Publish API for the UDDI Registry
The messages in this section represent commands that are used to publish and update information contained in a UDDI registry. The messages defined in this section all behave synchronously.
The Publishing API calls defined that UDDI operators support are:
- this call causes one or more publisherAssertion to be added to an individual publisher's assertion collection.
- causes one or more instances of bindingTemplate data to be deleted from the UDDI registry.
- used to remove one or more business registrations and all direct contents from a UDDI registry.
- causes one or more publisherAssertion elements to be removed from a publisher's assertion collection.
- is used to remove one or more businessService elements from the UDDI registry and from its containing businessEntity parent.
- is used to logically delete one or more tModel structures. Logical deletion hides the deleted tModels from find_tModel result sets but does not physically delete it, so it is returned on a get_registeredInfo request.
- is used to inform an Operator Site that the authentication token is to be discarded, effectively ending the session. Subsequent calls that use the same authToken will be rejected. This message is optional for Operator Sites that do not manage session state or that do not support the get_authToken message.
- this call provides administrative support for determining the status of current and outstanding publisher assertions that involve any of the business registrations managed by the individual publisher account. Using this message, a publisher can see the status of assertions that they have made, as well as see assertions that others have made that involve businessEntity structures controlled by the calling publisher account.
- the call used to obtain an authentication token.Authentication tokens are opaque values that are required for all other publisher API calls. This message is not required for Operator Sites that have an external mechanism defined for users to get an authentication token. This API is provided for implementations that do not have some other method of obtaining an authentication token or certificate, or that choose to use user ID and password based authentication.
- this is used to obtain the full set of publisher assertions that are associated with an individual publisher account. Publisher assertions are used to control publicly visible business relationships.
- this call is used to get an abbreviated list of all businessEntity and tModel data that are controlled by the individual associated with the credentials passed.
- is used to save or update a complete bindingTemplate element. this message can be used to add or update one or more bindingTemplate elements as well as the container/contained relationship that each bindingTemplate has with one or more existing businessService elements.
- this is used to save or update information about a complete businessEntity element. This API has the broadest scope of all the save_xx API calls in the publisher API, and can be used to make sweeping changes to the published information for one or more businessEntity elements controlled by an individual.
- the call used to add or update one or more businessService elements exposed by a specified businessEntity.
- this call adds or updates one or more registered tModel elements.
- this call is used to manage all of the tracked relationship assertions associated with an individual publisher account.
For full details of the syntax of the above queries, please refer to the API Specification at
UDDI Registry API