[V5.1 and later]Removing a fix from a base node

This topic describes the proper procedure for using the update installer application to uninstall an interim fix, a cumulative fix, or a fix pack from an Application Server node. The update installer program is also known as the updateInstaller program or the Update installation wizard.



The update installer program removes interim fixes, cumulative fixes, and fix packs from WebSphere Application Server products, including base Application Server nodes.

[V5.1 and later]See these information center topics:



This procedure describes a scenario for updating a base node by removing an interim fix, a cumulative fix, or a fix pack. See Installing interim fixes, cumulative fixes, and fix packs to install an interim fix, a cumulative fix, or a fix pack.

Always uninstall the highest level interim fix, cumulative fix, or fix pack before uninstalling other interim fixes or fix packs.

  1. Stop each server on the base node with the stopServer command.

  2. Set up and configure your WebSphere Application Server environment. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable for the update installer. If the update installer can set the Java environment, this step is unnecessary. Otherwise, this is a required step.

    The location of the update, fixes, and fixpacks directories is arbitrary. You can create the directories anywhere so long as you do not use a directory name with a space in the name.

    The update installer can fail to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you receive a message that the update installer cannot set JAVA_HOME or if you have previously set JAVA_HOME to a Java 2 SDK that is not the one that IBM ships with WebSphere Application Server, set the environment variable yourself or source the appropriate command script from the bin directory of the product installation root:

    1. Open a command-line window.

    2. Change directories to the bin directory of the installation root.

    3. Run the appropriate command:

      • # . /setupCmdLine.sh (Source the command on UNIX platforms. There is a space between the period and the slash.)

      • # source setupCmdLine.sh (Source the command on Linux platforms.)

      • > setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms)

      • # . /setupClient.sh (Source the command for the Application Server client. There is a space between the period and the slash.)

      • # source setupClient.sh (Source the command on Linux platforms.)

      • > setupClient.bat (Windows platforms)

  3. Use the appropriate command to remove the interim fix, cumulative fix, or fix pack from the base node.

    Depending on the interface you use to the update installer:

    [V5.1 and later]For example, to uninstall the was51_fp1_win fix pack, use this updateSilent command:

    C:\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fixpack
           -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer"
           -fixpackDir "C:\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixpacks"
           -fixpackID was51_fp1_win
    The command is shown here on more than one line, for clarity.

  4. Restart each server on the node with the startServer command.

  5. Verify that the node is online and functioning correctly. There are several ways to verify the successful removal of an interim fix, a cumulative fix, or a fix pack:

    • Does the fix show up in the wizard panel that lists the appropriate type of installed fix?

      If you see the interim fix, the cumulative fix, or the fix pack in one of the panels, the fix is installed.

    • Does the fix show up in the wizard panel that the appropriate type of installable (not yet installed) fix ?

      If you see the interim fix, the cumulative fix, or the fix pack in one of the panels, the fix is not installed.

    • Does one of the following files exist in the install_root/properties/version/version directory?

      • [interim_fix_ID].efix

      • [cumulative_fix_ID].ptf

      • [fix_pack_ID].ptf

      Or, does one of the following files exist in the install_root/properties/version/history directory?

      • [interim_fix_ID].efixApplied

      • [interim_fix_ID].efixDriver

      • [cumulative_fix_ID].ptf

      • [cumulative_fix_ID].ptf

      • [fix_pack_ID].ptfApplied

      • [fix_pack_ID].ptfDriver

      These types of files indicate the installation of a fix. See Product version and history information for more information.

    • Do the reports that describe the product version and its history show that the interim fix, the cumulative fix, or the fix pack is installed or that it has been removed?

      See Product version and history information for more information about the reports.

    • Do the updateSilent command options for viewing information about interim fixes show that the interim fix is installed or removed?

      See TARGET NOT FOUND FOR LOOKUP for more information.

    • Do the updateSilent command options for viewing information about cumulative fixes and fix packs show that the cumulative fix or the fix pack is installed or removed?

      See TARGET NOT FOUND FOR LOOKUP for more information.

  6. Uninstall the base product manually if you cannot successfully uninstall the interim fix, cumulative fix, or fix pack.

    The following platform-specific procedures for uninstalling each describe a manual process that guides you through removing every trace of the products and features you might have installed, including directories that might have changed data.

    Before you begin one of the procedures, back up the config and properties directories in the installation root. Backing up the directories lets you refer to the changed data when you reinstall.



You can successfully remove interim fixes, cumulative fixes, and fix packs from a base WebSphere Application Server node.


What to do next

Return to Uninstalling interim fixes, cumulative fixes, and fix packs to continue.

Related tasks
Uninstalling interim fixes, cumulative fixes, and fix packs
Related reference
updateSilent command
updateWizard command