Log Analyzer Preferences notebook -- Severity

To view this page, launch the Log Analyzer, install_root/bin/waslogbr on UNIX systems or install_root\bin\waslogbr.bat on Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems. Click File > Preferences > Logs > Severity.

The Severity page of the Log Analyzer Preferences notebook lets you change background colors of log entries that appear in the Logs pane. Use colors to quickly indicate entries with high severity errors and the currently selected entry.

Use colors to indicate severities

Select this checkbox to color-code the background of log entries and folders. When selected, the radio button selections in this page are enabled.

Background color

For each folder and entry in the Logs pane, there is some text describing the entry. To choose a background color for selected log entry that has a severity 1 error, do the following:

  1. Select Selected node.

  2. Select Severity 1.

  3. Select the color by clicking on the color Swatches. To use the default setting, click Restore Default. To see the results of your change, look at the Preview box.

  4. Click Apply to save that setting.

Repeat similar steps to change the background color for selected log entries that have severity 2 and 3 errors.

To choose a background color for an unselected log entry that has a severity 1 error, do the following:

  1. Select Unselected node.

  2. Select Severity 1.

  3. Select the color by clicking on the color Swatches. To use the default setting, click Restore Default. To see the results of your change, look at the Preview box.

  4. Click Apply to save that setting.

Repeat similar steps to change the background color for unselected log entries that have severity 2 and 3 errors.


You can see the result of you color change prior to applying the change. Look at the nodes shown in the Sample box. For color changes of selected nodes, click on the node in the sample box to see the color change.

When you are finished, click OK to apply your changes and close the Preferences notebook.