[V5.1 and later]SvrSslCfg usage syntax

The following information is a summary of how to use the com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg class:

	java com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg -action {config |unconfig | addsvr  |  rmsvr   
|chgsvr     | setport  |setdblisten  | replcert }
	      -admin_id administrator_user_ID
	      -admin_pwd administrator_password
	      -appsvr_id application_server_name
	      -port port_number
	      -mode { local | remote } 
	      [Note: local mode is not supported in this release.]
	      -policysvr policy_server_name:port:rank [,...]
	      -authzsvr authorization_server_name:port:rank [,...]
	      -cfg_file fully_qualified_name_of_configuration_file
	      -key_file fully_qualified_name_of_keystore_file
	      -appsvr_pwd application_server_password
	      -host host_name_of_application_server
	      -dblisten { true | false }
	      -dbdir name_of_directory_for_local_policy_database
	      -dbrefresh refresh_interval_in_seconds
	      -cfg_action  { create | replace }
Detailed information on the SvrSslCfg class is located in the com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg class description in the Authorization Java Classes Developer's Reference of the Tivoli Access Manager product documentation.

Information required to run SvrSslCfg command

Information Value
Administrator user ID Sec_master
Administrator password Secpw
Policy server, TCP/IP communications port number, and rank (default port is 7135) ampolicy.Tivoli.com:7135:1
Authorization server, TCP/IP communications port number, and rank (default port is 7136) amazn.Tivoli.com:7136:1
Host name of Java application system (used in remote mode examples) Jsys.Tivoli.com
TCP/IP port on which the appserver listens for communications from the policy server 999
Application server password pw
Tivoli Access Manager application ID PDPermissionjapp

The application ID must be unique. Other instances of the application running on this system or other systems must each have a unique ID. You can use a distinguished name if an LDAP-based user registry is used by Tivoli Access Manager.

Configuration file <install_root>/java/jre/PdPerm.properties
Key store file
