WebSphere Messaging Service messages
WMSG0001I: JMS Listener started successfully
Explanation: The JMS Listener service has started successfully.
User Response: None
WMSG0002I: JMS Listener stopped successfully
Explanation: The JMS Listener service has stopped successfully.
User Response: None.
WMSG0003E: Error initializing JMSListenerStub: {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to initialize the JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to initialize the JMS Listener.
WMSG0004E: Error initializing JMSListenerStub: {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to initialize the JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to initialize the JMS Listener.
WMSG0005E: Error creating MDBListener for JMS Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to create the MDBListener instance for the given JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to create the MDBListener. Examine your JMS Listener config file to ensure the definition is correct, and ensure that all the necessary JMS resources are bound into the WebSphere JNDI name space. Also, ensure that the necessary JMS provider classes are in the Application Server classpath.
WMSG0006E: Error creating MDBListener for JMS Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to create the MDBListener instance for the given JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to create the MDBListener. Examine your JMS Listener config file to ensure the definition is correct, and ensure that all the necessary JMS resources are bound into the WebSphere JNDI name space. Also, ensure that the necessary JMS provider classes are in the Application Server classpath.
WMSG0007E: Error starting JMSListenerStub: {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to start the JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to start the JMS Listener.
WMSG0008E: Error starting JMSListenerStub: {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to start the JMS Listener.
User Response: Determine from the given exception the reason for the failure to start the JMS Listener.
WMSG0009W: Error terminating JMSListenerStub : {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to terminate the JMS Listener.
User Response: If the exception indicates a serious failure, examine the reason for the error.
WMSG0010E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, {1}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0011W: Warnings parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}
Explanation: A warning was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0012E: Errors parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}
Explanation: An error was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0013E: Errors parsing JMS Listener config file: {0}, {1}
Explanation: An error was issued trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0014E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, line: {1}, column: {2}, message: {3}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0015E: Error parsing JMSListener config file: {0}, message: {1}
Explanation: An exception occurred trying to parse the given JMS Listener config file.
User Response: Correct the problem in the JMS Listener config file and restart the EJB Server.
WMSG0016E: postInvoke exception for MDB {0} listening upon JMSDestination {1}, exception: {2}
Explanation: An exception occurred during postInvoke transaction completion processing after calling of the MDB.onMessage() method.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure.
WMSG0017E: Unable to lookup JMS resources, JNDI lookup exception: {0}
Explanation: An exception occurred performing a JNDI lookup of a JMS resource.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. This might be due to the given JMS resource not being defined to the WebSphere JNDI namespace, or perhaps the necessary JMS provider classes are not in the Application Server classpath.
WMSG0018E: Error on JMSConnection for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception has been reported by the JMS provider on a JMSConnection.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure, then restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0019E: Unable to start MDB Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception has occurred during the start of the given MDB Listener.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure, then restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0020E: Unable to stop MDB Listener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception has occurred during the stop of the given MDB Listener.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure, then try stopping the MDB EJB jar module again from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0021E: Exception constructing MDBListenerImpl {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: An exception has occurred during the creation of a MDB Listener.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure, then restart the EJB Server to re-initialize the JMS Listener.
WMSG0022E: Duplicate MDBListener definition for {0}, JMSDestination {1}
Explanation: An attempt has been made to define a duplicate JMS Listener in the config file.
User Response: Correct the JMS Listener config file to remove the duplicate entry, then restart the EJB Server to re-initialize the JMS Listener.
WMSG0023W: Exception closing MDBListener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the stop of an MDB Listener, the closing of the listener caused the given exception.
User Response: If the exception indicates a serious failure, examine the reason for the error.
WMSG0024W: Exception terminating MDBListener {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the stop of an MDB Listener, the terminating of the listener caused the given exception.
User Response: If the exception indicates a serious failure, examine the reason for the error.
WMSG0025E: MessageDrivenBean does not have any security permissions configured
Explanation: During the creation of an MDB Listener on a secure Application Server an exception occurred that indicated the given MessageDrivenBean did not have it's security permissions set.
User Response: Configure the MessageDrivenBean onMessage() method access permissions for access by anyone or the Server security ID.
WMSG0026E: Exception invoking MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() for MDB {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the invocation of the MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() method an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0027E: Exception invoking MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() for MDB {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the invocation of the MessageDrivenBean.onMessage() method an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0028E: Exception creating JMS ServerSession for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the creation of a JMS ServerSession for a new MDB Listener an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0029E: Error during JMSListener server login for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the login processing on a secure Application Server an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the security failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0030E: Exception beginning JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the processing of a JMS message the JMS Listener was unable to being a transaction.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0031E: Exception processing JMS Message for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the processing of a JMS message an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0032E: Unable to rollback JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the rollback of a JMS message an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure and resolve the transaction using the Administrative Console. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0033E: Exception committing JMS ServerSession transaction for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the committing of a JMS message an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0034E: Exception rollingback JMS Session for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the rollback of a JMS message an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure and resolve the transaction using the Administrative Console. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0035E: Exception committing JMS Session for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the committing of a JMS message an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0036E: Maximum message delivery retry count of {0} reached for MDB {1}, JMSDestination {2}, MDBListener stopped
Explanation: The given JMS Destination has reached its retry limit for the attempting to process a JMS message.
User Response: Examine the reason for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0037E: Exception starting JMS ServerSession for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1} : {2}
Explanation: During the starting of a JMS ServerSession an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0038E: Exception in MDBPooledThread: {0}
Explanation: During the processing of a JMS message on a server thread an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0039E: Exception in MDBPooledThread: {0}
Explanation: During the processing of a JMS message on a server thread an unexpected exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure. After correction restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0040W: JMS Listener started with warnings
Explanation: The JMS Listener service has started, however some warnings were issued during initialization.
User Response: Examine the warnings for any failures that might need correcting.
WMSG0041E: JMS Listener failed to start
Explanation: The JMS Listener service failed to start due to some initialization errors.
User Response: Examine the error logs for the reasons for the failures and then restart the server.
WMSG0042I: MDB Listener {0} started successfully for JMSDestination {1}
Explanation: The given Message Bean Listener has started successfully.
User Response: None.
WMSG0043I: MDB Listener {0} stopped for JMSDestination {1}
Explanation: The given Message Bean Listener has stopped.
User Response: If the Listener has stopped unexpectedly, examine the appserver logs for preceeding error messages.
WMSG0044W: MDB Listener listening on JMSDestination {1} has not started as the EJB {0} is not installed
Explanation: The given Message Bean Listener has not being started because the Message Bean EJB with the given JNDI home name is not installed and started.
User Response: If the JMSListenerConfig.xml specifies an incorrect EJB JNDI home name then correct the entry and restart the server.
WMSG0045E: JMS Listener initialization failed
Explanation: The initialization of the JMS Listener service failed due to some previous errors.
User Response: Examine the previous error messages to determine the reason for the failure and once corrected restart the server.
WMSG0046E: Unable to find Listener Port {1} for binding MDB {0}
Explanation: The binding of Message Driven Bean {0} to Listener Port {1} failed because the Listener Port could not be found.
User Response: Ensure the given Listener Port exists in the Message Listener Service for the given Application Server.
WMSG0047E: MessageDrivenBeanBinding does not exist for MDB {0}
Explanation: The given Message Driven Bean {0} does not have a MessageDrivenBeanBinding in its binding configuration.
User Response: Ensure the given MDB has being assembled and installed correctly, and then reinstall the MDB.
WMSG0048W: Exception activating JMX MBean {0}, exception {1}
Explanation: While activating a ListenerPort JMX MBean an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the failure, then restart the Application Server.
WMSG0049E: Failed to start MDB {0} against listener port {1}
Explanation: The start of the MDB listener failed, while being bound to the given Listener Port.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the failure, then restart the given listener port.
WMSG0050E: Exception checking JMS durable subscriptions {0}
Explanation: The message listener service checks that the current set of durable subscriptions are still valid and do not need unsubscribing. An exception occurred during this check.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the failure, then restart the server.
WMSG0051E: Exception updating the JMS durable subscriptions log {0}
Explanation: When an application is started that contains JMS durable subscriptions, the subscriptions are logged to ensure at a later stage they get cleaned up if the application is removed. An exception has occurred during this update.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the failure, then restart the server.
WMSG0052E: Exception unsubscribing JMS durable subscription {0} : {1}
Explanation: When attempting to unsubscribe a durable subscription an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine the reason for the failure, then restart the server.
WMSG0053I: Redundent JMS durable subscription {0} has been unsubscribed
Explanation: The durable subscription manager has determined the given subscription is now redundent, perhaps because the application has been removed, and the subscription has been unsubscribed.
User Response: None.
WMSG0054E: Exception writing to the Late Response Message Consumer Log {0}, {1}
Explanation: The late response message consumer was unable to write to the given log file, because of an exception.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine why the log file could not be written to.
WMSG0055E: Exception reading the Late Response Message Consumer Log {0}, {1}
Explanation: The late response message consumer was unable to read the given log file, because of an exception.
User Response: Examine the exception details to determine why the log file could not be read.
WMSG0056W: MDB Listener Port {0} maximum sessions size of {1} is greater than its JMS Connection Factory {2} Session Pool size of {3}, setting maximum sessions to {3}
Explanation: An MDB is being started against the given Listener Port which has a maximum sessions value larger than the JMS Connection Factory Session Pool size that it is configured to use. The MDB Listener will start using the Session Pool size.
User Response: Increase the JMS Connection Factory Session Pool size, or decrease the Listener Port maximum sessions.
WMSG0057E: Error on JMSConnection for MDB {0}, JMSDestination {1}, JMS Linked Exception : {2}
Explanation: An exception has been reported by the JMS provider on a JMSConnection.
User Response: Examine the exception for reasons for the failure, then restart the MDB EJB jar module from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0058I: Listener Port {0} will attempt to restart in {1} seconds
Explanation: The Listener Port has stopped due to error, but as the user has defined the max.recovery.retries and recovery.timeout.interval custom properties, the appserver will attempt to restart it.
User Response: None.
WMSG0059E: Maximum restart retry count of {0} reached for Listener Port {1}
Explanation: The given Listener Port has reached its retry limit for starting
User Response: Examine the reason for the failure. After correction restart the Listener Port from the Administrative Console.
WMSG0100E: User is not authorised to access Command Queue
Explanation: The username and password were either unknown or did not have the required access priviliges
User Response: Check to ensure the username and password are correct
WMSG0101I: Invalid default priority specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The priority specified was not in the range 0-9.
User Response: Ensure that the priority contains a valid value
WMSG0102I: Invalid maximum Queue depth specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The queue depth specified was not in the range 0-640000
User Response: Ensure that the queue depth contains a valid value
WMSG0103I: Invalid maximum message length specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The message length specified was not in the range
User Response: Ensure that the message length contains a valid value
WMSG0104I: Invalid backout threshold specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The backout threshold specified was not in the range 0-999999999
User Response: Ensure that the backout threshold contains a valid value
WMSG0105I: Invalid Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The Queue name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the Queue name contains a valid value
WMSG0106I: Invalid Queue description specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The queue description specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the queue description contains a valid value
WMSG0107I: Invalid Cluster name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The Cluster name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the cluster name contains a valid value
WMSG0108I: Invalid Cluster name list specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The cluster name list specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the cluster name list contains a valid value
WMSG0109I: Invalid backout Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The backout Queue name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the backout Queue name contains a valid value
WMSG0110I: Invalid remote Queue Manager name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The remote Queue Manager name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the remote Queue Manager name contains a valid value
WMSG0111I: Invalid remote Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The remote Queue name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the remote Queue name contains a valid value
WMSG0112I: Invalid transmission Queue name specified. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The transmission Queue name specified was not valid
User Response: Ensure that the queue name contains a valid value
WMSG0113I: Unrecognised parameter is invalid. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The PCF response message is reporting that a parameter has caused an error, but the program does not know how to handle it.
User Response: Lookup the parameter in the MQSeries information centre and fix the problem.
WMSG0114I: Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The queue name specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the queue name contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0115I: Queue description is over 64 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The queue description specified was longer than 64 characters
User Response: Ensure that the queue description contains less than 64 characters.
WMSG0117I: Cluster name list is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The cluster name list specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the cluster name list contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0118I: Backout Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The backout Queue name specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the backout queue name contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0119I: Remote Queue Manager name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The Remote Queue Manager name specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the Remote Queue Manager name contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0120I: Cluster name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The cluster name specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the cluster name contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0121I: Transmission Queue name is over 48 characters long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The transmission queue name specified was longer than 48 characters
User Response: Ensure that the transmission queue name contains less than 48 characters.
WMSG0122I: Unknown Parameter is too long. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: The PCF response message claims a parameter was too long, but the parameter was not expected
User Response: Check that the correct parameter is being used. Reference the MQSeries documentation if necessary.
WMSG0123I: An error occurred that is not recognised. reason = {0}, parameter = {1}.
Explanation: An error has occurred that has not been recognised
User Response: Use the MQSeries Information Centre to discover what the error is.
WMSG0200E: Incorrect mapping option: {0}
Explanation: The MB2MDB command has been invoked with an invalid -map option.
User Response: Correct the given -map option
WMSG0201E: No JMS Listener definitions found in {0}
Explanation: The specified JMS Listener Config file contains no JMS listener definitions.
User Response: Specify a valid config file.
WMSG0202E: Input Enterprise Application ear {0} does not contain {1}
Explanation: The specified EAR file is invalid as it does not contain the required file.
User Response: Specify a valid Enterprise Application ear file.
WMSG0203E: Exception migrating the message bean
Explanation: During the migration of the message bean application an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception stack trace to determine the error and correct the problem.
WMSG0204E: Input EJB jar {0} does not contain {1}
Explanation: The given EJB jar does not contain the required file.
User Response: Specify a valid EJB jar.
WMSG0205E: Exception parsing JMS Listener Config {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception stack trace to determine the error and correct the problem.
WMSG0206W: Warnings parsing JMS Listener Config {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file warnings occurred.
User Response: Examine the warnings to determine the problem and correct it.
WMSG0207W: Errors parsing JMS Listener Config {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file errors occurred.
User Response: Examine the errors to determine the problem and correct it.
WMSG0208E: Errors parsing JMS Listener Config {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file errors occurred.
User Response: Examine the errors to determine the problem and correct it.
WMSG0209E: Exception parsing JMS Listener Config {0} line: {1} column: {2} : {3}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception stack trace to determine the error and correct the problem.
WMSG0210E: Exception parsing JMS Listener Config {0} : {1}
Explanation: During the parsing of the given JMS Listener Config file an exception occurred.
User Response: Examine the exception stack trace to determine the error and correct the problem.
WMSG0211E: Error creating directory {0}
Explanation: While trying to migrate the given message bean it was unable to create the given directory.
User Response: Examine the file system directory to determine why the directory could not be created.
WMSG0212E: Error creating file {0}
Explanation: While trying to migrate the given message bean it was unable to create the given file.
User Response: Examine the file system to determine why the file could not be created.
WMSG0213E: Compile error {0} compiling generated code
Explanation: While compiling the generated MDB code an error occurred.
User Response: Examine the compiler errors messages to determine the problem.
WMSG0214E: Input file {0} not found
Explanation: While validating the input parameters the given input file was not found.
User Response: Correct the name of the given input file.
WMSG0300E: The {0} setting was not a valid value.
Explanation: One of the settings had an invalid value.
User Response: Change the setting so it is valid.
WMSG0301E: The settings you chose would have made the Queue a cluster Queue and a transmission Queue.
Explanation: The Queue is a transmission Queue and the user tried to make it a cluster Queue as well, this is not valid.
User Response: Remove the cluster name or cluster name list settings so it wont be a member of a cluster Queue.
WMSG0302E: The action you tried did not complete. Check the other errors to determine the cause.
Explanation: The command failed, there are other error messages that will describe the cause of the problem.
User Response: Inspect the other error messages.
WMSG0303E: The Queue you tried to create already existed.
Explanation: The Queue already existed.
User Response: The Queue was created elsewhere. Click OK again to modify the Queue.
WMSG0304E: The Queue name specified contained invalid characters.
Explanation: The Queue name specified was not valid.
User Response: Change the Queue name so it is a valid name.
WMSG0305E: Unable to perform the action as the Queue was open.
Explanation: The Queue was open and the force option was not set.
User Response: Try again later when the Queue is not being used.
WMSG0306E: Unexpected error occurred. PCF reason code {0}, please check the MQSeries documentation for a description of the error.
Explanation: This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
WMSG0307E: Unable to connect to the Queue Manager.
Explanation: Unable to connect to the Queue manager.
User Response: Check that the Queue Manager and Command Server are running and that the settings specified are correct.
WMSG0308E: The message was too big for the Queue.
Explanation: The message was bigger than the maximum message length setting for the Queue.
User Response: Use MQSeries tooling to increase the maximum message length of the SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE.
WMSG0309E: You are not authorized to perform these actions.
Explanation: Either credentials were not specified or they were not valid.
User Response: Provide valid credentials to perform the action.
WMSG0310E: Deletion of the Queue failed as it contains some messages that could not be removed.
Explanation: There were some messages on the Queue that could not be purged.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0311E: There has been a selector error.
Explanation: There was an error in a selector.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0312E: There is not enough main storage to perform the action.
Explanation: There was not enough main storage to perform the action.
User Response: Consult the MQSeries manuals to correct the problem.
WMSG0313E: The Queue you tried to modify does not exist.
Explanation: An attempt to modify a Queue was made, but the Queue did not exist.
User Response: The Queue may have been deleted while you were editing its settings. Click OK to create the Queue.
WMSG0314E: Unexpected error occurred. MQ reason code {0}, please check the MQSeries Information Center for a description of the error.
Explanation: While creating a Queue an error occurred that was not expected.
User Response: Refer to the MQSeries manuals to find a description of the error.
WMSG0315E: Unexpected IO error occurred.
Explanation: While sending a message an IO error occurred.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0316E: You tried to view a Queue that was not a local Queue. Only administration of local Queues is supported.
Explanation: You tried to view a Queue that is not a local Queue.
User Response: Specify the name of a Queue that is a local Queue.
WMSG0317E: The Command Server has returned some invalid Queue settings.
Explanation: While unpacking the response from the Queue Manager an incorrect Queue setting was found.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0318E: The Command Server has returned some attributes of the incorrect type.
Explanation: While unpacking the response from the Queue Manager an incorrect type was found.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0319E: The Queue name you have specified is invalid.
Explanation: The Queue name specified is not valid.
User Response: Correct the name of the Queue.
WMSG0320E: Internal Queue Manager error.
Explanation: An interanl error has occurred in the Queue Manager.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0321E: Internal Queue Manager error.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred in the Queue Manager.
User Response: Try again later.
WMSG0322E: The Queue Manager name was either invalid or not known.
Explanation: The Queue Manager name was either invalid or not known.
User Response: Check that the Queue Manager name is valid and that the Queue Manager exists.
WMSG0323E: The Queue Manager is not available.
Explanation: The Queue Manager is not available.
User Response: Check that the Queue Manager is running and try again.
WMSG0324E: The Queue Manager is inactive.
Explanation: The Queue Manager is inactive.
User Response: Wait for the Queue Manager to be restarted and try again.
WMSG0325E: The Queue Manager is stopping.
Explanation: The Queue Manager is stopping.
User Response: Wait for the Queue Manager to be restarted and try again.
WMSG0326E: The Port number specifed was not a valid number.
Explanation: The Port number specifed was not a valid number.
User Response: Enter a valid number for the port and try again.
WMSG0327E: The Queue Depth specified was not a valid number.
Explanation: The Queue Depth specified was not a valid number.
User Response: Enter a valid number for the Queue Depth and try again.
WMSG0328E: The Maximum Message Length specified was not a valid number.
Explanation: The Maximum Message Length specified was not a valid number.
User Response: Enter a valid number for the Maximum Message Length and try again.
WMSG0329E: The Backout Threshold specified was not a valid number.
Explanation: The Backout Threshold specified was not a valid number.
User Response: Enter a valid number for the Backout Threshold and try again.
WMSG0330E: The specified priority was not a number.
Explanation: The priority specified was not valid number.
User Response: Ensure that the priority contains a number.
WMSG0331E: The MQ Client is required for this functionality, but it is not installed.
Explanation: The MQ Client was not installed and this is required to configure MQSeries.
User Response: Install the MQ Client.
WMSG0332E: The Name of the MQ Queue is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean
Explanation: The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a Queue Name
User Response: Specify the Name of the MQ Queue.
WMSG0333E: The Name of the MQ Queue Manager is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.
Explanation: The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a Queue Manager Name.
User Response: Specify the Name of the MQ Queue Manager.
WMSG0334E: The Host name that the Queue Manager is running on is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.
Explanation: The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a Host Name.
User Response: Specify the Host Name the Queue Manager is running on.
WMSG0335E: The Host name that the Queue Manager is running on is required by the WMQQueueDefiner MBean.
Explanation: The WMQQueueDefiner MBean was not supplied with a Host Name.
User Response: Contact your IBM Service Representative.
WMSG0336E: You specified a null value where a String was required.
Explanation: A null was specified for one of the Queue Data values.
User Response: Specify a value that is not null.
WMSG0337E: A value that was too short was specified.
Explanation: A String value was specified that was too short.
User Response: Specify a value that is long enough.
WMSG0338E: The Queue Name was set twice.
Explanation: The Queue Name was set twice and this is not allowed.
User Response: Don't specify the Queue Name twice.
WMSG0339E: The value specified was not one of the valid value
Explanation: The value specified has a limited number of options, none of which were specified.
User Response: Specify a valid value.
WMSG0340E: The value specified was less than zero
Explanation: A value was specified was outside the valid range.
User Response: Specify a number greater than or equal to zero.
WMSG0341E: The Cluster name specified contained invalid characters.
Explanation: The Cluster name specified was not valid.
User Response: Change the Cluster name so it is a valid name.
WMSG0342E: The Cluster Namelist specified contained invalid characters.
Explanation: The Cluster Namelist specified was not valid.
User Response: Change the Cluster Namelist so it is a valid name.
WMSG0343E: The Backout Re-Queue Queue Name specified contained invalid characters.
Explanation: The Backout Re-Queue Queue Name specified was not valid.
User Response: Change the Backout Re-Queue Queue Name so it is a valid name.
WMSG0344E: The Queue Description specified contained invalid characters.
Explanation: The Queue Description specified was not valid.
User Response: Change the Queue Description so it is a valid name.
WMSG0345E: An unknown Parameter contained invalid characters.
Explanation: One of the parameters contained an error, but it wasn't one of the expected ones.
User Response: Contact your IBM Service Representative.
WMSG0346E: A value that was too long was specified.
Explanation: A String value was specified that was too long.
User Response: Specify a value that is not too long.
WMSG0400I: WebSphere Application Server Message Driven Bean samples setup script
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0401I: Connected to a managed environment
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0402I: Connected to an unmanaged appserver
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0403I: Saving the configuration
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0404I: Server has shutdown. Please start the server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0405I: Please restart the server for these changes to take effect.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0406I: Shutting down server
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0407I: Starting server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0408I: The Application Server must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Do you want to stop the Application Server? Enter the number associated with the following options:
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0409I: [1] Stop the Application server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0410I: [2] Don't stop the Application server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0411I: Setting the initialState of the SamplePubSubListenerPort to START
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0412I: SamplePubSubListenerPort is already running
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0413I: Starting SamplePubSubListenerPort
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0414I: SamplePubSubListenerPort started
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0415I: Application server is running
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0416I: Starting appserver
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0417I: Application server started
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0418I: JMS server is running
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0419I: Starting JMS server
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0420I: JMS server started
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0421I: Setting the JMS server initialState to START
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0422I: Setting the initialState of the SamplePtoPListenerPort to START
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0423I: SamplePtoPListenerPort is already running
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0424I: Starting SamplePtoPListenerPort
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0425I: SamplePtoPListenerPort started
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0426I: Setting the JMS server initialState to STOP
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0427I: Stopping JMS server
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0428I: JMS server stopped
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0429I: Stopping SamplePtoPListenerPort
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0430I: SamplePtoPListenerPort stopped
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0431I: Setting the initialState of the SamplePtoPListenerPort to STOP
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0432I: Setting the initialState of the SamplePubSubListenerPort to STOP
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0433I: Stopping SamplePubSubListenerPort
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0434I: SamplePubSubListenerPort stopped
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0435I: Do you want to stop the JMS server? Enter the number associated with the following options:
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0436I: [1] Stop the JMS server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0437I: [2] Don't Stop the JMS server.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0438I: Usage: wsadmin -f stopMDBSamples.jacl -serverName
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0439I: Usage: wsadmin.sh -f stopMDBSamples.jacl -serverName
-nodeName .
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0440I: -serverName
where server name is the name of the appserver is running on.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0441I: -nodeName
where node name is the name of the node the appserver is running on.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0442I: Usage: wsadmin -f startMDBSamples.jacl -serverName
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0443I: Usage: wsadmin.sh -f startMDBSamples.jacl -serverName
-nodeName .
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0444I: -serverName
where server name is the name of the appserver is running on.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0445I: -nodeName
where node name is the name of the node the appserver is running on.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0446I: No changes were made. The samples are ready to run.
Explanation: None
User Response: None
WMSG0900W: JMS resource binder for resource type {0} is disabled
Explanation: The JMS resource binder for the given type of resource is disabled because the binder cannot resolve the necessary classes for this JMS resource type.
User Response: If this resource type is required to be supported, then check that the necessary JMS messaging components are installed and restart the appserver.
WMSG0901E: The Embedded JMS Binders have been disabled as the Embedded JMS Client has not been installed.
Explanation: The Embedded JMS client has not been installed.
User Response: Install the Embedded JMS client.
WMSG0902E: The WebSphere MQ JMS Binders have been disabled as either the WebSphere MQ Client has not been installed, or the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable has not been set.
Explanation: The Embedded JMS client has not been installed.
User Response: Install the Embedded JMS client and set the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable.
Last updated:
Thu Oct 21 12:17:11 EDT 2004
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