Deploying Web services with Java bindings

For Web services deployed with Java bindings (or EJB bindings even where the Web service is on a different server) make additional classes available to the gateway.

For EJB bindings, make the EJB client JAR file available. If the Web service is deployed on the same server as the gateway, the necessary interfaces and classes are already visible. If not, implement one of the following options:

  • Copy the EJB client JAR file into the WAS_HOME/lib or WAS_HOME/lib/app directory (where WAS_HOME is the root directory for your installation of IBM WebSphere Application Server).

  • Update the appserver class path to include the EJB client JAR file.

For Java bindings, make the Java classes for the Web service available by implementing one of the following options:

  • Copy the JAR or class files that contain the Java classes into the WAS_HOME/lib or WAS_HOME/lib/app directory.

  • Update the appserver class path to include the JAR file.

  • Wrap the Java classes in an enterprise bean and deploy it on the same appserver. WebSphere Application Server will then make the classes available to the gateway application.

Data type representation - choosing between Generic classes and Deployed Java classes
Complex data types - mapping namespaces to packages
Deploying Web services to the Web services gateway
Web services gateway - Supported types


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