What is a shared queue, a queue-sharing group, and intra-group queuing?


Shared queues, queue-sharing groups, and intra-group queuing are only available on WebSphere MQ for z/OS.

A shared queue is a type of local queue whose messages can be accessed by one or more queue managers that are in a sysplex. (This is not the same as a queue being "shared" by more than one application, via the same queue manager.)

The queue managers that can access the same set of shared queues form a group called a queue-sharing group (QSG). They communicate with each other by means of a coupling facility (CF) that stores the shared queues. See WebSphere MQ for z/OS Concepts and Planning Guide for a full discussion of queue-sharing groups.

Message transfer between queue managers in a queue-sharing group is called intra-group queuing (IGQ), and lets you perform fast message transfer without defining channels.


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