Administer WebSphere JMS support
You can use console to configure the following types of JMS provider:
- Embedded
- MQ
- 3rd party
Runtime components include:
- The WebSphere JMS server
- The message listener service, listener ports, and the listener for each message-driven bean
- Input and output ports for extended messaging.
Updates only take effect when the appropriate server is cycled.
See also:
- Installing and configuring a JMS provider
- Moving from the internal JMS provider to MQ
- Securing messaging directories and log files
- Enabling security for the embedded WebSphere JMS provider
- Displaying administrative lists of JMS resources
- Managing WebSphere internal JMS servers
- Configure JMS provider resources
For more information about JMS resources, see the JMS documentation at
Asynchronous messaging - security considerations
Configure message listener resources for message-driven beans
Using JMS and messaging in applications
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