Reinstalling the UDDI Registry application
If you wish to reinstall the UDDI Registry then please follow the appropriate section below.Reinstalling into a deployment manager cell
If you wish to reinstall the UDDI Registry into the target appserver, for example because you wish to alter certain aspects of its configuration using AAT, then rerun the setupuddi.jacl script (described in the appropriate link below
- "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use Cloudscape within a deployment cell"
- "Setting up the UDDI Registry to use DB2 within a deployment cell"
Reinstalling into a single appserver
Remove the UDDI Registry application in the same manner as any other Enterprise Application and then install using the appropriate link shown below:
- Setting up the UDDI Registry to use Cloudscape in a single AppServer
- Setting up the UDDI Registry to use DB2 in a single AppServer
IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry
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