Use DISPLAY DQM to display information about the channel initiator.
- This is valid only for channels used for distributed queuing without CICS. If you are using CICS for distributed queuing, see the WebSphere MQ Intercommunication manual.
- The command server must be running.
Synonym: DIS DQM
DISPLAY DQM .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. >>-DISPLAY DQM--+--------------------------+------------------->< | (1) | +-CMDSCOPE(qmgr-name)------+ | (1) | '-CMDSCOPE(*)--------------'
- Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
Parameter descriptions
- This parameter specifies how the command is executed when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
- ' '
- The command is executed on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
- qmgr-name
- The command is executed on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within the queue-sharing group.
You can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if you are using a queue-sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.
- *
- The command is executed on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue-sharing group. The effect of this is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue-sharing group.
Usage notes
- The response to this command is a series of messages showing the current status of the channel initiator. This includes the following:
- Whether the channel initiator is running or not
- Which listeners are started, and information about them.
- How many dispatchers are started, and how many were requested
- How many adapter subtasks are started, and how many were requested
- How many SSL subtasks are started, and how many were requested
- The TCP system name
- How many channel connections are current, and whether they are active, stopped, or retrying
- The maximum number of current connections
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