Set up V3.5.x and V5 coexistence
You must migrate prerequisite and corequisite programs to the levels required by WebSphere Application Server, V5. You must also identify ports in use in V3.5.x before you begin the V5 installation, to avoid possible conflicts during coexistence. The first two steps in this task describe these activities.
You can install WebSphere Application Server V3.5.5 (and later) and V5 on the same node. When the V5 installation wizard detects the V3.5.x installation, it displays the migration and coexistence panel, where you can select either option, or neither option. If you select coexistence, the installation wizard displays the port number panel, to ensure you install V5 without port conflicts.
Silent installation also supports configuring for coexistence silently. You can specify non-conflicting port assignments in the options response file.
By default, there are port conflicts between V3.5.x and V5 that resolve. Also, if you migrate more than two V3.5.5 nodes to V5, there are port conflicts that resolve, as described in the Setting up V5 coexistence topic.
- Migrate prerequisite and corequisite programs to the levels required by WebSphere Application Server, V5.
Refer to the
References and specifications)" src="../../reference.gif"> IBM WebSphere Application Server supported hardware, software, and APIs site for current requirements.
- Resolve port conflicts.
Refer to the Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions topic to see a list of default port numbers, and where they are defined.
Inspect the configuration of the V3.5.x product, either WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition, or WebSphere Application Server Standard Edition.
If necessary, use the following command to examine existing node and port settings when the administrative server is running.
xmlConfig -export config.xml -nodeName theNodeName
Review the output xml file to look for <node action="update" name="nodename"> to determine the node name. You can also find port number assignments in the output.xml file. The installation wizard displays a default set of coexistence port numbers as suggested V5 port numbers. Change the values to ports that are not in use. The installation wizard uses whatever values you approve.
Change conflicting HTTP transport ports manually, if necessary. See Changing HTTP transport ports.
- Associate a Web server with each WebSphere Application Server:
- Use a separate Web server for each WebSphere Application Server.
- Create a Web server instance using the Web server documentation.
- Select the appropriate Web server plug-in feature during WebSphere Application Server installation, and identify the Web server configuration file location. (For example, identify the location of the httpd.conf file for IBM HTTP Server.)
- Use the same Web server for both WebSphere Application Server versions.
Upgrade the Web server to the common level supported by both versions of the Application Server.
Prepare the same Web server to support both Application Server versions:
- Migrate IBM HTTP Server, as described in the "Migrating IBM HTTP Server to support multiple WebSphere Application Server versions" (tins_websIHS) topic in the base WebSphere Application Server information center.
- Migrate iPlanet, now known as the Sun ONE Web server (tins_websiPl).
- Migrate Lotus Domino (tins_websDom).
- Migrate Microsoft IIS (tins_websIIS).
- Fix any problems with environmental variables on Windows platforms.
For example, installing WebSphere Application Server, V5 updates the system variable PATH, potentially affecting tools with the same name across installations. To run tools with conflicting names, alter the PATH environment variable in a command window and place the directory for the former installation before the directory for the latter installation. For example, PATH=E:\WebSphere\AppServer\35\bin;%PATH%. Then, invoke the tools from the bin directory.
What to do next
Return to Migrating and coexisting to continue.
Setting up V5 coexistence
Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions
Installation: Resources for learning