Placeholder messages
EAAT0001I: Validating the Enterprise configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the application.
User Response: None
EAAT0002I: Validating the Application Profile configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the Application Profile service.
User Response: None
EAAT0003I: Validating the Internationalization configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the Internationalization service.
User Response: None
EAAT0004I: Validating the Extended Messaging configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the Extended Messaging service.
User Response: None
EAAT0005I: Validating the ActivitySession configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the ActivitySession service.
User Response: None
EAAT0006E: Invalid EJB Jar reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the ejb module or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0007E: Invalid EJB Jar extension reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the ejb module extension or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0008E: Invalid Web Application reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the web module or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0009E: Invalid Web Application extension reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the web module extension or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0010E: Invalid Application Client reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the client module or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0011E: Invalid Application Client extension reference
Explanation: An enterprise component is missing its reference to the client module extension or the reference is invalid.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0012E: Application Profile without a name
Explanation: An Application Profile was not given a name.
User Response: Provide a unique name for the profile.
EAAT0013E: Duplicate Application Profile {0}
Explanation: Two different profiles with the same name were found in the application.
User Response: Ensure that profiles each have a unique name.
EAAT0014E: Task without a name
Explanation: A task was configured without a name.
User Response: Make sure each task has a name.
EAAT0015E: Duplicate task {0}
Explanation: A task was configured on multiple Application Profile or used multiple times in a list of task references.
User Response: Remove the duplicate task or tasks.
EAAT0016E: Missing Access Intent policy name
Explanation: A custom Access Intent policy was configured without a name.
User Response: Provide a unique name for each Access Intent policy.
EAAT0017E: Duplicate Access Intent policy {0}
Explanation: More than one Access Intent policy has the same name.
User Response: Ensure that each instance of an Access Intent policy has a unique name.
EAAT0018E: Application Profile {0} not defined at the application scope
Explanation: Each Application Profile in an ejb module must be defined at the application scope.
User Response: Configure the Application Profile at the application scope.
EAAT0019E: Access Intent policy {0} is not defined in this module
Explanation: The referenced Access Intent policy does not exist.
User Response: Either define the Access Intent policy or remove the reference.
EAAT0020E: Illegal Access Intent policy {0} {1} {2}
Explanation: The Access Intent policy is invalid.
User Response: Review the Application Profile and Access Intent documentation and ensure that all Access Intent policies adhere to the specification.
EAAT0021E: Policy {0} configured on unknown method {1}
Explanation: A referenced method cannot be found.
User Response: Remove the invalid method reference.
EAAT0022E: Method {0} is configured with both policies {1} and {2}
Explanation: A method is configured with different policies.
User Response: Remove extra policy configurations.
EAAT0023E: Bean {0} is configured with both policies {1} and {2}
Explanation: A bean is configured with different policies.
User Response: Remove extra policy configurations.
EAAT0024E: Servlet {0} is configured with both policies {1} and {2}
Explanation: A servlet is configured with different policies.
User Response: Remove extra policy configurations.
EAAT0025E: Task reference with no name
Explanation: A task reference was defined without a name.
User Response: Give each task reference a unique name.
EAAT0026E: Duplicate task reference {0}
Explanation: Two task references were defined with the same name.
User Response: Configure each task reference to have a unique name.
EAAT0027E: Unknown bean {0}
Explanation: An attribute was configured with a reference to a nonexistent bean.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0028E: Invalid bean reference
Explanation: A bean-scoped attribute was configured without a reference to a bean.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0029E: Invalid bean extension reference
Explanation: A bean-scoped attribute was configured without a reference to a bean extension.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0030E: Unknown servlet {0}
Explanation: An attribute was configured with a reference to a nonexistent servlet.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0031E: Invalid servlet reference
Explanation: A servlet-scoped attribute was configured without a reference to a servlet.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0032E: Invalid servlet extension reference
Explanation: A servlet-scoped attribute was configured without a reference to a servlet extension.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that only valid components are referenced.
EAAT0033E: Invalid time zone: {0}, {1}
Explanation: A specified time zone ID is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default time zone of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid time zone ID identifies any time zone supported by SDK class java.util.TimeZone. Time zone ID may be a custom ID having format GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm], or any ID returned by method java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(). Modify the time zone ID according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
EAAT0034E: Invalid locale: {0}, {1}
Explanation: A specified locale is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid locale contains at least a Language code or a Country code, where a Language code is preferrably a valid ISO 639 language code, and a Country code is preferrably a valid ISO 3166 country code. Modify the locale configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
EAAT0035E: Invalid run-as container attribute: {0}; see above errors.
Explanation: A Run as attribute is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid Run as attribute, when set to Specified, specifies at least one valid locale and a valid time zone ID. Modify the Run as configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
EAAT0036E: A policy is configured on method {0}, but the container is not configured to manage the policies for the service
Explanation: The bean is not container-managed for the service's policies.
User Response: Verify that policies are configured only for methods from container-managed beans.
EAAT0037E: A policy is configured on servlet {0}, but the container is not configured to manage the policies for the service
Explanation: The servlet is not container-managed for the service's policies.
User Response: Verify that policies are configured only for container-managed servlets.
EAAT0038E: A required attribute is not defined within {0}
Explanation: The noted class is missing a required attribute.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that all required attributes are provided.
EAAT0039E: The value {0} is illegal.
Explanation: The noted value is illegal.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that the noted value is replaced with a valid value.
EAAT0040E: The read ahead hint {0} is invalid.
Explanation: Read ahead hints must be comprised of declared CMR field names that define paths which can be navigated from the source bean.
User Response: Reassemble the application with valid read ahead hint values.
EAAT0041E: The entity bean {0} is lifetime in cache enabled and may not be configured with update access type in access intent policy {1}.
Explanation: Beans that are configured for lifetime in cache may not be configured for update.
User Response: Reassemble the application so either lifetime in cache is disabled or access intent is read-only.
EAAT0042E: The entity bean {0} is lifetime in cache enabled and may not be configured with a pessimistic update access type in access intent policy {1}.
Explanation: Beans that are configured for lifetime in cache may not be configured for pessimistic update.
User Response: Reassemble the application so either lifetime in cache is disabled or access intent is read-only or optimistic update.
EAAT0043I: Validating the Dynamic Query configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the Dynamic Query service.
User Response: None
EAAT0044E: Validating the Dynamic Query configuration for {0}
Explanation: Dynamic Query must use one of WebSphere's predefined access intent policies.
User Response: Reassemble the application so that dynamic query uses one of WebSphere's predefined access intent policies.
EAAT0045I: The access intent attribute must be configured on exactly one container-managed entity bean with at least one valid container-managed relationship.
Explanation: In order to configure a read ahead hint, the access intent policy must be configured on exactly one entity bean that contains at least one container-managed relation that is not many to many.
User Response: Assign the access intent attribute to a valid entity bean and then configure the read ahead hint.
EAAT0046I: The access intent attribute must be optimistic in order to configure a read ahead hint.
Explanation: In order to configure a read ahead hint, the access intent attribute must be configured with an optimistic access type.
User Response: Change the access type to optimistic and then configure the read ahead hint.
EAAT0047I: This application is configured with method-level access intent policies and cannot use application profiling.
Explanation: Applications configured with method-level access intent policies cannot use application profiling to manage access intent.
User Response: In order to configure the application profiling service, remove the method-level access intent policies.
Last updated:
Thu Oct 21 12:17:28 EDT 2004
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