J2EE Connector messages
J2CA0001E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor for {0} : {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the Resource Adapter. A Deployment Descriptor does exist for this Resource Adapter, but it is not in the right format to read in and process.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0002W: There is no Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor available for {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration for the Resource Adapter. A Deployment Descriptor does not exist for this Resource Adapter.
User Response: Check that resources.xml exists and contains aelement. If not, or if it looks incorrect, delete and re-create the resource adapter via the Admin Console.
J2CA0003E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Factory Properties for {0} : {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the Connection Factory. The Properties do exist for the Connection Factory, but they are not in the right format to read in and process.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0004W: There are no Connection Factory Properties available for {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the Connection Factory. The Properties do not exist for this Connection Factory.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0005E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Pooling Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the Connection Factory. The Connection Pooling Properties do exist for the Connection Factory, but they are not in the right format to read in and process.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0006W: There are no Connection Pooling Properties available for {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the Connection Factory. The Connection Pooling Properties do not exist for this Connection Factory.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0007W: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing continued.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with invoking a method on a ManagedConnectionFactory object. The names of these methods are determined by the name/value pairs contained in the Connection Factory Properties. These in turn are based on the contents of the Resource Adapter's ra.xml file. Processing will continue since the default values for this particular property may be sufficient to continue execution. Or, this particular property may not even be required by the ManagedConnectionFactory object.
User Response: This may indicate a mismatch between the Resource Adapter's XML definition and the actual Java class provided for the Resource Adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory implementation. Examine the attributes supplied by the resource adapter. It may be necessary to provide this failure notification to the resource adapter provider.
J2CA0008W: Class {0} used by resource {2} did not contain method set {1}. Processing continued.
Explanation: This message indicates a missing method on a ManagedConnectionFactory object. The names of these methods are determined by the name/value pairs contained in the Connection Factory Properties. These in turn are based on the contents of the Resource Adapter's ra.xml file. Processing will continue since the default values for this particular property may be sufficient to continue execution. Or, this particular property may not even be required by the ManagedConnectionFactory object.
User Response: This may indicate a mismatch between the Resource Adapter's XML definition and the actual Java class provided for the Resource Adapter's ManagedConnectionFactory implementation. Examine the attributes supplied by the resource adapter. It may be necessary to provide this failure notification to the resource adapter provider.
J2CA0009E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ManagedConnectionFactory class {0} used by resource {2} : {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while attempting to create a ManagedConnectionFactory object. There are several possible reasons for this problem. The runtime (1) couldn't find the appropriate class for the ManagedConnectionFactory via the current class loader, (2) couldn't create a TraceWriter object for the ManagedConnectionFactory, (3) or couldn't create the ConnectionManager object for the ManagedConnectionFactory. Any of these could also be related to an invalid XML definition for the Resource Adapter.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0010E: Parameter in method {0} is not of type Reference : {1}.
Explanation: The getObjectInstance method is invoked by the JNDI lookup processing of the Resource. The JNDI lookup implementation should be passing in a valid Reference object for the desired Resource. Either the Name Service is passing in a bad object or the "Reference" object was created incorrectly in the first place.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0011E: There is no connector name in the Reference object for method {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0012E: The connector name is null in the Reference object for method {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0013I: An exception occurred while trying to create ManagedConnectionFactory for {0} : {1}.
Explanation: This exception indicates a problem with creating the ManagedConnectionFactory from the stored Reference in the JNDI name space.
User Response: This informational message provides additional information for related error messages in the activity.log. Reference those error messages for additional explanations and user responses.
J2CA0014I: An exception occurred while building the reference for JNDI deployment of {0} : {1}. This error was absorbed and a null returned from the method.
Explanation: This exception indicates a problem with creating the Reference object to be stored in the JNDI name space for the named Resource. This problem will be detected and logged as an error later in the processing.
User Response: This informational message provides additional information for related error messages in the activity.log. Reference those error messages for additional explanations and user responses.
J2CA0015E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection from resource {0}.
Explanation: The Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection. This may be due to properties associated with the Pool Manager (ie. maximum connections exceeded). A NULL managed connection was returned by the Pool Manager.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0016E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked within transaction ID {1}. This resource adapter from pool {2} does not support two phase processing.
Explanation: This message indicates that an attempt was made to use the connection within the context of an XA transaction along with other XA capable resources. This is not a valid operation for this resource adapter.
User Response: Modify the logic to separate the resource usage into separate transactions.
J2CA0018E: An exception occurred while trying to create Resource Adapter Connection Factory {0} : {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem with the Resource Adapter creating the desired Connection Factory. The exception text should provide additional details on the actual problem.
User Response: If the exception text does not indicate a situation that is user controlled, then contact WebSphere support and provide the data from running collector.bat.
J2CA0019W: No Managed Connection Factory Properties data could be assembled for {0}. Processing continued.
Explanation: This message indicates that due to other logged problems, the properties for the Managed Connection Factory could not be assembled. This may or may not cause runtime problems -- it will depend on the default values of the various properties as provided by the Resource Adapter.
User Response: Check for other related messages that will further explain the specific problems with the property data. If your connections seem to work okay, you could ignore this message. Otherwise, attempt to follow the User Response sections as documented by the other messages.
J2CA0020E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection: {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates that an exception was thrown by the Pool Manager when attempting to allocate a Managed Connection. The exception text should help with deciphering the problem encountered.
User Response: If there are no user controlled indications, the message may be due to an error in the internal J2C runtime processing. Contact WebSphere support and provide the data from running collector.bat.
J2CA0021E: An exception occurred while trying to get a Connection from the Managed Connection resource {1} : {0}.
Explanation: This message indicates that an exception was thrown by the Resource Adapter when attempting to call getConnection. The exception text should help with deciphering the problem encountered.
User Response: If there are no user controlled indications, the message may be due to an error in the internal J2C runtime processing. Contact WebSphere support and provide the data from running collector.bat.
J2CA0022I: An exception occurred while trying to cleanup and release the Managed Connection from resource {1} for a failed getConnection from the Managed Connection : {0}. This second error was absorbed and the original error rethrown.
Explanation: This message indicates that a problem was encountered while attempting to clean up after a failed getConnection. This message is informational and should be combined with other related messages for proper problem determination.
User Response: Examine other related messages for Explanation and User Responses.
J2CA0023E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked. This resource adapter from datasource {1} does not support two phase processing.
Explanation: This message indicates an attempt to invoke an XA operation on a resource adapter that only supports local transactions. This may indicate that a local transaction resource adapter was accidentally included within the context of an XA transaction along with other XA capable resources.
User Response: Modify the business logic to separate the resource usage into separate transactions.
J2CA0024E: Method {0}, within transaction branch ID {1} of resource pool {4}, caught {2} and threw a {3}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while processing the given method. Since the interface defines specific exceptions that can be thrown, the caught exception had to be mapped to the thrown exception. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.
J2CA0026E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to register the Resource Adapter with the Synchronization Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while processing the given method. Since the interface defines specific exceptions that can be thrown, the caught exception had to be mapped to the thrown exception. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.
J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from dataSource {3}, within transaction ID {1}: {2}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while processing the given method. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.
J2CA0028E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from datasource {2}: {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while processing the given method. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.
J2CA0030E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to enlist resources from datasource {3} with the Transaction Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while processing the given method. Since the interface defines specific exceptions that can be thrown, the caught exception had to be mapped to the thrown exception. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.
J2CA0031I: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to delist resources from dataSource {3} from the Transaction Manager for the current transaction and threw {2}
Explanation: This message indicates a problem while attempting to delist resources from the transaction manager. This message is for informational purposes, unless it occurs on a regular basis.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0034E: An unexpected event was received from the resource adapter for resource {2}. Expected ConnectionEvent type {0} and received ConnectionEvent type {1}.
Explanation: This is most likely an error with the specific resource adapter.
User Response: Contact support for the resource adapter.
J2CA0035E: Class {0}, used by resource {2} did not contain method set {1}. Processing halted.
Explanation: The set method does not exist for this class, the J2C runtime expected this method to exist. The resource adapter requires this set method to be executed to function properly, so the ManagedConnectionFactory is discarded. The class file for this ManagedConnectionFactory may be out of date, or there may be a miscommunication between Websphere Systems Management and the J2C runtime.
User Response: Ensure that the class files for this resource adapter are up to date.
J2CA0036E: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing halted.
Explanation: The set method could not be executed. The resource adapter requires this method in order to function correctly. The class files for this ManagedConnectionFactory may be out of date, or there may have been an error communicating between WebSphere systems management and the J2C Runtime.
User Response: Ensure that the class files for this resource adapter are up to date.
J2CA0037E: An exception occurred when trying to read the DataSource Properties for {0} from the namespace : {1}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred when reading properties from the namespace.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0038E: An exception occurred when trying to read the ManagedConnectionFactory Properties for {0} from the namespace : {1}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred when reading properties from the namespace.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0040E: No valid transaction context was found on the thread for method {0} with coordinator {1} using resources from dataSource {2}.
Explanation: Internal error in the J2C runtime. A valid transaction context was required for the given operation but was not found.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0041E: The ComponentMetaData instance was null in method {0}.
Explanation: This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0044E: The ConnectionManager failed to get a Subject from the security service associated with connection factory {0}. Received exception {1}.
Explanation: An internal error occurred when getting a Subject. A container-managed authentication alias may not have been selected on the connection factory or datasource.
User Response: Check that a valid container-managed authentication alias is specified on the connection factory or datasource.
J2CA0045E: Connection not available while invoking method {0} for resource {1}.
Explanation: A connection wait timeout has occurred. A ConnectionWaitTimeoutException was thrown.
User Response: Reconfigure the connection pool. You may increase the maximum number of connections, or increase connection wait time to avoid this condition.
J2CA0046E: Method {0} caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}
Explanation: An error occurred during creation of a ManagedConnection. Usually this can be resolved by looking at the error messages from the resource adapter.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0053W: Enlist option used is {0}. This differs from the desired option of {1} for resource {2}.
Explanation: The resource adapter does not support a TransactionResourceRegistration setting of {1}. The J2C Runtime is using the default value of {0}.
User Response: None.
J2CA0055W: Connection handle not closed at end of the unit of work scope. Handles will be closed by the Connection Manager.
Explanation: Either a Activity Session, Transaction, or Local Transaction work scope is ending and connection handles have not been closed. Support for caching handles outside the current unit of work scope is not supported for this configuration or release.
User Response: Inspect your code and make sure you always close your connection handles before the unit of work the handle is involved in ends.
J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adaptor for resource {1}. The exception which was received is {0}
Explanation: The Connection Manager has been notified by the Resource Adapter that a fatal error has occurred on the connection. This informational message is logged so that the user can see the exception returned.
User Response: The Connection Manager will remove the failing connection, or all the connections (depending on configuration) from the pool. This is normal behavior. If you look at the exception and determine that it is unexpected, then investigate the exception and correct the problem which is causing the exception to occur.
J2CA0057E: The interactionPending method was unable to find a transaction wrapper class.
Explanation: Websphere internal error.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0058E: The ConnectionManager was unable to associate Connection {0} with ManagedConnection {1} for resource {3}. Received exception: {2}
Explanation: Usually this is due to an application error. An example : A cached connection is enlisted in a transaction, then the connection is closed. Before the transaction completes another request is sent to the same EJB that originally opened the connection. The cached handle is still associated with the original transaction and cannot be reassociated until that transaction commits.
User Response: Check the application and make sure that the transaction is committed as soon as possible after connections are closed.
J2CA0060E: PrivilegedActionException calling doPrivileged: {0}
Explanation: Websphere internal error in the security runtime.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0061W: Error creating XA Connection and Resource {0}
Explanation: An error occurred recreating an XA Resource, the resource could not be recovered.
User Response: Check for other related messages that will further explain the specific problem.
J2CA0062W: Encountered an error while cleaning up the Managed Connection: {0} {1}
Explanation: The cleanup operation on a managed connection failed. The connection could not be cleaned up after recovery.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0063W: Encountered an error while destroying the Managed Connection: {0} {1}
Explanation: The destroy operation on a managed connection failed after recovery.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0064E: Failed to get transaction status {0}
Explanation: Websphere internal error.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0065E: ClassCastException tried to cast : {0} to {1}. {2}
Explanation: WebSphere internal error.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0066E: Failed calling get method {0} on the ManagedConnectionFactory {1} used by resource {4} with the value {2}. Exception is {3}.
Explanation: The resource adapter does not support the getter method as documented.
User Response: Contact the developer of the resource adapter.
J2CA0067W: Invalid {0} setting of {1}. Defaulting to {2} instead.
Explanation: An internal error occurred, using the default value.
User Response: This is a warning message, if an error occurs later it may help in diagnosing the problem. Otherwise this message can be ignored.
J2CA0068E: Method {0} could not create {1} instance.
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: This message is due to an error in the internal J2C runtime processing. Contact WebSphere support and provide the data from running collector.bat.
J2CA0070W: Component {0}, is holding {1} number of connection(s).
Explanation: This message indicates number of connection(s) being held by a component. his message follows the resource unavailable exception when getConnection request failed in user code.
User Response: Check if one or more components are excessively holding connections. A user programming error may not be closing connection. If number of connections appear to be ok, try increasing "max pool size".
J2CA0073E: Unable to delist connection from resource {2} from transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
Explanation: Due to an internal error which was received, the Connection Manager was unable to delist a connection from the transaction it was involved in. As a result it will attempt to destroy the connection.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0074E: Unable to enlist connection from resource {2} with current transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}
Explanation: Due to an internal error which was received, the Connection Manager was unable to enlist a connection with the current transaction. As a result it will attempt to destroy the connection.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method {0}.
Explanation: Normal connection management processing requires the presence of a transaction in order to execute the current method.
User Response: Start a transaction if your application requires a transaction to successfully use the connection.
J2CA0076E: An active transaction is required for the method {0}.
Explanation: Processing requires the presence of a transaction in order to execute the current method. The most common cause of a missing transaction context is that the transaction had timed out.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0077E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction from a ManagedConnection for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}
Explanation: The Connection Manager was unable to obtain a LocalTransaction from the ResourceAdapter. This indicates some problem with the ResourceAdapter.
User Response: Look for error messages from the ResourceAdapter to identify the problem.
J2CA0078E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource from a ManagedConnection on datasource {1}. The exception is: {0}
Explanation: The Connection Manager was unable to obtain a XAResource from the ResourceAdapter. This indicates some problem with the ResourceAdapter.
User Response: Look for error messages from the ResourceAdapter to identify the problem.
J2CA0079E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal state and is throwing an IllegalStateException. The exception is: {1}
Explanation: The Connection Manager has detect an internal error.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0080E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal argument and is throwing an IllegalArgumentException. The exception is: {1}
Explanation: The Connection Manager has detect an internal error.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0081E: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on ManagedConnection {2} from resource {4}. Caught exception: {3}
Explanation: The Connection Manager caught an exception while trying to perform an operation on a ManagedConnection.
User Response: Since the ManagedConnection is part of the ResourceAdapter, look for messages from the ResourceAdapter to further isolate the problem.
J2CA0082W: InactiveConnectionSupport option {0} used by resource {2}. This differs from the desired option of {1}.
Explanation: The resource adapter does not support an InactiveConnectionSupport setting of {1}.
User Response: Contact the developer of the resource adapter.
J2CA0083W: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on the ConnectionManager. Failing handle is: {2}. Caught the following Exception: {3}
Explanation: The ConnectionHandleManager caught an exception while trying to perform a handle reassociation operation. This exception may or may not be a problem. This is expected behavior following a transaction timeout. In all other cases this should be considered a Websphere internal error.
User Response: Look for messages indicating that a transaction has timed out. If timeouts are occurring you can ignore this message. If you don't see evidence of a transaction timeout, contact support.
J2CA0085W: Connector property {0} on resource {1} has a null value.
Explanation: A connector property was not given a value, nor does it have a default. The set method is not called. This could be the root cause of a later error.
User Response: None.
J2CA0086W: Shareable connection {0} from resource {1} was used within a local transaction containment boundary.
Explanation: Shareable connections are not allowed within a local transaction containment boundary.
User Response: Connection was made non-shareable. This may have adverse effects. In the future, you will get an exception in this case.
J2CA0087E: The transaction manager was unable to enlist resource {0} from datasource {1}.
Explanation: This message indicates a problem enlisting in a transaction, the resource may have already been enrolled in a transaction or the transaction may not have been in the correct state.
User Response: Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the thrown exception and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check log files for earlier errors (specifically transaction errors) that may have caused the exception.
J2CA0088W: The ManagedConnection that is being destroyed from resource {1} is in an invalid state {0}. Processing will continue.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0090I: This is an English only message: {0}.
Explanation: Message was added after translation cutoff and so is not translated.
User Response: See message for details.
J2CA0091E: An InterruptedException occurred on the Garbage Collector thread.
Explanation: An unexpected InterruptedException occurred on the Garbage Collector thread. J2C processing will continue, however Unused and Aged connections will not be collected.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0092E: This is an English only message: {0}.
Explanation: Message was added after translation cutoff and so is not translated.
User Response: See message for details.
J2CA0093W: This is an English only message: {0}
Explanation: Message was added after translation cutoff and so is not translated.
User Response: See message for details.
J2CA0094E: The transaction this operation is part of has failed. Cancelling the operation. Throwing exception {0}.
Explanation: The transaction this operation was a part of has failed, possibly due to a transaction timeout.
User Response: See messages from the transaction service for more information on the failure.
J2CA0095E: Unable to obtain authentication information for J2CConnectionFactory {0} : {1}.
Explanation: MappingModule object could not be read.
User Response: See ffdc logs for more information on the failure.
J2CA0096E: NullPointerException on setManagedConnection on MCWrapper {0}
Explanation: The attempt to create a new MCWrapper failed, causing a NullPointerException on use.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0097E: The call to ContainerComponentMetaData.getLocalTran returned null: {0}.
Explanation: An unexpected null value was returned from ContainerComponentMetaData.getLocalTran().
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0098E: A ClassCastException occurred attempting to cast event.getSource to ManagedConnection: {0}
Explanation: The source of the event fired on the listener was not of type ManagedConnection
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0099E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} and CMP version {1} using {2}.
Explanation: An attempt to run an EJB component incompatible with WebSphere Application Server was detected.
User Response: Evaluate the EJB version and CMP version supported by the EJB component, correct, and re-deploy.
J2CA0102E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} using {1}.
Explanation: An attempt to run an EJB component incompatible with WebSphere Application Server was detected.
User Response: Evaluate the EJB version supported by the EJB component, correct, and re-deploy.
J2CA0103W: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}.
Explanation: An attempt was made to add a duplicate connector property. The property was not added.
User Response: A Custom Property of a connection factory or datasource specified a UserName or Password while a component-managed authentication alias was also specified. The alias takes precedence over the Custom Properties. Alternatively, this could be a symptom of a hand-modified resources.xml document.
J2CA0104E: Authentication mechanism preference {0} is not supported by the resource adapter for connection factory or datasource {1}.
Explanation: The authentication mechanism must be one of those specified in the resource adapter's ra.xml document element.
User Response: Use the Administrative Console to specify an authentication mechanism which is supported by the resource adapter.
J2CA0105W: Authentication mechanism preference not specified for connection factory or datasource {0}.
Explanation: This may be a symptom of a hand-modified resources.xml document. A Subject may contain null credentials. The resource adapter may or may not accept this Subject.
User Response: Use the Administrative Console to specify an authentication mechanism which is supported by the resource adapter. If the resource adapter does not support any authentication mechanism, choose none.
J2CA0106E: A 5.0 DataSource was attempted to be used in a WebModule that was not level 2.3.
Explanation: 5.0 DataSources are only supported for servlet level 2.3 WebModules.
User Response: Evaluate whether the servlet in question can be migrated to level 2.3, if so migrate the application and redeploy. If it cannot be migrated, the servlet must use a WAS 4.0 DataSource.
J2CA0107I: Component-managed authentication alias not specified for connection factory or datasource {0}.
Explanation: The component is accessing the connection factory or datasource with res-auth=Application, but no user/pw is available. This may result in an allocateConnection failure later on.
User Response: In some cases, this may be ignored. For example, if a valid user/pw in the ConnectionSpec is passed on the getConnection method, or if the backend resource does not require authentication. If you are experiencing problems logging in to the backend resource, use the Administrative Console to specify a component-managed authentication alias for {0}.
J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for {1} could not be found, the identifier used to find the MBean is {0}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred. The parent MBean should be created when the ConnectionFactory or DataSource is bound into the namespace.
User Response: Run collector.bat and provide the data to WebSphere support.
J2CA0110W: A JMException was thrown when creating ObjectNames for {0} the exception is {1}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred. The ObjectNames used on the lookup were not created.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0111W: An Error occurred when trying to find a cached instance of J2C Perf.
Explanation: An internal error occurred when trying to obtain a cached instance of J2CPerf.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0112E: Factory or provider name for {0} was null. The ObjectNames factory :{1} provider :{2} cannot be used by PMI to link the PMI statistics with the MBeans.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred. The MBeans should be created when binding the referenceable object into JNDI and during a JNDI lookup respectively. Both ObjectNames will be set to null, and the Pmi Data will be created, but will not link with the MBeans.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0113W: The ObjectName for the provider MBean was null. This will cause an error with PMI and will prevent the factory or dataSource MBean from being linked to its J2CResourceadapter or JDBCProvider (respectively) "parent" MBean.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred. The MBeans will not be linked correctly. This does not effect the use of the ConnectionFactory or DataSource, but may cause an error if you are using PMI.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0114W: No container-managed authentication alias found for connection factory or datasource {0}.
Explanation: The application is using container-managed authentication, but no container-managed authentication alias was specified.
User Response: In some cases this may be ignored. Often this is the results of a missing configuration option. If the application is intended to use container-managed authentication the Admin Console or scripting tools may be used to configure a container-managed alias for the ConnectionFactory or DataSource. If the application is intended to use component-managed authentication then the resource reference should be modified so that the authentication mechanism is "component", "per connection factory", or "application".
J2CA0115W: {0} occurred when trying to get the absolute path to %WAS_HOME% properties.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0116W: The root element {1} of XML document {0} is not as expected.
Explanation: A properties file was not coded correctly.
User Response: Ensure that the root element of {0} is correct.
J2CA0117I: Properties file {0} with root element {1} was successfully read.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
User Response: None.
J2CA0118W: An exception occurred when setting the trace writer on the ManagedConectionFactory. The MCF used was {0}. The exception was {1}.
Explanation: The trace writer was not able to be set on the MCF. You will not see any Resource Adapter specific trace entries, WebSphere trace will work if it is enabled.
User Response: Check that there are no other exceptions in the FFDC logs - the other exceptions may indicate a problem with the ManagedConnectionFactory or in getting the correct PrintWriter. If there are no other exceptions, contact support for the resource adapter.
J2CA0119W: An Exception occurred when reading properties for a DataSource MBean {0}.
Explanation: Usually this means an internal error has occurred. The DataSource MBean will not have all the information you may expect (some operations will return bad values). However the DataSource runtime object is still useable and this warning will not adversely effect any applications.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0120W: An exception occurred when trying to read J2C MBean properties from the referenceable object {0}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred. However the error is non-terminal, the ConnectionFactory or DataSource will work correctly. An MBean might not be created for this object, and even if one is it may contain bad data. This can also effect PMI - it might not be able to link to the MBean.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0121W: An Exception occurred when trying to register an MBean for {0}. : {1}.
Explanation: An internal error has occurred and the J2C Runtime was unable to create an MBean. The ConnectionFactory or DataSource will still function, however statistics can not be accessed through an MBean, this also effects the PMI link to the MBean.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA0122I: Resource reference {0} could not be located, so default values of the following are used: {1}
Explanation: An internal error may have occurred, but most likely a direct JNDI lookup was done on a ConnectionFactory or DataSource. Processing continues using the default resource-ref values.
User Response: None.
J2CA0123I: Server-wide pool properties were read from {0}.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
User Response: None.
J2CA0124I: Pool properties for {1} were read from {0}.
Explanation: This is an informational message.
User Response: None.
J2CA0125W: Error parsing XML document {0}.
Explanation: The XML document is not formed correctly.
User Response: See the XML document for possible errors.
J2CA0126W: Invalid format for value of element {0} in node {1} of XML document {2}: <{3}>. Returning {4}.
Explanation: The XML document is not formed correctly.
User Response: See the XML document for possible errors.
J2CA0127I: A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 has been specified for {0}. The request will wait until a connection can be obtained.
Explanation: A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 indicates infinite wait time, this thread will sleep until a connection is freed.
User Response: None.
J2CA0130I: {0} <{1}> has Component-managed Authentication Alias <{2}> but no corresponding J2C Authentication Data Entry is defined in security.xml. This may have undesirable effects.
Explanation: A J2C Authentication Data Entry corresponding to the Component-managed Authentication Alias was expected but not found.
User Response: Define a J2C Authentication Data Entry under Security > JAAS Configuration in the WebSphere Administrative console, and choose this for Component-managed authentication alias on the Connection Factory or Data Source configuration.
J2CA0148W: A null ConnectionHandle was found in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent {0}
Explanation: A CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent is required by the J2EE Connector Architecture to contain a valid ConnectionHandle associated with the ManagedConnection instance.
User Response: The ResourceAdapter must use ConnectionEvent.setConnectionHandle() to supply the ConnectionHandle in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent.
J2CA0286W: Connection {0} from resource {1} can not be used with pretest connection configured. Turning off pretest connection support for this resource adapter.
Explanation: This connections resource adapter does not support the pretest connection function.
User Response: Reconfigure pretest connection to false for this resource adapter.
J2CA1002E: Invalid MCWrapper {0} from the free pool for resource {1}.
Explanation: The attempt to reserve an MCWrapper failed.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
J2CA1003E: Failed to remove MCWrapper {0} from the shared pool.
Explanation: The attempt to remove an MCWrapper failed, causing a potential problem in the shared pool.
User Response: If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WebSphere Application Server Support page at http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/.
Last updated:
Thu Oct 21 12:17:13 EDT 2004
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