IBM WebSphere PME Validation messages
CHKP0023E: Invalid run-as container attribute: {0}.
Explanation: A Run as attribute is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid Run as attribute, when set to Specified, specifies at least one valid locale and a valid time zone ID. Modify the Run as configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
CHKP0024I: Validating the Enterprise configuration for {0}
Explanation: The assembly tool is beginning the process of validating the configuration for the referenced component.
User Response: None
CHKP1000E: An object of an unrecognized type was encountered during validation of {0}. The received object type is {1}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1001E: No configuration information is present in {0}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1002E: Multiple roots were found in {0}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1003E: A root object in {0} is not the correct type. (The root object's type is {1}. The expected object type is {2}.)
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1004E: A required attribute of {0} is missing. The attribute {1} must have a value.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1005E: A required relationship of {0} is missing. The relationship with role name {1} must have a value.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1006E: An attribute of {0} has an invalid value. {1} should have a value of one of the following: {2}
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1007E: An attribute of {0} is out of range. {1} needs a value between {2} and {3}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1008E: The alias {0} to the JAASAuthData entry, specified for {1} {2}, matches no configured JAASAuthData entries in security.xml.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKP1009E: PMI must be enabled on all cluster members and on all nodeagents of the nodes on which the cluster members reside before WebSphereDynamicWeighting can be set for cluster {0}.
Explanation: The WeightAdvisor uses Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) for determining relative cluster member health and performance. The Performance Monitoring Service must be enabled on all nodeagents and cluster members associated with the cluster for WebSphereDynamicWeighting to be enabled. See the WebSphere Enterprise InfoCenter for further details.
User Response: Please use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to set the Performance Monitoring Service to start at startup for all members of cluster {1} and all nodeagents of all the nodes on which the cluster members reside.
CHKP1010E: {0} has been configured multiple times with {1}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1011E: A required attribute of {0} is missing. The attribute {1} must have a value.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1012E: A configured reference {0} cannot be resolved. The attribute {1} requires a valid reference.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1013E: An attribute of {0} is out of range. {1} needs a value between {2} and {3}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1014E: An attribute {0} cannot be configured on {1}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1015E: {0} is not configured with an appropiate container-managed policy to support the attribute {1}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
CHKP1016E: Invalid time zone: {0}, {1}
Explanation: A specified time zone ID is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default time zone of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid time zone ID identifies any time zone supported by SDK class java.util.TimeZone. Time zone ID may be a custom ID having format GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm], or any ID returned by method java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(). Modify the time zone ID according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
CHKP1017E: Invalid locale: {0}, {1}
Explanation: A specified locale is invalid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation.
User Response: A valid locale contains at least a Language code or a Country code, where a Language code is preferrably a valid ISO 639 language code, and a Country code is preferrably a valid ISO 3166 country code. Modify the locale configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
CHKP1018I: The default access intent policy named {0} and assigned to the entity {1} was originally configured only for dynamic query.
Explanation: An access intent policy was created in a previous version of WebSphere to act as the the default intent for dynamic queries. This configuration will be treated as the default access intent for all requests upon this entity, including dynamic query.
User Response: Please use the version of the assembly tool which was used to originally create the access intent policy for dynamic query to rename the policy to DEFAULT.
CHKP1019I: {0} is a recursive read ahead hint and may be ignored at runtime.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: No user action is required.
CHKP1020I: {0} includes entities using inheritance and may be ignored at runtime.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: No user action is required.
CHKP1021I: {0} includes entities that are configured in an application profile to load with different access intent policies.
Explanation: All entities referenced in a read ahead hint must be configured in an application profile with the same access intent.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to configure all entities in the read ahead hint with the same access intent.
CHKP1022E: {0} is configured on {1} and cannot also be configured on {2}.
Explanation: No additional information is available.
User Response: Please use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
Last updated:Thu Oct 21 12:17:28 EDT 2004
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