ALTER Queues


This section contains the following commands:



Use ALTER QALIAS to alter the parameters of an alias queue.

Synonym: ALT QA

>>-ALTER QALIAS(q-name)--+-------+------------------------------>
   .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. (1)
   |                     (2)  |
   |             (2)          |
   .-QSGDISP(QMGR)-------. (1)
   +-QSGDISP(COPY)-------+       '-| common q attrs |-'
   |                (2)  |
   '-| alias q attrs |-'
Common q attrs
   '-DEFPRTY(integer)-'  '-DEFPSIST(-+-NO--+-)-'
   '-DESCR(string)-'  '-PUT(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
Alias q attrs
   |                      (3)  |  |                (3)  |
   '-CLUSTER(clustername)------'  '-CLUSNL(nlname)------'
   |                         (3)  |  '-GET(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
   '-DEFBIND(-+-OPEN-----+-)------'         '-DISABLED-'
   |               (4)      |  '-TARGQ(string)-'
            |      (5)  |


  1. Valid only on z/OS.

  2. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.

  3. Valid only on AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/400, Solaris, and Windows.

  4. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, OS/400, UNIX systems, and Windows.

  5. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, UNIX systems, and Windows.



Use ALTER QLOCAL to alter the parameters of a local queue.

Synonym: ALT QL

>>-ALTER QLOCAL(q-name)--+-------+------------------------------>
   .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. (1)
   |                     (2)  |
   |             (2)          |
   .-QSGDISP(QMGR)--------. (1)
   +-QSGDISP(COPY)--------+       '-| common q attrs |-'
   |                (2)   |
   |                 (2)  |
   '-| local q attrs |-'
Common q attrs
   '-DEFPRTY(integer)-'  '-DEFPSIST(-+-NO--+-)-'
   '-DESCR(string)-'  '-PUT(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
Local q attrs
   '-BOQNAME(string)-'  '-BOTHRESH(integer)-'
   |                (1)  |  |                      (3)  |
   '-CFSTRUCT(name)------'  '-CLUSTER(clustername)------'
   |                (3)  |  |                         (3)  |
   '-CLUSNL(nlname)------'  '-DEFBIND(-+-OPEN-----+-)------'
   '-DEFSOPT(-+-EXCL---+-)-'  |                  (4)  |
              '-SHARED-'      '-DISTL(-+-NO--+-)------'
   '-GET(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'  |                          (1)  |
          '-DISABLED-'      '-INDXTYPE(-+-CORRELID-+-)------'
   '-INITQ(string)-'  '-MAXDEPTH(integer)-'
   '-MAXMSGL(integer)-'  '-MSGDLVSQ(-+-PRIORITY-+-)-'
   '-+-NOHARDENBO-+-'  '-+-NOSHARE-+-'  '-+-NOTRIGGER-+-'
     '-HARDENBO---'      '-SHARE---'      '-TRIGGER---'
   '-PROCESS(string)-'  '-QDEPTHHI(integer)-'
   '-QDEPTHLO(integer)-'  '-QDPHIEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
   '-QDPLOEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'  '-QDPMAXEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
              '-DISABLED-'                  '-DISABLED-'
   '-QSVCIEV(-+-NONE-+-)-'  '-QSVCINT(integer)-'
   '-RETINTVL(integer)-'  |               (5)      |
                                   |      (6)  |
   |                  (1)  |  '-TRIGDATA(string)-'
   '-TRIGDPTH(integer)-'  '-TRIGMPRI(integer)-'
   '-TRIGTYPE(-+-FIRST-+-)-'  '-USAGE(-+-NORMAL-+-)-'
               +-EVERY-+               '-XMITQ--'


  1. Valid only on z/OS.

  2. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.

  3. Valid only on AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/400, Solaris, and Windows.

  4. Valid only on AIX, HP-UX, OS/400, Solaris, and Windows.

  5. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, OS/400, UNIX systems, and Windows.

  6. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, UNIX systems, and Windows.



Use ALTER QMODEL to alter the parameters of a model queue.

Synonym: ALT QM

                         .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. (1)
>>-ALTER QMODEL(q-name)--+--------------------------+----------->
                         |                     (2)  |
                         |             (2)          |
   .-QSGDISP(QMGR)-------. (1)
   +-QSGDISP(COPY)-------+       '-| common q attrs |-'
   |                (2)  |
   '-| local q attrs |-'  '-| model q attr |-'
Common q attrs
   '-DEFPRTY(integer)-'  '-DEFPSIST(-+-NO--+-)-'
   '-DESCR(string)-'  '-PUT(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
Local q attrs
   '-BOQNAME(string)-'  '-BOTHRESH(integer)-'
   |                (1)  |  '-DEFSOPT(-+-EXCL---+-)-'
   '-CFSTRUCT(name)------'             '-SHARED-'
   |                  (3)  |  '-GET(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
   '-DISTL(-+-NO--+-)------'         '-DISABLED-'
   |                          (1)  |  '-INITQ(string)-'
   '-MAXDEPTH(integer)-'  '-MAXMSGL(integer)-'
               '-FIFO-----'        '-HARDENBO---'
   '-+-NOSHARE-+-'  '-+-NOTRIGGER-+-'  '-PROCESS(string)-'
     '-SHARE---'      '-TRIGGER---'
   '-QDEPTHHI(integer)-'  '-QDEPTHLO(integer)-'
   '-QDPHIEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'  '-QDPLOEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
              '-DISABLED-'                 '-DISABLED-'
   '-QDPMAXEV(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'  '-QSVCIEV(-+-NONE-+-)-'
               '-DISABLED-'                 +-HIGH-+
   '-QSVCINT(integer)-'  '-RETINTVL(integer)-'
   |                  (1)  |  '-TRIGDATA(string)-'
   '-TRIGDPTH(integer)-'  '-TRIGMPRI(integer)-'
   '-TRIGTYPE(-+-FIRST-+-)-'  '-USAGE(-+-NORMAL-+-)-'
               +-EVERY-+               '-XMITQ--'
Model q attr
              |          (1)  |


  1. Valid only on z/OS.

  2. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.

  3. Valid only on AIX, HP-UX, OS/400, Solaris, and Windows.



Use ALTER QREMOTE to alter the parameters of a local definition of a remote queue, a queue-manager alias, or a reply-to queue alias.

Synonym: ALT QR

>>-ALTER QREMOTE(q-name)--+-------+----------------------------->
   .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. (4)
   |                     (5)  |
   |             (5)          |
   .-QSGDISP(QMGR)-------. (4)
   +-QSGDISP(COPY)-------+       '-| common q attrs |-'
   |                (5)  |
   '-| remote q attrs |-'
Common q attrs
   '-DEFPRTY(integer)-'  '-DEFPSIST(-+-NO--+-)-'
   '-DESCR(string)-'  '-PUT(-+-ENABLED--+-)-'
Remote q attrs
   |                      (1)  |  |                (1)  |
   '-CLUSTER(clustername)------'  '-CLUSNL(nlname)------'
   |                         (1)  |  '-RNAME(string)-'
   '-RQMNAME(string)-'  |               (2)      |
                                 |      (3)  |


  1. Valid only on AIX, HP-UX, z/OS, OS/400, Solaris, and Windows.

  2. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, OS/400, UNIX systems, and Windows.

  3. Valid only on Compaq OpenVMS, UNIX systems, and Windows.

  4. Valid only on z/OS.

  5. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.


Parameter descriptions

For a description of the parameters see DEFINE queues.


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