

public interface TopicConnection
extends Connection
Subinterfaces: XATopicConnection

WebSphere MQ class: MQTopicConnection


A TopicConnection is an active connection to a JMS publish/subscribe provider.

See also: Connection, TopicConnectionFactory, and XATopicConnection



public ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer
                              (Topic topic,
                               java.lang.String messageSelector,
                               ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                               int maxMessages) 
                                        throws JMSException

Create a connection consumer for this connection. This is an expert facility that is not used by regular JMS clients.

WebSphere MQ Event Broker note

For a direct connection to WebSphere MQ Event Broker, this method throws a JMSException.


  • topic: the topic to access.

  • messageSelector: only deliver messages with properties that match the message selector expression.

  • sessionPool: the server session pool to associate with this connection consumer.

  • maxMessages: the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time.

The connection consumer.


  • JMSException if the JMS Connection fails to create a connection consumer because of an internal error, or because of incorrect arguments for sessionPool.

  • InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is not valid.

See also:

public ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer
                               (Topic topic,
                                java.lang.String subscriptionName
                                java.lang.String messageSelector,
                                ServerSessionPool sessionPool,
                                int maxMessages) 
                                         throws JMSException

Create a durable connection consumer for this connection. This is an expert facility that is not used by regular JMS clients.

WebSphere MQ Event Broker note

For a direct connection to WebSphere MQ Event Broker, this method throws a JMSException.


  • topic: the topic to access.

  • subscriptionName: the name of the durable subscription.

  • messageSelector: deliver only messages with properties that match the message selector expression.

  • sessionPool: the server session pool to associate with this durable connection consumer.

  • maxMessages: the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time.

The durable connection consumer.


  • JMSException if the JMS Connection fails to create a connection consumer because of an internal error, or because of incorrect arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.

  • InvalidSelectorException if the message selector is not valid.

See also:

public TopicSession createTopicSession(boolean transacted,
                                       int acknowledgeMode)
                                       throws JMSException

Create a TopicSession.

WebSphere MQ Event Broker note

For a direct connection to WebSphere MQ Event Broker, if transacted is true, this method throws a JMSException.


  • transacted: if true, the session is transacted.

  • acknowledgeMode: one of:


    Indicates whether the consumer or the client acknowledge any messages that they receive. This parameter is ignored if the session is transacted.

A newly-created topic session.

JMSException if JMS Connection fails to create a session because of an internal error, or a lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.


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