Configure remote file services
Configuration data for the WebSphere Application Server product resides in files. Two services help you reconfigure and otherwise manage these files: the file transfer service and file synchronization service.By default, the file transfer service is always configured and enabled at a node agent, so you do not need to take additional steps to configure this service. However, you might need to configure the file synchronization service.
- Go to the File Synchronization Service page. Click System Administration > Node Agents in the console navigation tree. Then, click the node agent for which you want to configure a synchronization server and click File Synchronization Service.
- On the File Synchronization Service page, customize the service that helps make configuration data consistent across a cell by moving updated configuration files from the deployment manager to the node. Change the values for properties on the File Synchronization Service page. The file synchronization service is always started, but you can control how it runs by changing the values.
Remote file services
File transfer service settings
File synchronization service settings
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