JMS provider settings
If you want to use a JMS provider other than the embedded WebSphere JMS provider or the MQ JMS provider, use this panel to configure properties of the JMS provider.
Resources-> Generic JMS Providers-> provider_name
- The name by which the JMS provider is known for administrative purposes.
Data type String Default Null
- A description of the MQ JMS provider, for administrative purposes
Data type String Default MQ JMS provider
- The Java classpath for the JMS provider.
Data type String Default $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT
Native Library Path
- The native library path for the JMS provider.
Data type String Default $MQJMS_LIB_ROOT You must set the Native Library Path property to the library directory where the MQ Java feature is installed; for example: c:\WebSphereMQ\Java\lib
External initial context factory
- The Java classname of the initial context factory for the JMS provider.
For example, for an LDAP service provider the value has the form: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory .
Data type String Default Null
External provider URL
- The JMS provider URL for external JNDI lookups.
For example, an LDAP URL for a JMS provider has the form: ldap:// .
Data type String Default Null
Installing and configuring a JMS provider
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