WebSphere MQ topic settings

To manage the configuration properties of a topic destination for use with the WebSphere MQ JMS provider go to...

Console | Resources | WebSphere MQ JMS Provider | WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations | destination_name

A topic destination is used to configure the properties of a JMS topic for the associated JMS provider. Connections to the topic are created by the associated topic connection factory. A topic for use with the WebSphere MQ JMS provider has the following properties.

Name The name by which the topic is known for administrative purposes within IBM WAS.

Data type String

JNDI name The JNDI name that is used to bind the topic into the application server's name space.

As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.

This name is used to link the platform binding information. The binding associates the resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the module to the actual (physical) resources bound into JNDI by the platform.

Data type String

Description A description of the topic, for administrative purposes within IBM WAS.

Data type String
Default Null

Category A category used to classify or group this topic, for your IBM WAS administrative records.

Data type String

Persistence Whether all messages sent to the destination are persistent, non-persistent, or have their persistence defined by the application

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable

Application defined Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the application that put them onto the queue.

Queue defined [WebSphere MQ destination only] Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the WebSphere MQ queue definition properties.

Persistent Messages on the destination are persistent.

Non persistent Messages on the destination are not persistent.

Priority Whether the message priority for this destination is defined by the application or the Specified priority property

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable

Application defined The priority of messages on this destination is defined by the application that put them onto the destination.

Queue defined [WebSphere MQ destination only] Messages on the destination have their persistence defined by the WebSphere MQ queue definition properties.

Specified The priority of messages on this destination is defined by the Specified priority property.If you select this option, define a priority on the Specified priority property.

Specified priority If the Priority property is set to Specified, type here the message priority for this queue, in the range 0 (lowest) through 9 (highest)

If the Priority property is set to Specified, messages sent to this queue have the priority value specified by this property.

Data type Integer
Units Message priority level
Default Null
Range 0 (lowest priority) through 9 (highest priority)

Expiry Whether the expiry timeout for this queue is defined by the application or the Specified expiry property, or messages on the queue never expire (have an unlimited expiry timeout)

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable

Application defined The expiry timeout for messages on this queue is defined by the application that put them onto the queue.

Specified The expiry timeout for messages on this queue is defined by the Specified expiry property.If you select this option, define a timeout on the Specified expiry property.

Unlimited Messages on this queue have no expiry timeout, so those messages never expire.

Specified expiry If the Expiry timeout property is set to Specified, type here the number of milliseconds (greater than 0) after which messages on this queue expire

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default Null
Range Greater than or equal to 0

  • 0 indicates that messages never timeout

  • Other values are an integer number of milliseconds

Base topic name The name of the topic to which messages are sent

Data type String
Range Depends on the broker used

CCSID The coded character set identifier for use with the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

This coded character set identifier (CCSID) must be one of the CCSIDs supported by WebSphere MQ.

Data type String
Units Integer
Default Null
Range 1 through 65535

Use native encoding Select this checkbox to indicate that the queue destination should use native encoding (appropriate encoding values for the Java platform).

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default Cleared

Cleared Native encoding is not used, so specify the properties below for integer, decimal, and floating point encoding.

Selected Native encoding is used (to provide appropriate encoding values for the Java platform).

For more information about encoding properties, see the WebSphere MQ Using Java document.

Integer encoding If native encoding is not enabled, select whether integer encoding is normal or reversed.

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default NORMAL

NORMAL Normal integer encoding is used.

REVERSED Reversed integer encoding is used.

For more information about encoding properties, see the WebSphere MQ Using Java document.

Decimal encoding If native encoding is not enabled, select whether decimal encoding is normal or reversed.

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default NORMAL

NORMAL Normal decimal encoding is used.

REVERSED Reversed decimal encoding is used.

For more information about encoding properties, see the WebSphere MQ Using Java document.

Floating point encoding If native encoding is not enabled, select the type of floating point encoding.

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable

IEEENORMAL IEEE normal floating point encoding is used.

IEEEREVERSED IEEE reversed floating point encoding is used.

S390 S390 floating point encoding is used.

For more information about encoding properties, see the WebSphere MQ Using Java document.

Target client type Whether the receiving application is JMS-compliant or is a traditional WebSphere MQ application

Data type Enum
Units Not applicable
Default MQ

MQ The target is a non-JMS, traditional WebSphere MQ application.

JMS The target is a JMS-compliant application.

Broker Dur Sub Queue The name of the broker's queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved

The name of the broker's queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved. The subscriber specifies the name of the queue when it registers a subscription.

Data type String
Units En_US ASCII characters
Default Null
Range 1 through 48 ASCII characters

Broker CC Dur Sub Queue The name of the broker's queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer. This property applies only for use of the Web container.

The name of the broker's queue from which durable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer. This property applies only for use of the Web container.

Data type String
Units En_US ASCII characters
Default Null
Range 1 through 48 ASCII characters