Deleting a listener port
Use this task to delete a listener port from the message listener service, to prevent message-driven beans associated with the port from retrieving messages.
To delete a listener port, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:
- In the navigation pane, select Servers-> Application Servers This displays a table of the appservers in the administrative domain.
- In the content pane, click the name of the appserver. This displays the properties of the appserver in the content pane.
- In the Additional Properties table, select Message Listener ServiceThis displays the Message Listener Service properties in the content pane.
- In the content pane, select Listener Ports.This displays a list of the listener ports.
- In the content pane, select the checkbox for the listener port that you want to delete.
- Click Delete. This action stops the port (needed to allow the port to be deleted) then deletes the port.
- To save your configuration, click Save on the task bar of the Administrative console window.
- To have the changed configuration take effect, stop then restart the appserver.
Adding a new listener port
Starting a listener port
Stopping a listener port
Configuring message listener resources for message-driven beans
Administering listener ports