Uninstalling embedded messaging



On a Windows platform, try using the Add/Remove Programs application in the Windows Control Panel to remove IBM WebSphere MQ and IBM WebSphere EMPS. This action ensures that the programs are removed properly.



If the automated removal does not work, follow these steps to manually remove the programs:

  1. Delete the registry keys for the product by removing the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphereEmbeddedMessagingPublishAndSubscribe.

  2. Delete the product files.

  3. Delete the product Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) record. Use Microsoft's MSI Cleanup Utility, available from Microsoft's Web site as msicuu.exe:

    1. Click the downloaded .exe file to install it. Once the program is installed, it appears on the program menu. When started, the program lists all the products that itnows about.

    2. Click IBM WebSphere EMPS >Remove to remove its MSI record.

  4. Reboot your system.



You are now ready to reinstall WebSphere Application Server with embedded messaging.


What to do next

For instructions on how to uninstall WebSphere Application Server with embedded messaging on other platforms, see Uninstalling the product, and follow the appropriate link for directions on how to uninstall WebSphere Application Server on your platform.

Related tasks
Uninstalling the product
Related reference
Troubleshooting installation problems