Performance Monitoring Infrastructure Request Metrics
Use this page to enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) Request Metrics, enable Request Metrics Application Response Measurement (ARM), and set trace levels.
To view this administrative console page, click Troubleshooting > PMI Request Metrics.
Configuration tab
- Request Metrics
- Enables PMI Request Metrics.
When disabled, the Request Metrics function is disabled.
- Application Response Measurement (ARM)
- Enables PMI Request Metrics to call an underlying ARM agent.
Before enabling ARM, install an appropriate ARM implementation on all WebSphere Application Server nodes. Verify with your ARM agent provider that Request Metrics is supported by the ARM agent implementation. ARM support is dependent on Request Metrics support.
- Trace Level
- Specifies how much trace data to accumulate for a given request.
Including one of the following:
- No trace.
- Only accumulates on major process hops.
- Reserved for enabling additional information over hops, but is not as performance intensive as DEBUG. Currently, provides the same level of tracing as HOPS.
- Reserved for enabling additional information over hops, but is not as performance intensive as DEBUG. Starting from 5.1.0,2, it enables response time monitoring for intra-process servlet and EJB calls that are called from a process inbound servlet or EJB.
- Reserved for full detailed trace. Currently, provides the same level of tracing as HOPS.
- Reserved for full detailed trace. Starting from, it enables response time monitoring for all the intra-process servlet and EJB calls.
Performance Monitoring Infrastructure Request Metrics
Application Response Measurement
Enabling and disabling logging
PMIRM Filter collection
filterValues collection