Web services gateway messages


WebSphere system messages are logged from a variety of sources, including appserver components and applications. Messages logged by application server components and associated IBM products start with a unique message identifier that indicates the component or application that issued the message. For more information about the message identifier format, see the topic Message Format.

The rest of this topic contains a list of the Web services gateway runtime system messages, with details of what each message means.


WSGW0001E: Channel name {0} from gateway configuration differs from that in JNDI: {1}

Explanation: The name specified for the channel does not match the name of the channel as defined within the EAR file.

User Response: Ensure that the channel name is specified correctly


WSGW0002E: Error storing endpoint address. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when storing the endpoint address for a channel.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0003E: Error retrieving endpoint address. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when retrieving the endpoint address for a channel.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0004E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0005E: Error retrieving channel name. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when retrieving the channel name from JNDI.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0006E: Error deploying service to {1}. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred deploying the service to the given component.

User Response: This error may be caused by a previous failure. Try redeploying the service using a different gateway service name. If that fails, reinstalling the channel and gateway applications may remove the problem.


WSGW0007E: Error getting endpoint URL from channel {0}. Exception: {1}

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred generating the endpoint URL for the given channel.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0008E: Could not determine default port name for target service {0}

Explanation: There are no ports in the WSDL defined for the target service that are supported by currently available WSIF providers or there is an error in the WSDL file associated with the port definition or a namespace it uses.

User Response: Either ensure that a WSIF provider is correctly configured for the port in the WSDL, or ensure that the WSDL contains correctly specified port information.


WSGW0009E: Failed to deploy service. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred trying to deploy the service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0010E: The namespaceURI attribute cannot be changed when there are active services

Explanation: The namespaceURI is used to generate WSDL for gateway services. If this global setting is changed then current WSDL becomes invalid.

User Response: Either remove all channels or all gateway services from the gateway configuration and retry the change.


WSGW0011E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0012E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0013E: Could not locate home {0}. Exception: {1}

Explanation: The specified home location could not be found in JNDI.

User Response: Ensure that the home location is specified correctly, and that it appears in JNDI.


WSGW0014E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0015E: Could not create instance of class {0}. Exception: {1}

Explanation: The gateway failed to create an instance of the specified Java class.

User Response: Ensure that the Java class has a public constructor with no parameters.


WSGW0016E: Could not locate class {0}. Exception: {1}

Explanation: The gateway failed to locate the specified Java class.

User Response: Ensure that the Java class is visible to the gateway application's classloader.


WSGW0017E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0018E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0019E: Failed to clone definition. Exception: {1}

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred cloning a WSDL definition.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0020E: Error while loading mapped type class {0}. Exception: {1}

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to load the given Java class which represents a type in the deployed WSDL for a target service.

User Response: Ensure that the Java class is visible to the gateway application's classloader.


WSGW0021E: Expected WSDL definition to contain a <wsdl:type> element with a schema from one of the '{0}', '{1}', or '{2}' namespaces

Explanation: Schema types in WSDL definitions must be declared using one of the specified XML Schema namespaces.

User Response: Update the WSDL definition to use the appropriate namespace.


WSGW0022E: Unexpected Schema->Java problem when parsing WSDL file. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when parsing a WSDL file. This may be due to unsupported elements in the WSDL.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0023E: Unexpected Schema->JROM problem when parsing WSDL file. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when parsing a WSDL file. This may be due to unsupported elements in the WSDL.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0024E: Channel {0} cannot be removed because it is being used by a deployed service

Explanation: Channels can only be removed when they are not in use by gateway services.

User Response: Remove the channel from gateway services to which it is deployed before removing the channel.


WSGW0025E: Target service identity cannot be specified as null

Explanation: A target service can only be selected using a non-null valid for the identity.

User Response: Modify the calling code to ensure that the target service identity value is never null.


WSGW0026E: Invalid gateway service name {0}. The name must be a valid XML Schema NCNAME.

Explanation: The name specified for the gateway service does not conform to the required definition.

User Response: Correct the gateway service name so that it is a valid XML Schema NCNAME.


WSGW0027E: Port {0} does not exist for target service {1}

Explanation: The requested port does not exist for the target service.

User Response: Ensure that a valid port is requested, or update the target service WSDL to contain a port of the requested name.


WSGW0028E: No binding for port {0} for target service {1}

Explanation: The requested port for the target service does not have a binding defined in the WSDL definition of the service.

User Response: Ensure that the target service WSDL has a binding for the requested port, or use a different port name.


WSGW0029E: No portType for binding {0} for port {1} for target service {2}

Explanation: The requested port for the target service does not have a portType defined in the WSDL definition of the service.

User Response: Ensure that the target service WSDL has a portType for the requested port, or use a different port name.


WSGW0030E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0031E: Channel name {0} already exists

Explanation: The name specified for the channel is the same as that of a channel that is currently deployed.

User Response: Choose a different name for the channel, or remove the existing channel of the given name.


WSGW0032E: Channel name {0} not found

Explanation: No channel is currently deployed with the given name.

User Response: Use the name of a channel that is currently deployed.


WSGW0033E: Filter {0} cannot be removed because it is being used by a deployed service

Explanation: Filters can only be removed when they are not in use by gateway services.

User Response: Remove the filter from gateway services to which it is deployed before removing the filter.


WSGW0034W: Invocation of filter {0} failed. Exception: {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception was thrown during processing of the given filter.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0035E: Filter context version {0} not supported

Explanation: The context version that the filter requires is not supported by this version of the gateway.

User Response: Ensure that the filter is requesting the correct context version. It may be necessary to upgrade the gateway to support the filter.


WSGW0036E: Target service identity information {0} not matched for gateway service {1}

Explanation: A target service was requested by identity, but the identity information does not match any currently deployed target service.

User Response: Ensure that the identity information is correct, and that there is a target service deployed to the given gateway service with the right identity information.


WSGW0037E: Filter name {0} already exists

Explanation: The name specified for the filter is the same as that of a filter that is currently deployed.

User Response: Choose a different name for the filter, or remove the existing filter of the given name.


WSGW0038E: Filter name {0} not found

Explanation: No filter is currently deployed with the given name.

User Response: Use the name of a filter that is currently deployed.


WSGW0039E: Error loading state from {0}. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred loading the state of the gateway from the given location.

User Response: Ensure that the given location is visible to the gateway application.


WSGW0040E: Failed to convert definition to string. Exception: {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred converting a WSDL definition into a string in order to display it or return it to an application.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0041E: Failed to save state. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when saving the state of the gateway.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0042W: No target services available to get service definition

Explanation: A request was made for the WSDL definition for the gateway service, however no target services have been defined for the gateway service, so it is not possible to generate a WSDL definition.

User Response: Deploy one or more target services to the gateway service.


WSGW0043E: Exception while executing operation {0} service {1}. Exception: {2}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when passing a request on to a target web service.

User Response: Ensure that the gateway service and target service are correctly deployed (using the correct message part representation). Ensure that the target service is available and responds correctly to direct requests (i.e. not through the gateway).


WSGW0044E: Filter position {0} invalid

Explanation: The specified position for addition or removal of the filter was not valid.

User Response: Ensure a valid value is specified. The value should be -1, 0 or a positive integer.


WSGW0045E: Filter not found in list

Explanation: An attempt was made to remove a filter from a gateway service specifying -1 as the index, but the filter is not in the list at all.

User Response: Ensure that the correct filter is specified.


WSGW0046E: Channel {0} already defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The given channel has already been defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct channel name is specified.


WSGW0047E: Channel {0} not defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The channel cannot be removed from the gateway service as it is not currently defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct channel name is specified.


WSGW0048E: UDDI reference {0} already defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The given UDDI reference has already been defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct UDDI reference name is specified.


WSGW0049E: UDDI reference {0} not defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The UDDI reference cannot be removed from the gateway service as it is not currently defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct UDDI reference name is specified.


WSGW0050E: Target service with location {0} already defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The given target service location has already been defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct target service location is specified.


WSGW0051E: Target service with location {0} not defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The target service location cannot be removed from the gateway service as it is not currently defined for the gateway service.

User Response: Ensure that the correct target service location is specified.


WSGW0052E: Target service with location {0} was not found for gateway service {1}

Explanation: The target service WSDL definition could not be obtained from the given location.

User Response: Ensure that the correct target service location is specified.


WSGW0053E: gateway service {0} cannot be removed as active entities and force not specified

Explanation: A gateway service with one or more target services, channels, filters or UDDI references cannot be removed.

User Response: Remove the target services, channels, filters and UDDI references from the gateway service.


WSGW0054E: An exported definition for gateway service {0} is not available as there are no defined channels for the service

Explanation: A request was made for the WSDL definition for the gateway service, however no channels have been defined for the gateway service, so it is not possible to generate a WSDL definition.

User Response: Deploy one or more channels to the gateway service.


WSGW0055E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0056E: No default target service available for {0}

Explanation: The default target service location cannot be obtained for the gateway service as no target services are defined.

User Response: Ensure that one or more target services are defined for the gateway service.


WSGW0057E: No receiving channel name in context

Explanation: A request has reached the gateway that does not contain the receiving channel name in the context.

User Response: Contact the supplier of the channel application.


WSGW0058E: Channel {0} not defined for gateway service {1}

Explanation: A request has reached the gateway for the given service through a channel which is not defined for that service. The request is rejected.

User Response: If the channel should be valid for the service, add the channel, otherwise check that the client of the request is making a valid request. This exception may be thrown when a client is making a malicious attack.


WSGW0059E: gateway service {0} does not exist

Explanation: A request was made for a gateway service that does not exist.

User Response: Ensure that the correct gateway service name is specified.


WSGW0060E: gateway service {0} already exists

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a new gateway service using a name that is used by an existing gateway service.

User Response: Use a different name for the gateway service.


WSGW0061E: Could not find Service in UDDI registry {0} with parameters {1}, {2}, {3}

Explanation: The given parameters for UDDI lookup did not yield a match.

User Response: Ensure that the parameters are correct. Also ensure that the UDDI reference parameters are correct and correspond to those used to publish the service to UDDI.


WSGW0062E: Target service WSDL contains no <service> elements

Explanation: The target service WSDL could be loaded but does not contain a <service> element. This is necessary to be able to invoke the target service.

User Response: Ensure that the target service WSDL contains one or more <service> element.


WSGW0063E: Target service WSDL contains more than one service, and either target service name or namespace not specified

Explanation: When adding a target service to a gateway service, specify both the service name and namespace values if there is more than one <service> element in the target service WSDL.

User Response: Specify the target service name and namespace as well as the location.


WSGW0064E: Target service name {0} does not match service name in WSDL: {1}

Explanation: A target service name was specified that is not the same as any target service name in the WSDL at the given location.

User Response: Ensure that a valid target service name is specified.


WSGW0065E: Target service namespace {0} does not match service namespace in WSDL: {1}

Explanation: A target service namespace was specified that is not the same as any target service namespace in the WSDL at the given location.

User Response: Ensure that a valid target service namespace is specified.


WSGW0066E: Target service name {0} or namespace {1} not found in WSDL definition

Explanation: A target service name and namespace were both specified, but do not match any target service name and namespace combination in the WSDL at the given location.

User Response: Ensure that a valid target service name and namespace combination is specified.


WSGW0067E: UDDI reference {0} cannot be removed because it is being used by a deployed service

Explanation: UDDI references can only be removed when they are not in use by gateway services.

User Response: Remove the UDDI reference from gateway services to which it is deployed before removing the UDDI reference.


WSGW0068E: UDDI reference {0} already exists

Explanation: The name specified for the UDDI reference is the same as that of a UDDI reference that is currently deployed.

User Response: Choose a different name for the UDDI reference, or remove the existing UDDI reference of the given name.


WSGW0069E: UDDI reference {0} not found

Explanation: No UDDI reference is currently deployed with the given name.

User Response: Use the name of a UDDI reference that is currently deployed.


WSGW0070E: Invalid target service location type {0}

Explanation: The location type for the target service is not a valid value.

User Response: Ensure that a correct value is specified for the target service location type.


WSGW0071E: Failed to load URL definition from {0}

Explanation: The URL location specified was incorrect, or the WSDL it refers to cannot be loaded.

User Response: Ensure that the URL location is correct, and refers to a valid WSDL document.


WSGW0072E: Failed to load UDDI definition from {0}

Explanation: The UDDI location specified was incorrect, or the WSDL it refers to cannot be loaded.

User Response: Ensure that the UDDI location is correct, and refers to a valid WSDL document.


WSGW0073W: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0074E: Not used


User Response:


WSGW0075E: Failed to set gateway end point address. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when automatically setting the gateway's end point address.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0076E: Unable to access the gateway configuration bean. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred looking up the gateway's configuration bean in JNDI.

User Response: Restart the appserver.


WSGW0077E: Failed to remove gateway configuration session. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred removing the session bean while access the gateway's configuration bean.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0078E: Unable to access the gateway EndPoint bean. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred looking up the gateway's endpoint bean in JNDI.

User Response: Restart the appserver.


WSGW0079E: Failed to remove endpoint session. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred removing the session bean while access the gateway's endpoint bean.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0080E: Performance monitoring error. Exception {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when recording performance monitoring information.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0081E: Unexpected error in method {0}. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred in the given method.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0082E: Unable to determine WAS security setting

Explanation: The WAS security setting could not be determined. It will be assumed that security is enabled.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0083W: Failed to authorize request for operation {0} on service {1}. Exception {2}

Explanation: Authorization of the given request failed. The request has been rejected.

User Response: Ensure that the required authorization bean has been generated for the given service, and that the correct authorization policy is defined.


WSGW0084W: Invocation of filter {0} version {1} failed. Exception {2}

Explanation: An exception was thrown during processing of the given filter. Processing of the request continues.

User Response: Investigate the reason for the exception being thrown by the filter. Refer to the documentation for the filter on how to resolve the problem.


WSGW0085E: Failed to publish service {0} to UDDI registry {1}. Exception: {2}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when publishing the given service to a UDDI registry.

User Response: Ensure that the properties of the gateway service and UDDI reference are specified correctly.


WSGW0086E: Failed to unpublish service {0} from UDDI registry {1}. Exception: {2}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when unpublishing the given service from a UDDI registry.

User Response: Ensure that the properties of the gateway service and UDDI reference are specified correctly.


WSGW0087I: Published service {0} to UDDI registry {1}

Explanation: The service was successfully published to the UDDI registry.

User Response: None


WSGW0088I: Unpublished service {0} from UDDI registry {1}

Explanation: The service was successfully unpublished from the UDDI registry.

User Response: None


WSGW0089I: No MessageWarehouse registered. Requests will not be logged

Explanation: A MessageWarehouse implementation was not found at the expected location in JNDI, so none is being used.

User Response: If a MessageWarehouse has been implemented, ensure that it is bound to JNDI at the correct location.


WSGW0090I: No ExceptionHandler registered. Exceptions will not be handled

Explanation: An ExceptionHandler implementation was not found at the expected location in JNDI, so none is being used.

User Response: If an ExceptionHandler has been implemented, ensure that it is bound to JNDI at the correct location.


WSGW0091I: Usage: java -jar GenAuth -DWAS_HOME=<was.install.directory> <HostName> <ServiceName>

where <was.install.directory> is the location of the WebSphere 
installation directory and <HostName> is the url pointed to the installation 
of the gateway and <ServiceName> is the name of the deployed gateway service.
(Please note the ServiceName is case sensitive).
For example
java -jar GenAuth.jar -DWAS_HOME=
    c:\\websphere\\AppServer http://host.machine.name.com/wsgw ServiceName

Successful execution will generate a file named <ServiceName>.ear

Explanation: Usage statement. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0092I: Retrieving Service :

Explanation: Progress message indicating that the service definition is being retrieved. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0093I: Retrieving Port Type :

Explanation: Progress message indicating that the port type information is being retrieved. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0094I: Retrieving Methods :

Explanation: Progress message indicating that method information is being retrieved. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0095I: Making Directory :

Explanation: Progress message indicating that a directory is being created. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0096I: Using Directory :

Explanation: Progress message indicating that a directory is being used. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0097I: About to compile....

Explanation: Progress message indicating that a compilation is about to start. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0098I: Command Status :

Explanation: General command status message. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0099I: About to create jar....

Explanation: Progress message indicating that a JAR file is about to be created. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0100I: About to create ear....

Explanation: Progress message indicating that an EAR file is about to be created. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: No action required.


WSGW0101E: Error retrieving port from service {1}

Explanation: An error occurred retrieving the port from the service in the WSDL. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and is deployed to the gateway with at least one target service and one channel.


WSGW0102E: Error retrieving service {0}

Explanation: An error occurred retrieving the service. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and is deployed to the gateway with at least one target service and one channel.


WSGW0103E: Exception while retrieving service definition from URL: {0}/ServiceDefinition?name={1}. Exception: {2}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred retrieving WSDL from the given location. This message is used by the WSGWAuthGen command line utility.

User Response: Ensure that the service name is specified correctly and is deployed to the gateway with at least one target service and one channel.


WSGW0104E: Error retrieving methods from service {0}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred retrieving the methods that correspond to operations on the service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0105E: Error retrieving WAS_HOME environment variable

Explanation: The value of the WAS_HOME environment variable could not be retrieved.

User Response: Ensure that the WAS_HOME variable is set correctly in the environment under which the command is being executed.


WSGW0106E: Error compiling files

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred compiling the generated Java files.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0107E: Error executing JAR command

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred generating a JAR file.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0110E: A client attempted to load imported URL {0} for gateway service {1}. This URL is not imported by the definition for that service.

Explanation: An attempt was made to use the gateway's import mapping servlet to load information from a URL that does not correspond to one that is referenced by the WSDL definition for that service.

User Response: Ensure that the client is making a valid request. This may be a malicious attempt to obtain information that the client does not have access to.


WSGW0111W: Unsupported elements within the WSDL definition for target service {0} were ignored. The functionality of this service may be compromised.

Explanation: In order to be able to use the given WSDL definition within the gateway, certain elements of the definition were ignored.

User Response: Refer to the service provider's documentation to determine whether this will affect the use of the service.


WSGW0120E: Exception while removing ConversationPart {0} from Correlation Service. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when using the Correlation Service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0121E: Exception while accessing ConversationPart {0} from Correlation Service. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when using the Correlation Service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0122E: Exception while storing Serializable {0} at Correlation Service. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when using the Correlation Service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support


WSGW0123E: Exception while storing Serializable {0} with id {1} at Correlation Service. Exception {1}

Explanation: An unexpected exception occurred when using the Correlation Service.

User Response: Contact IBM Support

Web services gateway troubleshooting tips


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