WebSphere Naming Service messages
NMSV0001W: Name server already initialized, ignoring this request to initialize again.
The name server should be initialized only once, but there was an attempt to initialize it a second time.
User Response:
This message is to aid in problem diagnosis and can be ignored if no external symptoms are experienced.
NMSV0001W: Bootstrap server caught an exception {0}
User Response:
NMSV0002W: WsnNameService bootstrap object created with no properties.
No properties were supplied to the name server to create a bootstrap object.
User Response:
This message is to aid in problem diagnosis and can be ignored if no external symptoms are experienced.
NMSV0002W: The getObjectInstance method failed: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0003E: Name server initialization failed. Cannot obtain host name for this host. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0003E: Failed to get an initial naming context: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0004E: Name server initialization failed. Cannot initialize database tables." {0}
The name server could not be initialized. The database tables, used to store persistent name server data, could not be initialized.
User Response:
Verify that the database server is running and that the WAS database exists. Confirm that a connection can be made to the database using the user id and password that was specified when WebSphere was installed or reconfigured.
NMSV0004W: The deserializeObject method caught ClassNotFound exception: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0005E: Name server initialization failed. Cannot create the LDAP name tree. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0005W: The deserializeObject method failed: {0}
User Response:
NMSV0006E: Name server initialization failed. Name server implementation type of "{0}" is not supported in this release. {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0006E: Caught an exception: InvalidServantException
User Response:
NMSV0007E: Name server initialization failed. Name server implementation type of "{0}" is not recognized as a valid type. {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0007W: Failed to create tables {0}
User Response:
NMSV0008E: Name server initialization failed. Could not create a root context IOR. The name server implementation type is "{0}". {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0008W: The serializeObject method failed
User Response:
NMSV0009E: Name server initialization failed. Unable to create name server bootstrap object. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0009W: doLookup: CommFailure. Will return object for WLM.{0}
User Response:
NMSV0010E: Name server initialization failed. Initialization of the WLM Bootstrap Service failed. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0010E: Failed to start the Bootstrap server {0}
User Response:
NMSV0011E: Unable to start bootstrap server using port {0}. Verify that no servers or other processes are already using the bootstrap server port. Also verify that the bootstrap server is being started with a user ID which has sufficient (e.g., root, Administrator) privileges. {1}
The name server could not be initialized. An error occurred while attempting to start the bootstrap server.
User Response:
Make sure the bootstrap server port is not already in use by any other server processes. This error can occur when WebSphere's name server has already been started. In addition, make sure that the bootstrap server is being started with a user ID which has sufficient user privileges. On UNIX platforms, the server must be running as root. On Windows, the user ID must must be a local Windows user ID that is in the Administrative group and has the advanced user rights "Act as part of the operating system" and "Log on as a service." Refer to the sections in WebSphere InfoCenter on installing WAS and testing your installation for more information.
NMSV0011E: CosNamingServer caught exception: AdapterAlreadyExistsException.
User Response:
NMSV0012E: Name server initialization failed. Cannot create the CosNaming name tree. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0015E: Name server initialization failed. Could not build the System Name Space. {0}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0016E: Internal implementation error. Unexpected InvalidNameException thrown by WsnName while converting an internally generated name string "{0}" to a CosName. Throwing a CosNaming InvalidName exception.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0017E: Name server initialization failed. Unable to register initial reference "{0}". {1}
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0100E: new_context: Unbound context instances not allowed. Throwing NO_IMPLEMENT exception.
The method, new_context, part of the CosNaming::NamingContext interface, is not supported.
User Response:
A client program invoked the new_context method, which is not supported. Clients should use the bind_new_context method.
NMSV0101E: The name syntax property "{0}" is set to an unrecognized value of "{1}".
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0102E: Unexpected InvalidNameException thrown by WsnName while converting the INS name string "{0}" to another format.
The CosNaming name server cannot convert a name conversion for internal processing. This may be the result of an invalid name specified for a configured name binding.
User Response:
If the message is accompanied with another Name Service warning related to configured name bindings, change the configured binding name to a valid binding name.
NMSV0103E: A zero-length CosNaming::NameComponent array was specified. Throwing InvalidName exception.
An empty name (zero name components) was passed to the CosNaming server. Empty names are not valid.
User Response:
If the CosNaming client is a customer-provided application, this is a user error.
NMSV0104E: CosNaming::NameComponent[{0}] contains a null id or kind field. Throwing InvalidName exception.
A component in a name passed to a method in WebSphere's name server implementation of CosNaming::NamingContext contained a null id or kind field. A null value for an id or kind field is invalid.
User Response:
If the CosNaming client is a customer-provided application, this is a user error.
NMSV0105E: Cannot convert a CosName to a valid INS name.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0107E: An unexpected error occurred. Mapping to CORBA UNKNOWN.
Some unexpected error occurring which processing a CosNaming name server request.
User Response:
See the trace output for more details about the origin of the problem.
NMSV0108E: An error occurred attempting to create database tables.
The database tables used by the name server to store name space data could not be created. The cause is probably specific to the relational database manager being used.
User Response:
See the trace output for more details about the origin of the problem.
NMSV0109E: CosNaming server caught exception: AdapterAlreadyExistsException.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0110E: CosNaming server caught exception: InvalidServantException.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0111W: A WebSphere Base Application Server name space is being federated to another WAS name space. This type of name space federation is not supported and may produce incorrect results.
The Naming Service has detected an invalid Naming Federation between two WebSphere Base Application Servers. As a result, the Lookup operation might not work correctly.
User Response:
This is an invalid Naming Service usage. Users must correct its Naming Service usage to avoid this invalid Naming Federation.
NMSV0301E: An error occurred during deserialization of the JNDI context "{0}" in a local name space such as a java: URL name space.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0302E: NamingManager.getURLContext returned a null Context for the scheme "{0}".
A URL was passed to a JNDI Context method, which then invoked the JNDI Naming Manager to return the Context identified by the URL. The Naming Manager method which was invoked returned a null value.
User Response:
This problem is probably the result of an incorrect configuration. Verify that the factory for the scheme of the specified URL can be located from the value of the property, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs, found in the Context's environment.
NMSV0303E: Exception occurred in NamingManager.getURLContext for the scheme: "{0}".
A URL was passed to a JNDI Context method, which then invoked the JNDI Naming Manager to return the Context identified by the URL. The Naming Manager invocation failed.
User Response:
This problem is probably the result of an incorrect configuration. Verify that the factory for the scheme of the specified URL can be located from the value of the property, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs, found in the Context's environment. The trace output may contain additional diagnostic information.
NMSV0304W: There was an attempt to set the java URL name space accessor more than once.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0305E: A NamingException occurred while getting the next object in the UrlBindingEnumeration.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0306E: The scheme or package name for a URL-based name space was not set.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0307E: A java: URL name was used, but Naming was not configured to handle java: URL names. The likely cause is a user in error attempting to specify a java: URL name in a non-J2EE client or server environment. Throwing ConfigurationException.
Only JNDI clients which are running in a J2EE client or server environment can specify java: URL names in JNDI interface method calls.
User Response:
Verify that the JNDI client using a java: URL name is running in a J2EE client or server environment.
NMSV0308W: javaURLContextFactory cannot create a javaURLContext object because there is no java URL name space currently accessible from the executing thread.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0309W: The operation on the context "{0}" cannot be completed. All contexts under java:comp/env are environment contexts and are read-only.
Enterprise beans only have read access to environment naming contexts. Environment name contexts include java:comp/env and its subcontexts.
User Response:
You cannot perform update operations on environment naming contexts. If you want to bind a new object, use a name that does not start with java:comp/env.
NMSV0401W: The name "{0}" is invalid. The LDAP plug-in for JNDI could not perform an internal name conversion.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0402E: Cannot convert the JNDI name "{0}" to an LDAP name string.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0501W: Ignored an InvalidPropertyName exception from the CosNaming name server.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0502W: The class "com.ibm.ejs.ns.jndi.CNInitialContextFactory" has been deprecated. It has been replaced with "com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory".
The initial context factory for WebSphere has changed. The old one will work, but some time in the future it will no longer be available.
User Response:
Begin using the new initial context factory as soon as possible.
NMSV0601E: Naming Service unavailable. Null initial context returned from ORB.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0602E: Naming Service unavailable. A communications error occurred.
A connection to the name server could not be made when attempting create an initial context.
User Response:
The most like causes are that the provider URL is incorrect or that the name server identified by the provider URL is not running. Verify that the name server is running and that the host and port in the provider URL are correct. Also, make sure that the host identified in the provider URL can be ping'ed from the machine on which the JNDI client is running. Refer to the trace output accompanying this message for more information about the root cause.
NMSV0603E: Naming Service unavailable. Could not get the root context.
An unknown error occurred while attempting to obtain the initial context from the ORB.
User Response:
For more information about the root cause, refer to any additional trace output accompanying this message.
NMSV0604E: Exception thrown in Referenceable.getReference().
While processing a JNDI bind or rebind operation on a javax.naming.Referenceable object, a call to the method, getReference(), on the object resulted in an exception.
User Response:
The Referenceable object could not be processed for some unknown reason. Refer to the trace output accompanying this message for more details on the root cause.
NMSV0605W: A Reference object looked up from the context "{0}" with the name "{1}" was sent to the JNDI Naming Manager and an exception resulted. Reference data follows... Reference Factory Class Name: {2} Reference Factory Class Location URLs: {3} {4} Exception data follows... {5}
While executing a JNDI lookup or listBindings operation on a javax.naming.Reference object, a call to the JNDI Naming Manager to process the object failed. It is possible that some class required by the Reference object's factory could not be loaded or some exception occurred while instantiating the factory object. It is also possible that some class required by the factory to instantiate an object from the Reference object could not be loaded, or that some exception occurred while the factory was instantiating the object.
User Response:
Ensure that the factory class can be loaded from the calling environment and that the class instantiated by the factory can be loaded. Actions on exceptions originating from the factory depend on the specific factory's implementation.
NMSV0606E: Object is not of any type which can be bound.
The JNDI bind or rebind method was passed an object which is of a type that cannot be bound. Allowed object types include CORBA objects (which includes EJBs deployed to WebSphere), JNDI contexts of the same type as the context object being invoked, javax.naming.Referenceable, javax.naming.Reference, and java.io.Serializable.
User Response:
Attempt to bind or rebind only objects of the above types.
NMSV0607E: The Context at name path "{0}" was passed a null name to the method "{1}".
A JNDI context method was passed a null name. Null names are not valid.
User Response:
Use an appropriate name for the desired JNDI operation.
NMSV0608E: The Context at name path "{0}" was passed an empty name to the method "{1}".
A JNDI context method was passed an empty name. JNDI context methods except for lookup, list, and listBindings, do not accept empty names.
User Response:
Use an appropriate name for the desired JNDI operation.
NMSV0609W: A Reference object looked up from the context "{0}" with the name "{1}" was sent to the JNDI Naming Manager and was returned unprocessed. Reference data follows... Reference Factory Class Name: {2} Reference Factory Class Location URLs: {3} {4}
While executing a JNDI lookup or listBindings operation on a javax.naming.Reference object, a call to the JNDI Naming Manager to process the object returned the original Reference object, indicating that no processing was done. This is most likely not the intended result. It is possible that the factory class required to process the Reference could not be determined or loaded.
User Response:
Verify that the Reference object contains a factory class name. Ensure that the factory class can be loaded from the calling environment.
NMSV0610I: A NamingException is being thrown from a javax.naming.Context implementation. Details follow... Context implementation: {0} Context method: {1} Context name: {2} Target name: {3} Other data: {4} Exception stack trace: {5}
Some javax.naming.Context implementation has raised an exception. Data related to the exception is included with the message.
User Response:
If the exception triggering this message is the result of normal operation, the message can be ignored. If the exception is not expected, refer to the diagnostic information included with the message to help determine the cause.
NMSV0611E: A Referenceable.getReference() returns null. Object to bind: {0} Referenceable object: {1}
While processing a JNDI bind or rebind operation on a javax.naming.Referenceable object, a call to the method, getReference(), on the object returns null, which violates the JNDI API.
User Response:
Do not let the method getReference() on the Referenceable object returns a null Reference object. According to the JNDI API, getReference() on a Referenceable object should return a non-null Reference of this object.
NMSV0701W: An IndirectJNDILookup object was created with an empty name. Lookups using this object will fail. {0}
An IndirectJNDILookup object was created with an empty name. Indirect lookups require non-empty names.
User Response:
Do not create IndirectJNDILookup objects with empty names.
NMSV0710W: Configured Bindings: "{0}" field was not set in {1} object: {2} name in name space: {3} XML location: {4} level of "namebindings.xml" file.
Some required fields/attributes are missing (empty) when create a NameSpaceBinding object or its subclass for Configured Bindings.
User Response:
Do not create NameSpaceBinding object or its subclass with empty fields or attributes.
NMSV0711W: Configured Bindings: name already bound. Exception data... {0}
A binding already exist in the name space with the same name as this configured binding.
User Response:
Use a different name or make sure the configured binding is in the correct place in name space.
NMSV0712W: Configured Bindings: Cannot create an intermediate context for the configured binding "{0}" relative to the context "{1}" because of a name conflict with an object other than another configured context binding.
When a binding with a compound name is configured, all intermediate contexts must either not already exist or be contexts created from other configured bindings.
User Response:
Use a different name or make sure the configured binding is in the correct place in name space.
NMSV0713W: Configured Bindings: Cannot create the configured binding "{0}" relative to the context "{1}" because of an unexpected error. {2}
Some error occurred when creating an intermediate context for a configured binding.
User Response:
Make sure the name is valid and that it does not conflict in any way with existing bindings in the name space.
NMSV0714W: Invalid Configuration: The port number "{0}" of end point named "{1}" is being used by end point "{2}" in server "{3}".
Duplicate port number has been assigned in the same server. The server may or may not work properly.
User Response:
Make sure all the endpoint in configuration for every server has an unique port number assigned, then restart the server.
NMSV0715W: Configured Bindings: The server "{1}" or node "{0}" specified in an EJB configured binding does not exist. Configured binding info... Binding name: {2} Name in name space: {3} Scope: {4}.
The non-clustered appserver with name and node specified in the XML file has not been configured in this cell.
User Response:
Make sure the node name and server name identify a configured non-clustered server.
NMSV0716W: Configured Bindings: The cluster "{0}" specified in an EJB configured binding does not exist. Configured binding info... Binding name: {1} Name in name space: {2} Scope: {3}.
The cluster with the name specified in the XML file has not been configured in this cell.
User Response:
Make sure the cluster name indentifies a configured cluster.
NMSV0717W: Name Server Configuration Warning: Due to previous warnings it is possible the name space will not be constructed correctly.
Some Name Server configuration warning have been issued prior to this message. Most likely the name space will not be constructed correctly.
User Response:
Try to resolve previous warnings first.
NMSV0718W: Name Server Configuration Warning: {0}
Name Server configuration warning have been issued with some additional information.
User Response:
Look into this additional information to resolve this warning.
NMSV0719W: Configuration changes have occurred which require this server to be cycled.
Changes have been made to the configuration which affect the name server running in the process associated with this message. The server process must be cycled for these changes to take effect.
User Response:
Restart the server which received this warning message.
NMSV0720W: An error occurred while updating the name space in response to configuration changes.
Changes have been made to the configuration which affect the name server running in the process associated with this message. An error occurred while attempting to update the name space. The name space may not accurately reflect the current configuration.
User Response:
Restart the server which received this warning message.
NMSV0721W: An error occurred while updating the name space in response to configuration changes. Error data... {0}
Changes have been made to the configuration which affect the name server running in the process associated with this message. An error occurred while processing the new configuration data in an effort to update the name space to reflect the configuration changes. The name space may not accurately reflect the current configuration.
User Response:
Restart the server which received this warning message.
NMSV0722W: Name server custom property value "{0}" is invalid for name server custom property: "{1}". Will use default value instead.
A wrong value has been specified in name server custom property.
User Response:
Make sure using the correct value. For BootstrapPortEnabled name server custom property, the value should be either "true" or "false".
NMSV0723W: Disable bootstrap port is not supported in non-standalone server process.
Disable bootstrap port can only be done in standalone server process.
User Response:
Don't set BootstrapPortEnabled name server custom property to false in non-standalone server process.
NMSV0724W: Name server custom property "{0}" has been changed. This will require a manual server restart.
Changes have been made to the name server custom property which affect the name server running in the process associated with this message. The server process must be cycled for these changes to take effect.
User Response:
Restart the server which received this warning message.
NMSV0730I: Name server registering as a Security Service listener.
This is an informational message logged during name server startup indicating that the name server is registering as a Security service listener. This means that name server security will be enforced.
User Response:
This message is informational only. No action is required.
NMSV0731I: Security Service not available. Name server cannot register as a Security Service listener.
This is an informational message logged during name server startup indicating that the Naming component is not registering as a Security service listener. This means that name server security will not be enforced.
User Response:
This message is informational only. No action is required.
NMSV0750W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "contextLinked", but its contextId value is null. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
NMSV0750W: During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
NMSV0750W: Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The context can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0751W: Could not add binding "{1}" to the name space. The binding data is contained in the XML file "{0}". Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled. Error information follows... {2}
NMSV0751W: During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an error occurred while attempting to add the binding to the name space. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
NMSV0751W: If the problem cannot be resolved with the included error information, remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The context can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0752W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "contextIOR", but the object for the IOR is not a context. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
NMSV0752W: During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
NMSV0752W: Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The context can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0753W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "contextIOR", but the stringifiedIOR value is null. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
NMSV0753W: During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
NMSV0753W: Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The object can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0754W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "objectJava", but the serializedBytesAsString value is null. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
NMSV0754W: During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
NMSV0754W: Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The object can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0755W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "objectJava" and the serializedBytesAsString value is invalid. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The object can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0756W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}". The entry for name "{1}" has a nameBindingType value of "contextURL" but the insURL value is null. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
During server startup, while the name server was reading in the specified XML file, an invalid binding entry was found. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
Remove the bad binding entry from XML file. The object can then be rebound if necessary.
NMSV0757W: Invalid binding found in the XML file "{0}" under the context with the name "{1}". The binding has a nameComponent value of "{2}", which is an invalid name component. This binding is being ignored. Updates to the corresponding persistent name space partition have been disabled.
The binding name for the entry is invalid. The name must be a valid CORBA INS name string for a single name component. The entry is being ignored. Until the problem is corrected, update operations on contexts backed by the specified XML file are disabled.
User Response:
Change the binding name to a valid name which does not conflict with other binding names, or remove the bad binding entry from XML file and rebind the object if necessary.
NMSV0758E: The name server could not acquire a Configuration Repository handle. Persistent name binding data cannot be processed. Error information follows... {1}
In order for the name server to process any persistent name binding information, it needs a Configuration Repository client handle to access persistent name binding XML files. An attempt to acquire a Configuration Repository handle failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0759E: An error occurred on a file extract operation for the persistent name binding XML file "{0}". Persistent name binding information could not be read in. Error information follows... {1}
In order to read in persistent name binding data from an XML file during name server initialization, the name server must extract the XML file from the Configuration Respository. The extract operation failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0760E: An error occurred on a file checkout operation for the persist name binding XML file "{0}". Persistent name binding update could not be completed. Error information follows... {1}
In order to process an update operation on a persistent name binding, the name server must check out the persistent name binding XML file from the Configuration Respository. The checkout operation failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0761E: An error occurred on a file checkin operation for the persistent name binding XML file "{0}". Persistent name binding update could not be completed. Error information follows... {1}
In order to process an update operation on a persistent name binding, the name server must check out the persistent name binding XML file from the Configuration Respository, update the file, and check it in. The checkin operation failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0762E: An error occurred on a file unlock operation for the persistent name binding XML file "{0}". Error information follows... {1}
After experiencing some problem processing a persistent name binding XML file, a Configuration Respository request to unlock the file failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0763E: An error occurred while processing the persistent name binding XML file "{0}". Update operation could not be completed. Error information follows... {1}
The name server experienced some problem processing a persistent name binding XML file. The update operation failed.
User Response:
Restart the server. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0800W: Exception encountered loading configuration file "{0}". {1}.
Unexpected exception encountered when loading configuration file. As a result, the name server's system name space structure may not reflect the entire cell configuration.
User Response:
Action required depends on the root cause of the problem. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0801W: Exception encountered loading file "{0}" from clusters directory "{1}". Cluster configuration information has been ignored. {2}.
Unexpected exception encountered when loading the specified configuration file. As a result, the name server's system name space structure may not reflect the entire cell configuration.
User Response:
Action required depends on the root cause of the problem. Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0802W: Found the configuration document "{0}" as part of the deployment manager's node configuration. The deployment manager's node is not a valid location for node-scoped configured name bindings.
Name bindings were found in the deployment manager's node configuration. Node-scoped configured bindings are bound in the name space under the node's node persistent root. Since there is no node persistent persistent root for the deployment manager's node, this node is not a valid location for node-scoped configured name bindings.
User Response:
Verify that you have selected the right node and scope for the configured bindings.
NMSV0803W: Duplicate server name encountered. Ignoring server "{0}" on node "{1}" (endpoint: {2}).
Two servers with the same name were found in the specified node. As a result, the name server's system name space structure may not reflect the entire cell configuration. All server names within a node must be unique.
User Response:
Verify that all server names are unique within a node.
NMSV0804W: Missing host name in bootstrap address of server "{0}" in node "{1}". Skipping this server configuration and continuing.
The bootstrap address configuration for the specified server does not contain a host name. As a result, the name server's system name space structure will not include the specified server.
User Response:
Make sure all bootstrap addresses include a host name and port number.
NMSV0805W: Missing port number in bootstrap address of server "{0}" in node "{1}". Skipping this server configuration and continuing.
The bootstrap address configuration for the specified server does not contain a port number. As a result, the name server's system name space structure will not include the specified server.
User Response:
Make sure all bootstrap addresses include a host name and port number.
NMSV0806W: The bootstrap address "{0}" configured for this server conflicts with the bootstrap address configured for server "{1}" on node "{2}". Ignoring the conflicting server.
Encountered another server configured with the same bootstrap host and port as this server. The conflicting server is being ignored. As a result, the name server's system name space structure may not reflect the entire cell configuration.
User Response:
Verify that all servers are configured with the correct bootstrap addresses and that all bootstrap ports on a host are unique.
NMSV0807W: The bootstrap address "{0}" configured for server "{1}" on node "{2}" conflicts with the bootstrap port of another server. Ignoring the specified server.
Encountered two servers configured with the same bootstrap address. The one specified in the error message is being ignored. As a result, the name server's system name space structure may not reflect the entire cell configuration.
User Response:
Verify that all servers in the cell are configured with the correct bootstrap host and that all bootstrap ports on a host are unique.
NMSV0808W: Configuration for cluster "{2}" specifies a non-existent member server. Ignoring server "{0}" on node "{1}".
Cannot find the specified server in the cell configuration. A cluster member is probably incorrectly specified in the cluster configuration.
User Response:
Verify that members configured for a cluster include only servers which exist in the cell configuration.
NMSV0901E: An unexpected error occurred.
Some unexpected error occurred.
User Response:
Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0902E: An error occurred while serializing an object.
An error occurred while attempting to serialize an object. This error probably occurred during a JNDI bind or rebind operation.
User Response:
One possible cause is that some object encountered during the serialization process is not serializable. For more information about the root cause, see trace output which accompanies this message.
NMSV0903E: An error occurred while deserializing an object.
An error occurred while attempting to deserialize an object. This error probably occurred during a JNDI lookup or listBindings operation.
User Response:
The most likely cause for this problem is not having the required class or classes in the JNDI client CLASSPATH. The trace output should contain more details, such as the class name that could not be found.
NMSV0904W: Ignored InvalidNameException while converting a CosName to a String for internal processing.
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0905E: Failed to create Class object for the class "{0}".
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0906E: Could not create an instance of the class "{0}".
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0907E: Could not invoke method "{0}" on object of type "{1}".
This is an unexpected exception. The cause can not be immediately determined.
User Response:
Consult the IBM WAS Support website.
NMSV0908W: The file com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties could not be loaded.
The com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties file could not be loaded
User Response:
Ensure that the .jar file contaning the com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties file is located where it can be found by the classloader. If the file is accessable to the classloader, look for any other messages that may identify the problem.
NMSV0910E: A Naming error occurred. Details follow... {0}
An undocumented naming error occurred.
User Response:
Refer to the diagnostic data provided to determine the root cause of the problem.
NMSV0911E: No initial context factory implementation is defined for com.ibm.naming.websphere.WsnInitialContextFactory. Make sure a WebSphere jar file that contains com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties can be located by the class loader.
A property in the file com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties is set with the class name of the initial context factory implementation to use. Since the property is not set, the class loader is apparently not locating the containing jar file.
User Response:
In your specific WebSphere installation, find the jar file that contains com/i../WAS51/naming/jndiprovider.properties and make sure your runtime environment is set up so that the class loader will be able to locate it.
Thu Oct 16 11:01:00 EDT 2003