CORBA Naming Service groups
Use this page to manage CORBA Naming Service groups settings.
Environment > Naming > CORBA Naming Service Groups.
- Identifies CORBA naming service groups.
The ALL_AUTHENTICATED group has the following role privileges: CosNamingRead, CosNamingWrite, CosNamingCreate, and CosNamingDelete. The EVERYONE group indicates that the users in this group have CosNamingRead privileges only.
- Identifies naming service group roles.
A number of naming roles are defined to provide degrees of authority needed to perform certain WebSphere naming service functions. The authorization policy is only enforced when global security is enabled.
Four name space security roles are introduced : CosNamingRead, CosNamingWrite, CosNamingCreate, and CosNamingDelete. The names of the four roles are the same with WebSphere Advanced Edition, Version 4.0.2. However, the roles now have authority levesl from low to high as follows:
- CosNamingRead. Users can query the WebSphere name space using, for example, the JNDI lookup method. The special-subject EVERYONE is the default policy for this role.
- CosNamingWrite. Users can perform write operations such as JNDI bind, rebind, or unbind, and CosNamingRead operations. The special-subject ALL_AUTHENTICATED is the default policy for this role.
- CosNamingCreate. Users can create new objects in the name space through operations such as JNDI createSubcontext and CosNamingWrite operations. The special-subject ALL_AUTHENTICATED is the default policy for this role.
- CosNamingDelete. Users can destroy objects in the name space, for example using the JNDI destroySubcontext method and CosNamingCreate operations. The special-subject ALL_AUTHENTICATED is the default policy for this role.
Data type: String Range: CosNamingRead, CosNamingWrite, CosNamingCreate and CosNamingDelete
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