ORB service settings
To set and monitor custom settings associated with the Java ORB service go to:
Servers | Application Servers | servername | ORB Service | Custom PropertiesThe page already might include SSL properties that were added during product setup.
DNS host name or IP address of the machine on which initial server contact for this client resides. This setting is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Port to which the ORB connects for bootstrapping. In other words, the port of the machine on which the initial server contact for this client is listening. This setting is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Default 2809
Size of GIOP fragments used by the ORB. If the total size of a request exceeds the set value, the ORB breaks up and sends multiple fragments until the entire request is sent. This should also be set on the client side with a -D system property if using a stand-alone java application.
Consider adjusting this when the amount of data that is sent over IIOP exceeds 1k. Definitly adjust this if thread dumps show most client side threads stuck in a wait coming from writeLock. Sometimes a low amount of fragmentation is ok, so the parameter should be set such that most messages have few to no fragments.
Units Bytes. Default 1024 Range From 64 to largest value of Java int type that is divisible by 8
Port on which this server listens for incoming requests. The setting of this property is valid only for client-side ORBs.
Default Next available system-assigned port number Range 0 to 2147483647
Host name or IP address of the system on which the server ORB is running. The setting of this property is valid only for client-side ORBs. Otherwise, the ORB obtains a value at run time by calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress().
Corresponds to the length of the TCP/IP stack listen queue and prevents WebSphere Application Server from rejecting requests when there is not space in the listen queue. If there are several simultaneous clients connecting to the server-side ORB, you can increase this parameter to support up to 1000 clients.
Default 50 Range From 50 to the largest value of Java int type
If set to any value, this specifies that the exception detail message that is returned whenever the server ORB encounters a CORBA system exception is to contain a short description of the exception as returned by the toString() method of java.lang.Throwable. Otherwise, the message contains the complete stack trace as returned by the printStackTrace() method of java.lang.Throwable.
If set to com.ibm.ws.threadpool.strategy.LogicalPoolDistribution, this enables the LPD thread pool strategy the next time you start the application server.
Some requests have shorter execution times than others. LPD is a mechanism for allowing these shorter requests greater access to execution threads.
How often the Logical Pool Distribution mechanism will readjust the pool execution target times. It cannot be turned off once this support is installed.
LPD must be enabled
Data type Integer Units Milliseconds Default 30 Range 20,000 minimum
How long the Logical Pool Distribution internal data is kept for inactive requests. The mechanism tracks several statistics for each request type received. Consider removing requests that have not been active for a while.
LPD must be enabled
Data type Integer Units Milliseconds Default 300,000 (5 minutes) Range 60,000 (1 minute) minimum
How many pools are created and how many threads are allocated to each pool in the Logical Pool Distribution mechanism
The ORB parameter for max threads controls the total number of threads. The outqueues parameter is specified as a comma separated list of percentages that should add up to 100. For example, the list 25,25,25,25 will set up 4 pools, each allocated 25% of the available ORB thread pool. The pools are indexed left to right from 0 to n-1. Each outqueue is dynamically assigned a target execution time by the calculation mechanism. Target execution times are assigned to outqueues in increasing order so pool 0 gets the requests with the least execution time and pool n-1 gets requests with the highest execution times.
LPD must be enabled
Data type Integers in comma separated list Default 25,25,25,25 Range Percentages in list must total 100 percent
If active, statistics will be dumped to stdout after this interval expires, but only if requests have been processed. This keeps the mechanism from filling the log files with redundant information. These stats are beneficial for tuning the Logical Pool Distribution mechanism.
LPD must be enabled
Data type Integer Units Milliseconds Default 0 (meaning Off) Range 30,000 (30 seconds) minimum
Size of a new queue where incoming requests wait for dispatching. Pertains to the Logical Pool Distribution mechanism.
LPD must be enabled
Data type Integer Default 96 Range 10 minimum
See also Logical Pool Distribution (LPD)
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console preference settings
Character codeset conversion support for the Java Object Request Broker service
Client-side programming tips for the Java Object Request Broker service
Object Request Broker service settings in administrative console
Object Request Brokers: Links
Tuning parameter index
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