon reopen in a reader or writer stream. Recommended response Stop and restart WebSphere Application Server before debugging to verify that a clean instance of WebSphere Application Server is running. Tip: The JSP debugging function of BSF is deprecated in WebSphere Application Server, V5.1.
Web services release notes
- Location of UDDI Utility tools
- UDDI troubleshooting
- Switching between secured and unsecured UDDI publish access
- Potential problem using UDDI with Cloudscape on AIX systems
- Errors occur if you stop and restart the UDDI registry application from the administrative console and then use the user console
Location of the UDDI Utility tools
WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later includes the UDDI Utility tools which are fully described in the information center topic, "UDDI Utility tools." The Java archive (JAR) file for the UDDI Utility tools is located in the <DeploymentManager-install-dir>/UDDIReg/scripts> directory.
UDDI troubleshooting
See the information center topic, "UDDI Troubleshooting Tips" that lists the common errors and resolutions for setting up or using the UDDI Registry
Switching between secured and unsecured UDDI publish access
You can run the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry with WebSphere Application Server security either enabled or disabled. However, you can see unpredictable results if you change between the two settings. For example, if you publish an entity with security disabled, that entity might not be present in the list of registered entities (from the get_registeredInfo request), because the user ID can be different.
Potential problem using UDDI with Cloudscape on AIX systems
Problem On AIX systems, over time, and depending on the volume of work, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) application programming interface (API) applications might experience the following errors:
HTTP Error: 500 Internal Server Error <errInfo errCode='E_fatalError">E_fatalError (10500) Serious technical error has occurred while processing the request. </errInfo>The SystemOut.log file might display the following exceptions:
[16/09/03 16:01:45:186 BST] 2b7dcd4c SystemOut 0 Error 40XT0 : An internal error was identified by RawStore module. [16/09/03 16:01:45:186 BST] 2b7dcd4c SystemOut 0 at db2j.em.b.newException(Unknown Source) [16/09/03 16:01:45:187 BST] 2b7dcd4c SystemOut 0 at db2.v.g.setActiveState(Unknown Source) [16/09/03 16:01:45:187 BST] 2b7dcd4c SystemOut 0 at db2.v.g.openContainer(Unknown Source)
Recommended response Issue the following command to disable the optimization for the method that causes the problem, before starting the appserver in question:
export JITC_COMPILEOPT=NQOPTIMIZE{db2j/b/r}{_ko}The fix for this problem is available in AIX PPC32, 1.4.1. Service Release 2, FCS_Refresh.
Errors occur if you stop and restart the UDDI registry application from the administrative console and then use the user console
Problem If you stop and restart the UDDI registry application from the administrative console, and then try to access the registry through the user console, you might find that an Error 500 - object is not an instance of a declaring class is displayed on the user console, and the error message SRVE0026E displays in the system log. You cannot access the UDDI registry until you restart the IBM WebSphere Application Server. Recommended response To avoid seeing this problem when you restart the UDDI registry application, perform the following steps using the IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console:
- Click Applications > Enterprise Applications.
- In the list of applications, locate and click the UDDI application link.
- Scroll down to the Related Items section and click Web Modules.
- Click gui.war.
- Change the Classload Mode value to PARENT_LAST (instead of PARENT_FIRST).
Web services engine
Ignoring the error messages when running the Web services application using an HTTP or a Java Messaging Service transport
Problem When running the Web services application using an HTTP or a Java Messaging Service (JMS) transport in WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 and later, the following error messages are displayed in the SystemOut.log file:
[9/30/03 17:58:20:387 CDT] 140727a PrivMBeanRegi E J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for [9/30/03 17:58:20:387 CDT] 140727a PrivMBeanRegi E J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for <null> could not be found, the identifier used to find the MBean is cells/svtlnx2/nodes/svtlnx2/resources.xml#builtin_jmsprovider. [9/30/03 17:58:35:611 CDT] 17d1b24 ConnectionMan W J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method allocateMCWrapper. [9/30/03 17:58:35:625 CDT] 17d1b24 ConnectionMan W J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method initializeForUOW.Recommended response Ignore the error messages. Web services gateway
- Installing or upgrading the Web services gateway
- Session management of deployed target services in the Web services gateway
- When multiple clients send requests and WS-Security is enabled, the Web services gateway might return a SOAP Body not signed error message
- Ignoring error messages when using the setupWSGW.jacl file to install the Web services gateway into an appserver that is part of a deployment manager cell
- The Web services gateway fails to operate in a stand-alone appserver
Installing or upgrading the Web services gateway
Problem When you install WebSphere Application Server, or an upgrade or fix pack, the installation program does not install the Web services gateway enterprise applications. When you run the installation program, and select the Web services gateway component, then the files that are required for running the gateway are copied into directories within your appserver directory structure. Recommended response To install the latest version of the gateway into your application server, complete the steps described in Completing the installation. Session management of deployed target services in the Web services gateway
Problem The Web services gateway does not support session management and maintenance of deployed target services using HTTP cookies. Recommended response Use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) headers to support session management and maintenance of deployed target services. When multiple clients send requests and WS-Security is enabled, the Web services gateway might return a SOAP Body not signed error message
Problem When multiple clients send requests to the Web services gateway, and WS-Security is enabled, then the following error might be returned to the client as a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault message:
"WSEC5061E: The SOAP Body is not signed".Recommended response Currently no workaround exists for this problem. Ignoring error messages when using the setupWSGW.jacl file to install the Web services gateway into an appserver that is part of a deployment manager cell
Symptom When you use the setupWSGW.jacl file to install the Web services gateway into an appserver that is part of a deployment manager cell, you first get system messages saying that the gateway applications are installed successfully, then you get error messages saying that these same applications are not installed. These error messages also are displayed in the wsadmin.traceout log file in the WebSphere/DeploymentManager/logs directory. Problem These error messages are displayed incorrectly because the installation of the applications is successful. Recommended response Ignore these error messages. The Web services gateway fails to operate in a stand-alone appserver
Symptom The Web services gateway fails to operate in a stand-alone application server (that is, an appserver that is not part of a deployment manager cell). When you attempt to install or start the Web services gateway applications, the following exception message appears in the log file:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/wsgw/component/WSGWAnchorComponentand the following compilation error message is displayed in the gateway administrative console:
Error 500: Unable to compile class for JSPProblem The class cannot be found because the wsgwanchorcomponent.jar Java archive file is not installed correctly. Description When you install the Web services gateway to a stand-alone application server, the set of files that you copy across must include the wsgwanchorcomponent.jar file. The step to include this file is new in this version of the gateway. Recommended response Stop the appserver and copy the wsgwanchorcomponent.jar file to the correct location, following the instructions in Installing the gateway into a stand-alone appserver. Web services security
- Editing the HTTP basic authentication and Secure Sockets Layer configuration for the Web or EJB modules
- Ignoring the error messages when you click Add or Remove on the Define Certificate Store page
- An HTTP 401 error and a Web services exception occur when you attempt to access a protected resource without any HTTP basic authentication information
Editing the HTTP basic authentication and Secure Sockets Layer configuration for the Web or EJB modules
For security to work properly with Web services, take the following actions.
Problem You must edit the HTTP basic authentication (user ID and password) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration for the HTTP outbound request in the client security bindings of the Web services using the administrative console after you deploy the Web services application. Recommended response You can edit the HTTP basic authentication and SSL configuration for the Web services from the administrative console by performing the following steps:
- Click Enterprise Applications > application_name.
- Under Related Items, click Web Module or EJB Module > URI_file_name > Web Services: Client Security Bindings.
- Look for HTTP Basic Authentication and HTTP SSL Configuration to the right.
- To configure the HTTP basic authentication, click edit and enter the user ID and password.
- Click OK.
- To configure the HTTP SSL configuration, click edit.
- Select HTTP SSL Enabled.
- Select an SSL alias for the HTTP SSL configuration.
- Click OK.
Ignoring the error messages when you click Add or Remove on the Define Certificate Store page
Symptom When you update one of the certificate stores after restoring the gateway security configuration using the restore function on the gateway administrative client, and remove the old entry, for example, /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer, by clicking Remove on the Define Certificate Store page, you receive the following messages:
The page cannot display.If you go back to the original page, the entry is removed.
If you add the new entry by cutting and pasting the path, for example, /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer, into the blank field and clicking Add, the next page is returned with an Error 500 message.
However, the new entry is added.
When the page is returned with errors, the SystemOut.log file contains the following stack trace:
[10/16/03 11:04:55:137 CDT] 2126a573 WebGroup E SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[]: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp._certStore._jspService( at ( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at$JspServletWrapper. service( at ( at java:760) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at (StrictServletInstRecommended response Ignore these error messages because you can use the Add or Remove function in the certificate store. An HTTP 401 error and a Web services exception occur when you attempt to access a protected resource without any HTTP basic authentication information
Symptom: For Web services clients running with HTTP or HTTPS but without Web services security, any attempt to access a protected resource without any HTTP basic authentication information might result in an HTTP 401 error and a Web services exception. Problem The service request does not run because of the HTTP 401 error. The cause of the problem is a failed authentication due to the missing HTTP basic authentication information. Recommended response Configure a challenge prompt by using a Java system property named to enter the HTTP basic authentication user ID and password. The valid values of the property are prompt or stdin, respectively for an administrative console type or a text-based challenge prompt. You can also specify the user ID and password in the deployment descriptor or practically in the Stub or Call instance. See the information center for details. Tip: Use HTTPS to protect the user ID and password with basic authentication.
Assembly tools release notes
All platforms
Assembly Toolkit displays unsupported type for application client resource reference
When configuring a resource reference for an application client module in the Assembly Toolkit, the Type field lists javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory as an available resource reference. This type is not supported by the J2EE application client run time. The supported types are:
- javax.mail.Session
- javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
- javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
- javax.jms.Queue
- javax.jms.Topic
- javax.sql.DataSource
Deployment release notes
Ignoring the warning message when deploying an application coded in WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, V5 to WebSphere Application Server
Symptom When deploying an application coded in WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, V5 to WebSphere Application Server, a warning message similar to the following example is displayed:
"ADMA0087W: Warning from EJBDeploy: The static field should be accessed in a static way [severity 1]"Problem This warning message displays because the static class variables are used incorrectly in the generated session bean coded by WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition, V5. The WebSphere Application Server Deployment Tool for the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBDeploy) tool catches this wrong usage previously mentioned during the application deployment time. Response Ignore the warning message; this problem does not affect the installation or the deployment of the application.
Messaging and Extended messaging release notes
All platforms
- Embedded Java Message Service provider installation fails
- Information you need to know about using server-side and client-side selectors
- Component-managed authentication alias not specified
- Stopping the queue manager while running the embedded Java Message Service provider stops IBM WebSphere Application Server
- Changing the port in the administrative console to start the Java Message Service server if Java Message Service server of another node is running
- Ignoring the error messages when running the Web services application using an HTTP or a Java Message Service transport
- WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later does not work with the zh_CN.EUC locale
- Errors occur in the System.out log file if you uninstall all of the Samples and related listener ports, queues, connection factories and related artifacts
- Ensure that the required utilities and compatibility libraries are installed before installing WebSphere Application Server on RedHat V8 platforms running on Intel-based machines
- On Linux platforms, embedded messaging broker does not shut down due to libstdc++ problem
- On Linux/Intel (RedHat V8) platforms, installation of WebSphere Application Server stops during the embedded messaging install stage
- The embedded Java Message Service code receives incorrect exceptions on the SuSe SLES 9 operating system
Embedded Java Message Service provider installation fails
Problem It is possible for the embedded Java Message Service (JMS) provider installation to fail without any visible warning. This situation can occur as a result of the JMS provider prerequisite checker returning an error that the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation is not expecting. The IBM WebSphere Application Server installation completes, but the JMS provider is not installed. Recommended response If the JMS installation fails, look for details in the mq_prereq.log file in the /tmp directory and in the create_mq.log and mq_install.log files in the install_root/log directory. When you have corrected the situation, install the embedded JMS provider separately by clicking Custom installation then selecting either one or both of the following options, as required: Embedded Messaging Server and Embedded Messaging Client. Information you need to know about using server-side and client-side selectors
The default behavior for the internal Java Message Service (JMS) broker is to use server-side selectors. The default behavior for external brokers is to use client-side selectors. The reason for the latter is that not all brokers support server-side filtering. Those that do, are not all JMS compliant in their implementation process.
WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later does not work with the zh_CN.EUC locale
Symptom With the locale set to zh_CN.EUC, in a WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later environment with the Embedded Messaging Server installed, any attempt to start an appserver (for example, server1) fails with messages including:
[04-5-13 13:02:11:511 CST] c26b16 JMSEmbeddedPr A MSGS0050I: ???? Queue Manager [04-5-13 13:02:33:820 CST] c26b16 JMSEmbeddedPr A MSGS0051I: ????? Queue Manager [04-5-13 13:02:33:867 CST] c26b16 JMSEmbeddedPr A MSGS0052I: ??????Problem The embedded messaging broker cannot run with the zh_CN.EUC locale, and causes the appserver startup to fail. Description If you set the zh_CN.EUC locale, you cannot run WebSphere Application Server with the Embedded Messaging Server option. Recommended response Change the server locale to something other than zh_CN.EUC locale before starting an appserver. With the locale zh, zh.UTF8, or zh_CN.UTF8 , the appserver can be started successfully. Errors occur in the System.out log file if you uninstall all of the Samples and related listener ports, queues, connection factories and related artifacts
Symptom After installing WebSphere Application Server, V5.1.1 using the automation procedure, the Application Server starts without errors. Then you start the administrative console and uninstall all of the Samples and related listener ports, queues, connection factories, and related artifacts. After saving the changes, you stop and restart the Application Server, the following errors occur in the System.out log file:
[6/22/04 11:34:52:885 CDT] 61f533 ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adaptor for resource jms/SVTTest/WSTopicConnectionFactory. The exception which was received is Broker command failed: 3156 Reason code 3156 [6/22/04 11:34:52:921 CDT] 61f533 MDBListenerIm W WMSG0019E: Unable to start MDB Listener JMSMDBTopic, JMSDestination jms/SVTTest/SVTT1 : Broker command failed: 3156 Reason code 3156 at .... ....From MQSeries return code query script:
The listener ports are stopped on the administrative console.
Problem The MDB listener ports do not start and any applications using the ports cannot be run. The server does start but shows "open for e-business". Recommended response
- Stop the Application Server.
- Run the following commands:
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ [cell] [node] [server] /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ $install_root [cell] [node] [server]
- Start the Application Server.
Component-managed authentication alias not specified
Problem When using Java Message Service (JMS), informational messages similar to the following can occur:
[10/31/02 9:13:20:438 EST] 6a55451c ConnectionFac I J2CA0107I: Component-managed authenticationRecommended response If the named connection factory ends in JMSManagedConnection@nnnn, where nnnn is a multi-digit number, the informational message can be ignored. A connection factory with this type of name is created internally by the JMS server and does not require a component-managed authentication alias. Stopping the queue manager while running the embedded Java Message Service provider stops IBM WebSphere Application Server
Problem When you run the embedded Java Message Service (JMS) provider and the queue manager stops, IBM WebSphere Application Server is also stopped. Recommended response To recover the queue manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server, start the appserver. Changing the port in the administrative console to start the Java Message Service server if another node of the Java Message Service server is running
Symptom With embedded messaging, the Java Message Service (JMS) server fails to start if another node of the JMS server is running. Problem When a node is federated, the JMS server is created, but the JMS security port is not the one from server 1. The JMS security port is always the one from the template. In a coexistence scenario, the JMS security port in server 1 (server.xml) is updated to a different value. However, when the node is federated, the JMS server is created with the default port and is not the one from the server.xml file from server 1, which causes the JMS server to fail to start if the JMS server of another node is running.
Recommended response To work around this issue, perform the following steps by using the administrative console to change the port:
- From the administrative console, click Servers >JMS Servers > jmsserver > Security Port Endpoint.
- Change the port, for example, 5575.
- Save your changes.
Ignoring the error messages when running the Web services application using an HTTP or a Java Message Service transport
Problem When running the Web services application using an HTTP or a Java Message Service (JMS) transport in WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 and later, the following error messages are displayed in the SystemOut.log file:
[9/30/03 17:58:20:387 CDT] 140727a PrivMBeanRegi E J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for [9/30/03 17:58:20:387 CDT] 140727a PrivMBeanRegi E J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for <null> could not be found, the identifier used to find the MBean is cells/svtlnx2/nodes/svtlnx2/resources.xml#builtin_jmsprovider. [9/30/03 17:58:35:611 CDT] 17d1b24 ConnectionMan W J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method allocateMCWrapper. [9/30/03 17:58:35:625 CDT] 17d1b24 ConnectionMan W J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method initializeForUOW.Recommended response Ignore the error messages. Ensure that the required utilities and compatibility libraries are installed before installing WebSphere Application Server on RedHat V8 platforms running on Intel-based machines
Problem On RedHat V8 platforms running on Intel-based machines, during the Application Server startup process, the following entries are displayed in the SystemOut.log file:
[date time EST] 1cda953b JMSEmbeddedPr A MSGS0052I: Starting the Broker [date time EST] 1cda953b BrokerManager E MSGS0255E: Broker Manager unable to attach to Queue Manager - unknown Queue [date time EST] 1cda953b JMSService E MSGS0001E: Starting the JMS Server failed with exception: MQJE001: Completion Code 2, Reason 2085The following associated messages are added to the mq_install.log file:
which: no uudecode in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin) The program uudecode was not found on this system. This will not prevent the installation, however run the command "amqiclen -x" after the installation has completed, before queue managers are started.Also, the createMQ log shows the following information:
Issuing: env wempsdeletebroker WAS_redhat801_jmsserver -w wempsdeletebroker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryrc=127 Issuing: env wempscreatebroker WAS_redhat801_jmsserver -i dummy -a dummy -q WAS_redhat801_jmsserver -n "" -u "" -p "" -b -j wempscreatebroker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryrc=127 Issuing: env wempsservice WAS_redhat801_jmsserver -r BrokerUUID=FFFFFFFF-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 wempsservice: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryrc=127Recommended response To prevent this problem, ensure that the required utility package (which includes uuencode and uudecode) and the libstdc++ compatibility libraries are installed; for example, RH8.0/RPMS/shareutils. (The RPMS are on the Linux distribution CDs.) The exact name and version number of the package depends on the Linux distribution:
Dependency RedHat package name SuSE package name uudecode sharutils sharutils libstdc++ compatibility libraries compat-libstdc++ compat (needs to be version 2002.12.6.0 or later)
On Linux platforms, embedded messaging broker does not shut down due to libstdc++ problem
Symptom On SuSE SLES8 and United Linux V1.0, when shutting down WebSphere Application Server, the last entry in the SystemOut.log file is:
[date time CDT] 1a87ba29 JMSEmbeddedPr A MSGS0054I: Stopping the BrokeAlso, a Java core file :javacore29282.1054144121.txtgets that is created at approximately the same time [date at timeTIFILENAME] as the embedded messaging broker tries to shut down.Problem On SuSE SLES8 or United Linux V1.0, when shutting down WebSphere Application Server, the embedded messaging broker does not shutdown properly, because of a libstdc++ problem. Recommended response You should upgrade the operating system to the latest Service Pack, which includes the fix for the libstdc++ problem. On Linux/Intel (RedHat V8) platforms, installation of WebSphere Application Server stops during the embedded messaging installation stage
Symptom On Linux (RedHat v8), the installation of WebSphere Application Server stops during the embedded messaging installation stage. The last line of the mq_install.log is:
wmsetup: date time Installing MQSeriesClient-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_Zh_CN-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_Zh_TW-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_de-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_es-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_fr-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_it-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_ja-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_ko-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesMsg_pt-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesRuntime-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesSDK-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesJava-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm MQSeriesServer-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm:The last line of the master installation log (/tmp/log.txt) is:
(date time), Setup.product.install, platform.linux.LinuxProductServiceImpl, msg1,installing Exec Action From Directory (mqUnixInstallAction)Problem RPM lock files exist that prevent the product installation from continuing. Recommended response For information about solving this problem, see the bugzilla report at The embedded Java Message Service code receives incorrect exceptions on the SuSe SLES 9 operating system
Symptom Under certain conditions, the embedded Java Message Service (JMS) code (including message-driven beans) running in the WebSphere Application Server container might receive incorrect SocketExceptions (Connection Refused) exceptions. Problem The exceptions are incorrect because the connection is not actually refused by the other listening party (MQ), but by the SLES 9 Linux kernel itself. The exceptions are thrown up to the messaging objects of the JMS API. Description: Running the same code on any other supported platforms does not have a problem. It is unclear at this stage whether the problem lies with the SuSe SLES 9 kernel or the vanilla 2.6 Linux kernel.
Recommended response Until a fix is available, any JMS code must contain logic to cope with this problem. You must recreate the failing connections and other messaging objects. Messaging continues as normal. With message-driven beans, there is a danger that the Listener Port has to be restarted to resolve the problem. Note: You must implement the resolution to this problem before running a production system on the SuSe SLES 9 operating system.
You can ignore some error messages when installing WebSphere Application Server with embedded messaging from the CD-ROM
Problem On HP-UX, when installing WebSphere Application Server with embedded messaging from the CD-ROM, the following warning message is issued despite successful installation:
MQSERIES.MQM-CL-HPUX: A test command parameter is not valid." and "* "svthp9:/cdrom/hpux/messaging/images": Cannot open the logfile on this target or source. Possibly the media is read-only or there is a permission problem." on mq_install.log.Recommended response You can ignore this warning message, because the problem does not affect the successful installation of WebSphere Application Server with embedded messaging.
Data access release notes
- Databases-DB2
- Databases-IBM Cloudscape
- Databases-Microsoft SQL Server
- Databases-Oracle
- Database-Informix
- The WebSphere Application Server Java virtual machine stops after you run the force application command in the DB2 command line
- Upgrading DB2 V8.1 FP2 or a later version to avoid receiving an exception when the Java 2 security is enabled
- Cannot run the DB2 legacy call level interface-based Java Database Connectivity driver and the DB2 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver in the same Java virtual machine
- Applications might stop when you use the DB2 V8.1 FP3 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver type 2 XA data source
- Using the correct user ID and password to connect to the DB2 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver
- Using DB2 V8.1 FP3 on the HP-UX platform might cause defunct processes
- Configuring a preTestSQLString customer property if using the pre-test connection function with DB2 Legacy CLI-based type 2 Java Database Connectivity Provider Driver (XA)
- An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception occurs when reading the CLOB data from the query result set
- When using DB2 Legacy JDBC Driver XA data source of DB2 8.1 FP5 and the AutoCommit setting is on, closing the result set cannot end the transaction
The WebSphere Application Server Java virtual machine stops after you run the force application command in the DB2 command line
Symptom The WebSphere Application Server Java virtual machine (JVM) stops when you run the force application command in DB2 UDB Server. Problem When you use DB2 XA data source in WebSphere Application Server with DB2 UDB Server, the WebSphere Application Server JVM stops after you run the force application command in the DB2 command line. If you use the DB2 Legacy CLI-based JDBC Driver Provider (XA), you can see the WebSphere Application Server JVM stop as soon as you run the force application command. If you use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA), you might or might not see the WebSphere Application Server JVM stop right after running the force application command. However, you might see the WebSphere Application Server JVM stop later.
Recommended response DB2 is aware of this problem. You can consult DB2 Support. The APAR number is JR18535. This problem is fixed in DB2 V8.1 FP4. Upgrade to DB2 V8.1 FP4 to avoid the problem.
Upgrading DB2 V8.1 FP2 or a later version to avoid receiving an exception when the Java 2 security is enabled
Symptom If you enable Java 2 security in WebSphere Application Server and try to use the DB2 Universal JDBC provider to connect to DB2 V8.1 FP1 or an older version, a exception similar to the following example is displayed from the DB2 Java Combined Client (JCC) driver. access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission at ( Code)) at ( Code)) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission ( Code)) at ( Code)) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess ( Code)) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( Code)) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Code)) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( Code)) at at at at at at at at at at at This problem is due to the fact that the DB2 JCC driver does not have a doPrivileged call when it tries to load some classes. Recommended response Upgrade your DB2 server to DB2 V8.1 FP2 or a later version. If you cannot upgrade your DB2 server, grant the permission, java.lang.RuntimePermission "", to your applications. However, the second solution is NOT recommended. Cannot run the DB2 legacy call level interface-based Java Database Connectivity driver and the DB2 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver in the same Java virtual machine
Symptom WebSphere Application Server fails if you use the DB2 legacy call level interface (CLI)-based Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver and the DB2 Universal JDBC driver in the same WebSphere Application Server Java virtual machine (JVM). Problem The failure occurs when using DB2 V8.1 FP5 and lower. The failure is because of a DB2 problem with coexistence of the DB2 legacy CLI-based JDBC driver and the DB2 Universal JDBC driver that are used in the same JVM. Recommended response Upgrade to DB2 V8.1 FP6 and higher. Applications might stop when you use the DB2 V8.1 FP3 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver type 2 XA data source
Symptom Applications might stop when you use the DB2 V8.1 FP3 Universal Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver type 2 XA data source. You might see the following message in the SystemOut.log file:
Transaction [transaction number] has timed out after xxx seconds.Problem This defect is in the DB2 V8.1 FP3 Universal JDBC driver. This defect is fixed in DB2 V8.1 FP4. Recommended response Upgrade your DB2 database to DB2 V8.1 FP5. If you cannot upgrade your database to DB2 V8.1 FP5, use the legacy call level interface (CLI)-based JDBC driver XA data source. Using the correct user ID and password to connect to the DB2 Universal Java Database Connectivity driver
Symptom If you do not use a user ID and password, or if you use some combination of an invalid user ID or password to connect to the DB2 Universal Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver, you still can get the connection. However, when the connection is used in an XA transaction, an XAException exception is displayed with an XAER_PROTO error code. Problem The DB2 Universal JDBC driver requires the correct user ID and password to acquire a connection that is unlike the legacy call level interface (CLI)-based JDBC driver. Recommended response Verify that you use the correct user ID and password to connect to the DB2 Universal JDBC driver. DB2 is aware of the problem. Using DB2 V8.1 FP3 on the HP-UX platform might cause defunct processes
Symptom When you use DB2 V8.1 FP3 on the HP-UX platform, the defunct processes are displayed in the system. The following example illustrates the defunct processes:
db2admin 3162322 393328 1 <0:00 defunct>Problem Using DB2 V8.1 FP3 on the HP-UX platform might cause defunct processes. The defunct processes can accumulate over time and consume system resources. Recommended response DB2 has fixed this problem. Upgrade your DB2 database to DB2 V8.1 FP5. Configuring a preTestSQLString customer property if using the pre-test connection function with DB2 Legacy CLI-based type 2 Java Database Connectivity Provider Driver (XA)
Problem When using the pre-test connection function with DB2 Legacy CLI-based type 2 Java Database Connectivity Provider (JDBC) Driver (XA), you need to provide an SQL statement to the preTestSQLString customer property. If you do not provide an SQL statement to the preTestSQLString customer property, WebSphere Application Server uses the default SQL string for the pre-testing the connection, which might cause applications to display a javax.transaction.xa.XAException exception. Recommended response DB2 has fixed this problem. Upgrade your DB2 database to DB2 V8.1 FP5. An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception occurs when reading the CLOB data from the query result set
Symptom An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception occurs when reading the CLOB data from the query result set. Problem The exception occurs only when the data that is retrieved can be expanded because of the character conversion. A typical scenario that causes this exception is that you retrieve the CLOB data from the query result set as an ASCII stream and then read the stream. The following example illustrates the exception trace:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at Method) at Code)) at Code))Recommended response DB2 is aware of the problem. Contact DB2 for this problem. When using DB2 Legacy JDBC Driver XA data source of DB2 8.1 FP5 and the AutoCommit setting is on, closing the result set cannot end the transaction
Symptom When using DB2 Legacy JDBC Driver XA data source of DB2 8.1 FP5 and the AutoCommit setting is on, closing the result set cannot end the transaction. This error causes an XAException exception with an XAER_OUTSIDE error code being thrown if you try to start an XA transaction after closing the result set. Problem This error is a defect in DB2 Legacy JDBC driver. Recommended response DB2 is aware of this problem. The APAR number is IY54743. Contact DB2 for a fix. Databases-IBM Cloudscape
- A NullPointerException exception occurs when you run WebSphere Application Server against Cloudscape (Version 5 and V5.1) and use callable statements
- Cloudscape V5.0.x is deprecated in WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2
A NullPointerException exception occurs when you run WebSphere Application Server against Cloudscape (Version 5 and V5.1) and use callable statements
Symptom When running WebSphere Application Server against Cloudscape Version 5 and V5.1 and using callable statements, you might receive the following NullPointerException exception (message text in English only):
Unexpected exception ERROR 38000: The exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException' was thrown while evaluating an expression, possible causes: not calling registerOutputParameter and calling setNull on BIT VARYING output parameter. at ( at ( at ( at ( at te( This case is rare and is usually an application error that is caused by the application not calling registerOutputParameter but calling setNull on the Bit Varying type parameter. Recommended response If you encounter this problem and use callableStatements, ensure that you call the registerOutputParameter method. Cloudscape V5.0.x is deprecated in WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2
Cloudscape V5.0.x is deprecated in WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2 and is not supported or shipped with any future releases of WebSphere Application Server.
Databases-Microsoft SQL Server
An error occurs when enlisting a global transaction and subsequent calls to the method might stop
Symptom An error occurs when enlisting a global transaction. Subsequent calls to the method might stop. The error is an XAException with error code -3 (XAER_RMERR) and is similar to the following errors:
javax.transaction.xa.XAException at com.ddtek.jdbcx.sequelink.SequeLinkImplXAResource.start(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbcx.slbase.BaseXAResource.start(Unknown Source) at com.ddtek.jdbcspy.SpyXAResource.start(Unknown Source)Problem This error is caused by a bug in the SequeLink Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver. Case 15007076 is opened against DataDirect Technologies for this problem. Description The XAResource.start error causes the stop in the method. Recommended response To work around this problem, switch to the Connect JDBC driver to connect to the Microsoft SQL server. When a patch is received from DataDirect Technologies, a corresponding patch for the WebSphere embedded SequeLink driver is available on the DataDirect Driver Updates download page of WebSphere Application Server:
- The Connection.setReadOnly method of Oracle database behaves differently in WebSphere Application Server
- Applying the Oracle ojdbc14.jar driver file when running WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 or later with an Oracle database
The Connection.setReadOnly method of Oracle database behaves differently in WebSphere Application Server
Problem Oracle does not support readonly connections. However, you can still call the connection.setReadOnly(true) method. After the connection.setReadOnly(true) method is called, the connection.isReadOnly() method returns true but the connection is still a non-readonly connection. When the connection.setReadOnly(boolean) method is called, the Oracle database starts a transaction. Description The connection.setReadOnly(boolean) method of Oracle database behaves differently in WebSphere Application Server from the Oracle behavior previously described. When the connection.setReadOnly(true) method is called, an SQLException exception is displayed to indicate that the Oracle database does not support readonly connections. When the connection.setReadOnly(false) method is called, Application Server does not call the setReadOnly(false) method to the native Oracle connection. In either the connection.setReadOnly(false) method or the connection.setReadOnly(true) method, no Oracle transaction can start. Applying the Oracle ojdbc14.jar driver file when running WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later with an Oracle database
Problem If you run WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 or later with an Oracle database, use the Oracle driver that supports IBM Software Development Kit 1.4.1. You must download the Oracle ojdbc14.jar driver file from the Oracle Web site. Recommended response Download a driver that contains a recovery fix for the Oracle bug 2881276 from the following Web site:
If the link is broken, contact Oracle support.
An issue with XA transactions and IBM Informix Dynamic Server is identified
Symptom An issue with XA transactions and IBM Informix Dynamic Server is identified. This issue might cause a number of exceptions including, but not limited to: "java.sql.SQLException: Could not position within a table" or "java.sql.SQLException: Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row." This problem might affect a number of WebSphere Application Server applications that require XA transactions support from IBM Informix Dynamic Server. Recommended response Currently, no solution exists for the problem. IBM Informix Dynamic Server is working to resolve the issue.
Security release notes
All platforms
Do not use the IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition V1.4.x security debug with all or domain options
Problem WebSphere Application Server goes into recursion and fails when or is enabled. Description If Java 2 Security is enabled and IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition, V1.4.x Java 2 Security debug ( or or both) is enabled, a recursive loop results and eventually the WebSphere Application Server stops with a Java core dump. This problem is recognized in the IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition V1.4.x. Recommended response Do not use the IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition Version 1.4.x security debug with the all or domain option until the issue in IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition V1.4.x is addressed. The Tivoli Access Manager Java run time and the Tivoli Access Manager for WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 and later are not supported on the HP-UX platform
Symptom On the HP-UX platform, the SvrSslCfg utility that might be called by the $WAS_HOME/bin/pdwascfg command fails with the following message:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.ClassCastExceptionProblem The Java run time for the Tivoli Access Manager for WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 and later are not supported on the HP-UX platform.
Administrative console release notes
Netscape browser
All platforms
Netscape 4.7 cannot identify the parameters with a space (" ") character in the Web address
Symptom Netscape 4.7 cannot identify the parameters with a space (" ") character in the Web address, but it can identify the parameters if the space is concatenated with "%20". For example, the parameters that need to pass through the Web address to the server side must be something like "ABC%20XYZ", not "ABC XYZ". Problem This problem is because the "ExecutionState.UNKNOWN" default status is always set. If the parameter is "ABC XYZ" with a space character in the Web address, only "ABC" is received at the server side, which means the browser cannot identify the parameter. Recommended response To avoid this problem, perform one of the following tasks:
- Use Netscape 7.1 or Internet Explorer.
- Use an underscore as a delimiter rather than a space. For example, use "ABC_XYZ" not "ABC XYZ".
Scripting release notes
Using a WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2 or later wsadmin scripting client to connect to a V5.0.2 or later server to create or update the native type configuration data
Symptom This note documents a restriction using a WebSphere Application Server V5 or V5.0.1 wsadmin scripting client, to connect to a Version 5.0.2 or later server. Exception occurs when you create or modify configuration attribute that uses Java native type. The following exception occurs when you update a boolean type attribute:
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminConfig modify $targetMappings {{enable false}}"; exception information: WASX7239E: Unexpected error setting attribute "enable" of type "boolean" to value "false." Additional information may be found in the trace log.Problem The reason for this exception is that certain WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2 or later configuration data use Java native types that are not recognized by a WebSphere Application Server, V5 or Version 5.0.1 wsadmin scripting client. The known Java native types include boolean, int, and long. Recommended response To work around this problem, use a WebSphere Application Server, V5.0.2 or later wsadmin scripting client to connect to a V5.0.2 or later server to create or update the native type configuration data.
Administrative data and Server configuration files release notes
- Empty NetworkDeploymentCell directory is left in the configuration directory
- Enabling authentication in the file transfer service
- A problem occurs when you install an application on a cluster with no member
Empty NetworkDeploymentCell directory is left in the configuration directory
Problem When you install IBM WebSphere Application Server, and you run addNode then removeNode, sometimes an empty NetworkDeploymentCell directory is left in the configuration directory making the wsadmin tool think these two cells are configured. Description The WebSphere Application Server product cannot delete the directory because the directory is locked by another application. The most common reason for this situation is that another application uses that directory or its subdirectory as the current working directory, or another application opens a file under that directory or subdirectory. This problem is most commonly seen on Windows platforms, but it can happen on other platforms. Recommended response To work around this problem, manually delete the empty directory structure, then restart the servers that use this configuration directory. Enabling authentication in the file transfer service
In WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.0.1 or later, the file transfer service is enhanced to provide role-based authentication. Two versions of the file transfer Web application are provided. By default, the version that does not authenticate its caller is installed. This default supports compatibility between the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5 and V5.0.1.
After all the nodes in your cell are upgraded from WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5 to V5.0.1, Version 5.0.2, V5.1, V5.1.1, you can activate the authentication in the file transfer by redeploying the file transfer application at the deployment manager. The compatible version is shipped in the ${install_root}/installableApps/filetransfer.ear file. The secured version is provided in the ${install_root}/installableApps/filetransferSecured.ear file.
A wsadmin JACLl script is provided to help you redeploy the file transfer. The script is redeployFileTransfer.jacl and you can find it in the ${install_root}/bin directory. After the deployment manager and all the nodes are upgraded to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5.0.1, V5.0.2, Version 5.1, or V5.1.1, you can deploy the secured file transfer service by running the script. The syntax for running the script is:
wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn ear_file_path"For example, when running the script from the c:/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/bin directory, the syntax is similar to the following example:
wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn c:/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/installableApps"If you want to go back to run the file transfer service without authentication, you can run the script as shown in the following example:
wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOff ear_file_path"A problem occurs when you install an application on a cluster with no member
Symptom A problem occurs when you install an application on a cluster with no member. Problem The application is installed into an empty cluster without errors. However, when a new member is added to the cluster, the application is not installed onto the cluster. Recommended response Ensure that a cluster has at least one member before installing an application onto it, or assign modules to the application.
Performance data and tools release notes
- Editing the plugin-cfg.xml file and changing the value of the ESIEnable variable
- The prepared statement recommendation might be too large
- The Tivoli Performance Viewer Advisor and the Runtime Performance Advisor might give contradictory advice on shared resources
- Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot connect to a running WebSphere Application Server if security is enabled
- Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot set all Performance Monitoring Infrastructure levels to None if the Runtime Performance Advisor is enabled
- The node agent SystemOut.log message repeats continuously on an AIX platform when the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure is enabled
- Install the bos.perf.libperfstat and bos.perf.perfstat files on an AIX platform
- Using tools on the HP platform to check the memory usage of the WebSphere Application Server process might show a high memory usage
- Ignoring the exceptions that are displayed in the First Failure Data Capture log file because of a National Language Support lookup failure when constructing an MBean
Editing the plugin-cfg.xml file and changing the value of the ESIEnable variable
For performance purposes, edit the plugin-cfg.xml file and change the value of the ESIEnable variable, if it exists, from false to true.
<Property Name="ESIEnable" Value="true"/>
The prepared statement recommendation might be too large
Symptom The Tivoli Performance Viewer Advisor or the Runtime Performance Advisor (RPA) issues advice telling you to increase the size of the prepared statement cache to an unreasonably large value, for example, 3000. On some systems this adjustment can cause a system failure or an out of memory error. Problem If the application has a very large number of prepared statements that are all consistently used, a lot of discards exist from the cache. The advisors see the number of discards from the cache and recommend increasing the size of the prepared statement cache. The advisors do not currentlyconsider the memory resources used by the prepared statement cache entries. Recommended response Do not increase the prepared statement cache above 1000, unless you are sure that you have appropriate resources. The Tivoli Performance Viewer Advisor and the Runtime Performance Advisor might give contradictory advice on shared resources
Symptom The Tivoli Performance Viewer Advisor and the Runtime Performance Advisor (RPA) might give contradictory advice for Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Resources configured at the node or cell level and used at the server level. Problem When servers share a resource, each server might use the resource differently. The advisors only provide advice within the scope of a single server, without consideration of how other servers might be using the shared resource. Recommended response Compare advice about the shared JDBC resources from all the application servers before taking such advice. If the advice is consistent, take it. If the advice is inconsistent, use your best judgment to configure the shared resources. Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot connect to a running server if security is enabled
Symptom Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot connect to a running WebSphere Application Server. The SystemOut.log file of the server located at the $install_root/logs/<servername> directory might display errors similar to the following:
SECJ0305I: Role based authorization check failed for security name <null>, accessId no_cred_no_access_id while invoking method.Problem If security is enabled in WebSphere Application Server, V5, Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot connect to the server using a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) connector if the proper user login and password are not set in the SOAP properties file. Recommended response Set the user name and password in the soap.client.props file located at the $install_root/properties directory. Set the values for the keys and The password can be encrypted using the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility located in $install_root/bin. You can find more information by searching the topic, "Running your monitoring applications with security enabled" in the WebSphere Application Server, V5 information center. Tivoli Performance Viewer cannot set all Performance Monitoring Infrastructure levels to None if the Runtime Performance Advisor is enabled
Symptom When trying to set the monitoring level for a Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) module to None through Tivoli Performance Viewer, you can find that the monitoring level for the module continually reverts back to High. Problem If the Runtime Performance Advisor (RPA) is enabled on the server, it sets the monitoring level for PMI modules back to High. This behavior is by design, because the RPA requires data for certain modules. The node agent SystemOut.log message repeats continuously on an AIX platform when the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure is enabled
Problem On an AIX platform when the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure is enabled, the following node agent SystemOut.log message repeats continuously:
No PMI Module found for the Mbean systemModuleRecommended response To avoid receiving the message, install the bos.perf file set on an AIX platform. Install the bos.perf.libperfstat and bos.perf.perfstat files on an AIX platform
Problem On an AIX platform, Tivoli Performance Viewer does not show the counters and performance data from the system data module. Recommended response Install the bos.perf.libperfstat and bos.perf.perfstat files on an AIX platform. To verify if both files are on your system, issue the following commands:
lslpp -achq bos.perf.libperfstat lslpp -achq bos.perf.perfstatIf you see a message similar to Fileset bos.perf.libperfstat not installed, install the required bos.perf.libperfstat and bos.perf.perfstat files from the AIX base installation Web site.
Using tools on the HP platform to check the memory usage of the WebSphere Application Server process might show a high memory usage
Problem Using tools on the HP platform to check the memory usage of the WebSphere Application Server process might show a high memory usage (with the maximum set to 256 MB). Description The virtual number shown in glance and other tools does not represent the actual physical memory committed in use. This behavior is normal on the HP platform. Ignoring the exceptions that are displayed in the First Failure Data Capture log file because of a National Language Support lookup failure when constructing an MBean
Symptom The following exceptions are displayed in the First Failure Data Capture log file because of a National Language Support lookup failure when constructing an MBean:
Exception = java.util.MissingResourceException Source = probeid = 353 Stack Dump = java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle, key perfTuningAdmin.ruleName. SessionSizeTimeRule.applicable.des at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject( at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject( at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString( at at at ( at ( at buildGUIMetadata( at registerMBean( at ( at$ ( at ( at ( at ( at initAndRegister( at alarm( at alarm( at at$ SessionSizeTimeRule is misspelled as SesionSizeTimeRule in the ws/code/perf.tuning/src/com/ibm/ws/performance/tuning/properties/perftuning.nlsprops resource file. Recommended response No functional impact to the Performance Advisors exists. Currently, there is no workaround for this problem. WebSphere is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
IBM is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Tivoli is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
AIX is a trademark of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.