Manage running objects with scripting
Operation management scripts use the AdminControl object to communicate with the MBeans that represent running objects. You can use the AdminControl object to list running objects and their attributes, invoke actions on running objects, obtain help, and obtain dynamic information about running MBeans.
- Decide how you want to execute the script. If you want to run the script immediately from the command line, enter it surrounded by quotes as a parameter to the wsadmin -c command. To save the script for repeated use, compose it in a file and execute it with the wsadmin -f command. If you want to compose and run the script interactively, issue the wsadmin command without the -c or -f flags. For more information about executing scripts, see Launching scripting clients
- Write an AdminControl script command statement to perform a management task, for example:
Using Jacl:
$AdminControl command
Using Jython:
Operation management examples with wsadmin
AdminControl object for scripted administration