Replicator entry settings
View and configure a replicator entry (or replicator).
Environment > Internal Replication Domains > replication_domain_name > Replicator Entries > replicator_entry_name.Replicators communicate using TCP/IP. Thus, allocate an IP address and ports for replicators. Use this page to name a replicator and then to allocate an IP address and two ports replicator(and client ports) for the replicator.
Configuration tab
Replicator Name
- Specifies a name for the replicator entry.
Data type String
- Specifies the server for which you are defining a replicator. The drop-down list provides the names of servers that do not already have replicators.
Data type String Default None
Replicator and Client Host Name
- Specifies the IP address, DNS host name with domain name suffix, or just the DNS host name, used by a client to request a Webapp resource (such as a servlet, JSP file, or HTML page).
A replicator port and client port share the same host name.
Data type String Default None
Replicator Port
- Specifies the port for which the Web server is configured to accept client requests. The port value is used in conjunction with the host name.
The replicator port enables communication among replicators. It provides replicator port to replicator communication. The usual value specified is 7874.
Data type Integer Default None
Client Port
- Specifies the port for which the Web server is configured to accept client requests. The port value is used in conjunction with the host name.
The client port enables communication between an appserver process and a replicator. It provides client port to appserver communication. The usual value specified is 7873.
Data type Integer Default None
Replication entry
Replicating data
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