Query the product identification
The following example queries the product version information.
- Identify the server and assign it to the server variable.
set server [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=Server,name=servername,node=nodename,*]
Example output:
WebSphere:cell=cellname,name=servername,mbeanIdentifier=server.xml#Server_1,type=Server,node=nodename,process=servername,processType=ManagedProcess- Query the server version. The product information is stored in the serverVersion attribute. The getAttribute command returns the attribute value of a single attribute, passing in the attribute name.
$AdminControl getAttribute $servername serverVersion
Example output for a Network Deployment installation follows:
IBM WebSphere Application Server Version Report --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server Version: 5.0 Product Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID: BASE Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server Build Date: 9/11/02 Build Level: r0236.11 Version: 5.0.0 Product Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID: ND Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server for Network Deployment Build Date: 9/11/02 Build Level: r0236.11 Version: 5.0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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