Migrating Web application components
Supported open specification levels in WebSphere Application Server V5 are documented in article, Migrating.Migration of Web applications deployed in WebSphere Application Server V4.x is not necessary; version 2.2 of the servlet specification and version 1.1 of the JavaServerPages (JSP) specification are still supported. However, where there are behavioral differences between the Java Two Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.2 and J2EE 1.3 specifications, bear in mind that J2EE 1.3 specifications are implemented in WebSphere Application Server V5 and will override any J2EE 1.2 behaviors.
Servlet migration might be a concern if your application:
- implements a WebSphere internal servlet to bypass a WebSphere Application Server V4.x single application path restriction.
- extends a PageListServlet that relies on configuration information in the servlet configuration XML file.
- uses a servlet to generate Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) output.
- calls the response.sendRedirect() method for a servlet using the encodeRedirectURL function or executing within a non-context root.
JSP migration might be a concern if your application references JSP page implementation classes in unnamed packages, or if you install WebSphere Application Server Version 4.x EAR files (deployed in V4.x with the JSP Precompile option), in V5.
Follow these steps if migration issues apply to your Web application:
- Use WebSphere Application Server V5 package names for any WebSphere Application Server Version 4.x internal servlets, which are implemented in your application.
In WebSphere Application Server V4.x, Web modules with a context root setting of / are not supported. Accessing Web modules with this root context results in HTTP 404 - File not Found errrors.
To bypass the errors, and to enable the serving of static files from the root context, WebSphere Application Server V4.x users are advised to add the servlet class, com.ibm.servlet.engine.webapp.SimpleFileServlet, to their Web module.
The V4.x single path limitation does not exist in V5. However, users who choose to use the com.ibm.servlet.engine.webapp.SimpleFileServlet in V5 must do one of the following:
- Rename com.ibm.servlet.engine.webapp.SimpleFileServlet to com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.SimpleFileServlet.
- Open
The following list identifies the other internal servlets affected by the V5 package name change:
- DefaultErrorReporter
- AutoInvoker
Use the V5 package name, com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.servlet class name for these servlets.
- Use the WASPostUpgrade tool to migrate servlets that extend PageListServlet and rely on configuration information in the associated XML servlet configuration file.In V4.x, the XML servlet configuration file provides configuration data for page lists and augments servlet configuration information. This file is named as either servlet_class_name.servlet or servlet_name.servlet, and is stored in the same directory as the servlet class file.
The XML servlet configuration file is not supported in WebSphere Application Server V5.
- Set a content type if your servlet generates Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) output.
The default behavior of the Web container changed in WebSphere Application Server V5. If the servlet developer does not specify a content type in the servlet then the container is forbidden to set one automatically. Without an explicit content type setting, the content type is set to null. The Netscape browser displays HTML source as plain text with a null content type setting.
To resolve this problem, do one of the following:
- Explicitly set a content type in your servlet.
- Open
- Set the Java environment variable, com.ibm.websphere.sendredirect.compatibility, to true if you want your URLs interpreted relative to the application root.
The default value of the Java environment variable com.ibm.websphere.sendredirect.compatibility changed in WebSphere Application Server V5. In V4, the default setting of this variable is true. In V5, the setting is false.
When this variable is set to false, if a URL has a leading slash, the URL is interpreted relative to the Web module/application root. However, if the URL does not have a leading slash, it is interpreted relative to the Web container root (also known as the Web server document root). Therefore, if an application has a WAR file that has a context root of myPledge_app and a servlet that has a servlet mapping of /Intranet/, a JSP file in the WAR file cannot access the servlet when its encodeRedirectURL is set to /Intranet/myPledge. The JSP file can access the servlet if the encodeRedirectURL is set to myPledge_app/Intranet/myPlege, or if the com.ibm.websphere.sendredirect.compatibility variable is set to true.
See the Setting the sendredirect variable article for more information.
- Use the WASPostUpgrade tool to migrate WebSphere V4.x enterprise applications to Version 5.
Note: The WebSphere Application Server V4.x JSP page implementation class files are not compatible with the WebSphere Application Server V5 JSP container.
The WASPostUpgrade tool automatically precompiles JSP files, which ensures the JSP page implementation class files are compatible with V5.
If you install V4.x EAR files, deployed with the JSP Precompile option, in V5, and you choose not to follow the migration path, do one of the following:
- Select the Pre-compile JSP option in the administrative console Install New Application window.
See article Installing a new application for more information.
- Specify the -preCompileJSPs option when using the Wsadmin tool.
- Import your classes if your application uses unnamed packages.
Section 8.2 of the JSP 1.2 specification states:
The JSP container creates a JSP page implementation class for each JSP page. The name of the JSP page implementation class is implementation dependent. The JSP page implementation object belongs to an implementation-dependent named package. The package used may vary between one JSP and another, so minimal assumptions should be made. The unnamed package should not be used without an explicit import of the class.For example, if myBeanClass is in the unnamed package, and you reference it in a jsp:useBean tag, then explicitly import myBeanClass with the page directive import attribute, as shown in the following example:
<%@page import="myBeanClass" %> . . . <jsp:useBean id="myBean" class="myBeanClass" scope="session"/>In WebSphere Application Server V5, the JSP engine creates JSP page implementation classes in the org.apache.jsp package. If a class in the unnamed package is not explicitly imported, then the javac compiler assumes the class is in package org.apache.jsp, and the compilation fails.
The Incompatibilities section of the version 1.4.Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) documentation states:
The compiler now rejects import statements that import a type from the unnamed namespace. Previous versions of the compiler would accept such import declarations, even though they were arguably not allowed by the language (because the type name appearing in the import clause is not in scope). The specification is being clarified to state clearly that you cannot have a simple name in an import statement, nor can you import from the unnamed namespace. To summarize, the syntax: import SimpleName; is no longer legal. Nor is the syntax import ClassInUnnamedNamespace.Nested; which would import a nested class from the unnamed namespace. To fix such problems in your code, move all of the classes from the unnamed namespace into a named namespace.
What to do next
See "Resources for learning" for links to the J2SE, JSP, and Servlet specification documentation.
Migrating and coexisting
Hot deployment and dynamic reloading
Web applications: Resources for learning
Configuring JVM sendRedirect calls to use context root