
public interface XASession
extends Session
Subinterfaces: XAQueueSession and XATopicSession

WebSphere MQ class: MQXASession


XASession extends the capability of Session by adding access to a JMS provider's support for JTA. This support takes the form of a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource object. The functionality of this object closely resembles that defined by the standard X/Open XAResource interface.

An appserver controls the transactional assignment of an XASession by obtaining its XAResource. It uses the XAResource to assign the session to a transaction, prepare and commit work on the transaction, and so on.

An XAResource provides some fairly sophisticated facilities such as interleaving work on multiple transactions and recovering a list of transactions in progress.

A JTA-aware JMS provider must fully implement this functionality. To do this, a JMS provider can either use the services of a database that supports XA, or implement this functionality from scratch.

A client of the appserver is given what appears to be a regular JMS Session. Behind the scenes, the appserver controls the transaction management of the underlying XASession.

Refer to Appendix E, JMS JTA/XA interface with WebSphere Application Server V4 for details about how WebSphere MQ JMS uses XA classes.

See also: XAQueueSession and XATopicSession



public void commit()
             throws JMSException

Do not call this method for an XASession object. If it is called, it throws a TransactionInProgressException.

Specified by:
Commit in the Session interface.

TransactionInProgressException if this method is called on an XASession.

public boolean getTransacted()
                       throws JMSException

Always returns true.

Specified by:
getTransacted in the Session interface.

True if the session is in transacted mode.

JMSException if JMS fails to return the transaction mode because of an internal error in the JMS Provider.

public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource() 

Return an XA resource to the caller.

an XA resource to the caller.

public void rollback()
               throws JMSException

Do not call this method for an XASession object. If it is called, it throws a TransactionInProgressException.

Specified by:
Rollback in the session interface.

TransactionInProgressException if this method is called on an XASession.


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