Web services gateway: Links
Use the following links to find supplementary information about getting started with the Web services gateway. The information resides on IBM and non-IBM Internet sites, whose sponsors control the technical accuracy of the information.
These links are provided for convenience. Often, the information is not specific to the IBM WAS product, but is useful all or in part for understanding the product. When possible, links are provided to technical papers and Redbooks that supplement the broad coverage of the release documentation with in-depth examinations of particular product areas.
- WebSphere Version 5 Web services Handbook
This Redbook illustrates with suitable demonstration applications how Web services can be implemented using the IBM product portfolio, especially WAS Version 5 and WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5. It includes chapters on the gateway and on Web service security.
- Samples Central
The gateway samples, and documentation on how to use them, are available through the Samples Central page of the IBM WebSphere Developer Domain Web site.
- InfoCenter for WAS Edge components
This InfoCenter contains a library of PDF online books covering all aspects of the WAS Edge components. gateway clustering builds upon the load balancing capabilities of these components.
- The Web Services Security (WS-Security) specification
A major area of gateway security is based upon this emerging standard.
- The IBM Web services gateway: Technical Overview.
A different version of the gateway is available as a component of a product called IBM WebSphere Business Connection. This brief technical summary from WebSphere Business Connection applies equally well to the version of the gateway in WAS.
For supplementary information about Web services in general, see Web services: Links.
The gateway builds on the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF), which allows the gateway to pass on Web service invocations to any WSDL-defined Web service. For supplementary information about WSIF, see WSIF: Links.
Web services gateway: Enabling Web services
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