Errors when trying to configure or enable security


What kind of error are you seeing?

For general tips on diagnosing and resolving security-related problems, see the topic Troubleshooting the security component.

If you do not see a problem that resembles yours, or if the information provided does not solve your problem, contact IBM support for further assistance.


"LTPA password not set. validation failed" message displayed as error in the Administrative Console after saving global security settings

This error can be caused if, when configuring Server security, "LTPA" is selected as the authentication mechanism, and the LTPA password field is not set. To resolve this problem:


"Validation failed for user userid. Please try again..." displayed in the Administrative Console after saving global security settings

This typically indicates that a setting in the User Registry configuration is not valid:


The setupClient.bat or file is not working correctly

The setupClient.bat file on Windows platforms and the file on UNIX platforms incorrectly specify the location of the SOAP security properties file.

In the setupClient.bat file, the correct location should be:


In the file, the CLIENTSOAP variable should be:$WAS_HOME/properties/soap.client.props

In the setupClient.bat and files, complete the following steps:

  1. Remove the leading / after file:.

  2. Change sas to soap.


Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: Unexpected Signal 11 occurred under user-defined signal handler 0x7895710a message occurs in the native_stdout.log file when enabling security on the HP-UX11i platform

After you enable security on HP-UX 11i platforms, the following error in the native_stdout.log file occurs, along with a core dump and WAS does not start:

  Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: 
  Unexpected Signal 11 occurred under user-defined signal handler 0x7895710a

To work around this error, apply the fixes recommended by HP for Java at the following URL:

For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, see the IBM Support page.

IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, see the IBM Support page.

Related tasks
Troubleshooting by task: What are you trying to do?
Troubleshooting by component: What is not working?