Use STOP CHINIT to stop a channel initiator.


  1. This is valid only for channels used for distributed queuing without CICS. If you are using CICS for distributed queuing, see the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication manual.

  2. The command server must be running.

Synonym: STOP CHI

                .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------.
>>-STOP CHINIT--+--------------------------+-------------------->
                |                     (1)  |
                |             (1)          |


  1. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.


Parameter descriptions

This parameter specifies how the command is executed when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.

' '
The command is executed on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.

The command is executed on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue-sharing group.

You can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if you are using a queue-sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.

The command is executed on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue-sharing group. The effect of this is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue-sharing group.

Specifies whether the channel initiator should attempt to restart any active sending channels, started with CHLDISP(SHARED), that it owns on another queue manager. The possible values are:

Shared sending channels are to be restarted. This is the default.

Shared sending channels are not to be restarted, so will become inactive.

(Active channels started with CHLDISP(FIXSHARED) are not restarted, and always become inactive.)


Usage notes

  1. When you issue the STOP CHINIT command, WebSphere MQ stops any channels that are running in the following way:

    • Sender and server channels are stopped using STOP CHANNEL MODE(QUIESCE) STATUS(INACTIVE)

    • All other channels are stopped using STOP CHANNEL MODE(FORCE)

    See STOP CHANNEL for information about what this involves.

  2. You might receive communications-error messages as a result of issuing the STOP CHINIT command.


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