Establishing requirements for using a database with the gateway
Before installing the Web services gateway you need to decide on your database requirements. There are three choices:
No database
- You do not have to install a database, but if you do not install one you cannot use asynchronous channels.
- If DB2 is already installed on your system, you can create an associated DB2 Web services gateway database.
- One can use the copy of Cloudscape runtime that is installed with WebSphere Application Server.
What to do next
Database installation instructions are included in the next task. So after you have decided on your database requirements you are ready to either Install the gateway into a deployment manager cell or Install the gateway into a stand-alone appserver.
Web services gateway - Completing the installation
Installing the gateway into a deployment manager cell
Installing the gateway into a stand-alone appserver
Test the Web services gateway installation
Web services gateway - prerequisites and constraints
Web services gateway troubleshooting tips
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