Installation Verification Program (IVP)


There are some samples available on the WSDD web site (at that are intended to provide an optional Installation Verification test, or IVP, for the UDDI Registry component.

This topic describes how to run these installation verification programs (IVPs) to verify that the IBM UDDI Registry has been installed correctly.

There are two IVP SOAP samples called SOAPSampleIVPa and SOAPSampleIVPb. They are intended to verify the successful installation of the product, and should be used in conjunction with the UDDI Users Console (GUI). SOAPSampleIVPa saves some data to the registry which you can then find using the GUI. Finally you can delete the data by running SOAPSampleIVPb.

The IVP samples are installed into the same target directory as the other SOAP samples and they use the same XML files as the basic Java SOAP samples.

SOAPSampleIVPa saves three businesses, six services (2 per business) and three tModels. The data structures are very basic and consist only of a name. The keys returned by the save_* UDDI API calls are then written to a file, SOAPSampleIVPa.out . SOAPSampleIVPb then reads in these keys from the file in order to delete the saved data from the UDDI registry.

Note: Each time you run SOAPSampleIVPa, it overwrites the output file SOAPSampleIVPa.out so, if you wish to use SOAPSampleIVPb to delete the data, run this before you next run SOAPSampleIVPa.

To run the IVPs, complete the following steps on the same system as the UDDI Registry:

  1. Ensure that DB2 and the WebSphere Admin Server are started.

  2. Start the WebSphere Administrator's Console and ensure the default server is started and the UDDI Registry Application is started.

  3. For SOAP samples to work, you need to ensure that the Client Developer Kit for Java is either the one shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server or a later IBM Developer Kit for Java.:

    • For Windows - ensure that <WebSphere-install-dir>\java\bin is present in the PATH statement before any other Developer Kits for Java

    • For Unix Platforms - ensure that <WebSphere-install-dir>/java/bin is present in the PATH statement before any other Developer Kits for Java

    Note: You must use the IBM WebSphere supplied Developer Kit for Java or a later level of the IBM Developer Kit for Java.

    For Windows, the default system path can be set via Control Panel ...-> Set ...-> System ...-> Advanced Properties ...-> Environment Variables

    Alternatively, this can be accomplished just for the shell where you plan to run the samples by modifying the path within the shell:

    • For Windows - set path=<WebSphere-install-dir>\java\bin;%path%

    • For Unix Platforms - export PATH=<WebSphere-install-dir>/java/bin:$PATH

  4. Copy the samples and *.xml files to a directory, and compile and run them there (see next bullets)

  5. Compile both SOAPSampleIVPa and SOAPSampleIVPb by typing:


    'javac SOAPSampleIVPb'

  6. Run SOAPSampleIVPa by typing 'java SOAPSampleIVPa'. This should publish a number of businesses and services and technical models into the registry.

  7. Start your Web browser on the same system as the UDDI Registry.

  8. To display the UDDI GUI home page, type one of the following URLs:

    • If you have WebSphere security disabled: http://localhost:9080/uddigui

    • If you have WebSphere security enabled: https://localhost:9433/uddigui

  9. On the find page, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the business radio button

    2. In the data entry field, type % (percent is the wild card symbol)

    3. Click Find

      You should get a results page returned with three businesses (mybusiness1, mybusiness2, and mybusiness3). This demonstrates that the API and the UDDI Console are working correctly.

  10. To see the services that are available for a business, click the "Show Services" option next to the business.

  11. To delete all of the IVP data, run SOAPSampleIVPb (from the command prompt as before - by typing 'java SOAPSampleIVPb')

  12. On the find page, complete the following steps:

    1. Select the business radio button

    2. In the data entry field, type % (percent is the wild card symbol)

    3. Click Find

      You should get an empty results page returned.

IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry


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