Backing up and restoring UDDI publication links
When you save a gateway configuration, the deployment details through which a deployed Web service has been published to UDDI by the gateway are not saved. The reasons for not backing up these details are as follows:
- When a gateway is replaced through a fix pack or upgrade program, or otherwise removed without first using the gateway administrative console to un-publish each Web service from UDDI, then the associated entries in UDDI registries are not removed.
- When a gateway is restored, if the UDDI publication details were also restored, then the Web services would be re-published to UDDI by the gateway.
- When a gateway publishes the same service twice to a UDDI registry, the registry does not overwrite the initial publication. It creates a second copy of the TModel and Service definition.
- When a gateway removes a service from a UDDI registry, it only removes the last one published. So it can leave behind defunct TModels and Service Definitions.
So, to preserve the integrity of the UDDI registries, restoring the gateway does not automatically re-publish any Web services to UDDI. But if you know that a service has been un-published from UDDI (for example because you removed it manually before backing up the gateway configuration) then you can safely re-publish it to UDDI after the configuration has been restored.
Backing up and restoring a gateway configuration
Creating and updating a gateway cluster