wsadmin traces

The default properties file,, specifies that the tracing and logging information goes to the wsadmin.traceout file in the WebSphere logs directory.

It is recommended that trace output go to this or some other file. In the event of a script problem, you can examine this file for errors, or forward the file to IBM Support if necessary. The wsadmin tool also creates a log entry for each command you issue interactively or with the -c option, and logs the script names that the -f option invokes. If the property is set in the properties file, diagnostic information also logs to this file. If the property is not set in the properties file, this information goes to the console.

You can turn on traces of the WebSphere Application Server code running inside the scripting process by either specifying the property, or by using the AdminControl object trace method. If IBM Support personnel direct you to turn on such a trace, the output also goes to the file specified by the property, or to the console, if that property is not in effect. You should use the trace command and the traceString property for setting up client traces only.