Use DELETE CFSTRUCT to delete a CF application structure definition. This command is valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.
Synonym: None
DELETE CFSTRUCT >>-DELETE CFSTRUCT(structure-name)-----------------------------><
Keyword and parameter descriptions
- (structure-name)
The name of the CF structure definition to be deleted. The name must be defined within the queue sharing group.
Usage notes
- The command fails if there are any queues in existence that reference this CF structure name that are not both empty and closed.
- The command cannot specify the CF administration structure (CSQ_ADMIN).
- The command deletes the DB2(R) CF structure record only. It does not delete the CF structure definition from the CFRM policy data set.
- CF structures at CFLEVEL(1) are automatically deleted when the last queue on that structure is deleted.
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