Use ALTER NAMELIST to alter a list of names. This is most commonly a list of cluster names or queue names.

On UNIX systems, the command is valid only on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris.

Synonym: ALT NL

                         .-CMDSCOPE(' ')------------. (2)
>>-ALTER NAMELIST(name)--+--------------------------+----------->
                         |                     (1)  |
                         |             (1)          |
   '-DESCR(string)-'  |        .-,--------.   |
                      |        V          |   |
                        (2)   .-QSGDISP(QMGR)-------. (2)
   +-NLTYPE(NONE)-----+       +-QSGDISP(COPY)-------+
   +-NLTYPE(QUEUE)----+       |                (1)  |
   +-NLTYPE(Q)--------+       +-QSGDISP(GROUP)------+


  1. Valid only on full function WebSphere MQ for z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group.

  2. Valid only on z/OS.


Parameter descriptions

For a description of the parameters see DEFINE NAMELIST


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