WebSphere Activity Session Service messages
WACS0001E: An internal error occurred in method {0} in class {1}; the exception stack trace follows: {2}.
Explanation: An internal error was detected in the ActivitySession service.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0002E: Unable to retrieve ActivityManager from Namespace.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service is unable to find an ActivityManager instance in the JNDI namespace.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0003E: Unexpected error occurred whilst beginning a new ActivitySession. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when an attempt to begin a new ActivitySesion was made.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0004E: Unexpected error occurred whilst suspending ActivitySession. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when an attempt to suspend the current ActivitySesion was made.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0005E: Unexpected error occurred whilst resuming ActivitySession. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when an attempt to resume a previously suspended ActivitySesion was made.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0006E: Resource unable to process signal. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when a Resource enlisted with the ActivitySession failed to process a supplied Signal.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0007E: Unexpected error occurred whilst processing Signal. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred during the processing of a Signal.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0008E: Unexpected error occurred whilst getting ActivityManager instance.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst accessing the ActivitySession service's ActivityManager instance.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0009E: Unexpected error occurred whilst registering Resource with ActivitySession service. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when attempting to enlist a new Resource with the ActivitySession service.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0010E: Unable to enlist resource. ActivitySession has not been started.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred causing the current ActivitySession not to be begun at creation.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0011E: Unexpected error occurred whilst registering Synchronization with Activity service. The exception was {0}
Explanation: An internal error occurred when the Container attempted to enlist a synchronization object with the ActivitySession service.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0012E: Unable to enlist synchronization. ActivitySession is not in a valid state.
Explanation: The Container is attempting to enlist a synchronization object with the current ActivitySession after the ActivitySession has completed.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0013E: Unexpected error occurred whilst retrieving status of underlying Activity.
Explanation: An internal error occurred when an attempt was made to determine the status of the current ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0014E: SignalSet name not valid for ActivitySession service.
Explanation: An internal error occurred due to an invalid SignalSet being requested by the Activity service.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0015E: Cannot access ActivitySessionServiceManager in current environment.
Explanation: An internal error occurred due to an attempt being made to access the ActivitySessionServiceManager in an unsupported environment such as the Client Container.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0016E: Unexpected error occurred whilst retrieving extended outcome from response.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst determining the cause of a failed Resource completion.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0017E: Unable to get final outcome of SignalSet as status is Active or Completing.
Explanation: An internal error occurred due to an attempt being made to determine the outcome of a SignalSet before it is completed.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0018E: No Signals have yet been produced by this SignalSet.
Explanation: An internal error occurred due to an attempt being made to determine the completion status of a SignalSet before any signals were produced.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0019E: Cannot begin an ActivitySession whilst a Global Transaction is active.
Explanation: The container or your application has attempted to begin a new ActivitySession without completing the current active Global Transaction.
User Response: Ensure your application completes any outstanding Global Transacions before attempting to begin an ActivitySession. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0020E: Cannot resume an ActivitySession whilst a Global Transaction is active.
Explanation: The container has attempted to resume an ActivitySession whilst a Global Transaction is still active on the thread.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0021E: Cannot begin new ActivitySession when one already exists on current thread.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to start a new ActivitySession whilst another uncomplete ActivitySession exists.
User Response: Ensure that your application ends any active ActivitySession before beginning a new one. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0022E: Unexpected error occurred whilst accessing status of current ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred when trying to retrieve the current ActivitySessions status.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0023E: Unexpected error occurred whilst accessing the name of current ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred when trying to retrieve the current ActivitySessions name.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0024E: Unexpected error occurred whilst setting ResetOnly flag.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst setting the ResetOnly flag so the ResetOnly flag is not set and an exception is thrown.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0025E: No ActivitySession currently active on current thread.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to carry access an ActivitySession when none exists on the current thread.
User Response: Check that your application has started an ActivitySession before attempting to access it further. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0026E: Timeout value is not within defined range.
Explanation: setSessionTimeout() has been called on an ActivitySession with a value that is outside the acceptable range.
User Response: Try a different value for the timeout. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0027E: Unexpected error occurred whilst checkpointing ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst attempting to checkpoint the ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0028E: Unexpected error occurred whilst reseting ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst attempting to reset the ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0029E: Unexpected error occurred whilst initialising ActivitySession service.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service was unable to initialise due to an internal error.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0030E: Unable to retrieve UserActivity from Namespace.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service is unable to find an UserActivity instance in the JNDI namespace.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0031E: Cannot access ActivityManager in current environment.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred as access to the ActivityManager object is not allowed from within the Client Container.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0032E: Unexpected error occurred whilst getting UserActivity instance.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst accessing the ActivitySession service's UserActivity instance.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0033E: Unexpected error occurred whilst ending ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst attempting to end the ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0034E: ActivitySession was reset due to setResetOnly() being called.
Explanation: The ActivitySession and its resources were reset at completion time due to setResetOnly() being called.
User Response: None, this is for your information only. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0035E: No HTTP request available.
Explanation: No HTTP Request has been assigned to the ActivitySession by the Web Container.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0036E: Mixed outcomes were achieved by Resources during ActivitySession completion.
Explanation: Resources completed as part of an ActivitySession had a mixture of outcomes including success, failure and error.
User Response: Examine the exceptions returned from the MixedOutcomeException's getFailedResourceExceptions() method for messages about which resources failed. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0037E: Unexpected error occurred whilst retrieving name of underlying Activity.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst accessing the name of the Activity associated with the current ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0038E: Unexpected error occurred whilst setting ResetOnly flag on current ActivitySession.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst updating the completionStatus of the Activity associated with the current ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0039E: Unexpected error occurred whilst accessing status of underlying Activity.
Explanation: An internal error occurred whilst accessing the status of the Activity associated with the current ActivitySession.
User Response: Examine any related messages in order to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages or they do not help to resolve the problem, please contact IBM Support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0040E: Caller type of getFromHttpSession, is container {0}, does not match management type of ActivitySession, container managed {1}.
Explanation: Containers and Applications may not resume ActivitySessions managed by the other type.
User Response: This condition indicates an application error. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0041E: Management type indicator of ActivitySession missing from HTTPSesion.
Explanation: Unable to perform getFromHttpSession since missing management type prevents proper policing.
User Response: This is an internal problem, please contact IBM Support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0042E: The container is resetting an active application managed ActivitySession, {0}, in postInvoke.
Explanation: An application managed ActivitySession was active on the thread at method end.
User Response: This is an user application error. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0043E: Error found starting an application. {0} specified an ActivitySession attribute that is not allowed when the ActivitySession service is not enabled.
Explanation: The application component identified in the message has been assembled with ActivitySession extensions that are not supported when the ActivitySession service is disabled.
User Response: The failing application must be reassembled with different ActivitySession attributes, or the ActivitySession service must be enabled for this server. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0044E: ActivitySession service could not resolve the {0} service.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service could not resolve the specified service, which is required for the ActivitySession service. Look through the log to see if the specified service started successfully.
User Response: If you wish to use the ActivitySession service, correct the problem with the specified service. If you are unable to correct the problem, please contact IBM support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0045I: ActivitySession service is disabled.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service has been disabled in the configuration, and it will be inaccessible on the server.
User Response: None. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0046I: ActivitySession service cannot be disabled.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service has been disabled in the configuration, but disabling this service would cause other services on the server to fail.
User Response: None. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0047W: ActivitySession service disabled due to previous errors.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service experienced an error during initialization. The service will be inaccessible on the given server. The root error should have been logged previously.
User Response: Try to resolve the previously logged errors. If unable to do so, please contact IBM support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0048I: The ActivitySession service started successfully.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service started successfully.
User Response: None. Informational Only. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0049I: The ActivitySession service is stopping.
Explanation: The ActivitySession service is stopping.
User Response: None. Informational Only. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0050E: Error found starting an application. {0} specified an unsupported combination of ActivitySession attributes.
Explanation: The application component identified in the message has been assembled with ActivitySession extensions that are not supported. All Web components in a Web application must be configured with the same value for ActivitySession control kind.
User Response: The failing application must be reassembled with different ActivitySession attributes, and the appserver must be recycled before the application is restarted. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0051E: Error occurred during association of an ActivitySession with an HttpSession. The exception was {0}.
Explanation: Association of a new ActivitySession with an HttpSession failed because of the exception reported in the message.
User Response: Try to resolve the previously logged errors. If unable to do so, please contact IBM support. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WACS0052E: During the resume of an ActivitySession the attempt to resume a contained global transaction failed. The exception was {0}.
Explanation: The resume of a global transaction failed because of the exception reported in the message.
User Response: Try to resolve the previously logged errors. If unable to do so, please contact IBM support.
WACS0053E: Unexpected error occured trying to access the ActivitySession property group
Explanation: An internal error occured when trying to get the ActivitySession property group.
User Response: Try to resolve the previously logged errors. If unable to do so, please contact IBM support.
WACS0054I: Transaction has been marked rollbackOnly.
Explanation: Transaction has been marked rollbackOnly. This may have occurred if the transaction was begun during the Activity Session but not completed before the Activity Session was reset.
User Response: None. Informational Only.
Last updated:
Thu Oct 21 12:17:26 EDT 2004
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